
Not a penny of the proceeds go to us, instead they go to sweatshops in . You say that I am not supporting the troops when I say that they should come home. But I am, because I know that there was no threat to our nation from Saddam Hussein, I know that had no weapons of mass destruction, & I know that we were not welcomed in as liberators. I know that the war was not worth fighting. I know, because I fought there. You say I’m confused. But what do you know about ? You’ve never been there

Billy Shat
Does anyone else wish this would happen?

As hard as they try to kill us, they have been going after one certain area of attacks, we are just as determined to surive. There are nearly 2 billion christians 1.2 bil muslims, 1.2 mil catholics alone. I am now on my own crusade. Christains are kinder and we do have kinder hearts. Go out be good humans and DO NOT LET THE killers win. Let goodness overcome evil Between the 2 bill chrsitians and non violent Buddhist and other non violent religions, we still out number the fanatics. For would be

Will You Take The Red Pill ?

i wonder why when the israeli government sends its navy to slaughter peaceful civilians, nobody accuses the israelis that elected such a government of being terrorists;but if a terrorist attack is performed by some citizens of saudi arabia, whose government is in place thanks to the american support, then all muslims become suspects or terrorists, even if they were never able to choose the saudi form of government, nor could arm or send those terrorists on a mission.

Technically, impeachment is the Senates quasi-criminal proceeding instituted to remove a public officer, not the actual act of removal. Most references to impeachment, however, encompass the entire process, beginning with the Houses impeachment inquiry. The term will be used in that broader sense here. By design, impeachment is a complex series of steps and procedures undertaken by the legislature. The process roughly resembles a grand jury inquest, conducted by the House, followed by a full-blo

Jacob W
I am an Objectivist, myself. I have found that few people have ever heard of it. Most of the people I have found that know of it are Libertarians.

Joseph F
I want to get an idea of what the bills specifically says without a republican or democratic spin. No glorification of the bill or fear mongering, just straight facts. The media has presented this issue with so many biases its hard to make out what is actually going to be in the bill. please list sources.

out of their mouth?You all depend on a controlled environment who polls to hear what you want, then uses undefined statistics to persuade.Lets say Fox is ConservativeCNN is LiberalWhen you ask a majority viewing party their ideas, what do you think is the outcome????? I say it = RATINGS!!!!!

The measure, called the Real ID Act, says that drivers licenses and other ID cards must include a digital photograph, anti-counterfeiting features and undefined “machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements” that could include a magnetic strip or RFID tag.

Should we now expect to elect a couple to the Presidency, especially if the spouse brings his or her own unique skills to the job? In ten years, will we see the first husband and wife team run for the top job (President and Vice President)? Should that be much of a problem since the Vice President tends to serve in a similarly undefined role?

It seems he and his administration are hell-bent on trying to “change” an America that he does not feel pride in. Do you ever wonder if Obama appreciates the greatness of this country?

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