
Comparative studies are limited, but best evidence right now is that theyre about the same for two weeks, and physical therapists win out after that time period.Chiropractic manipulation, though, does carry some undefined level of risk. Its undoubtedly small, but something to consider.

Im writing a novel and I need to know what drugs, when overdosed, can cause a person to slip into a coma for several months (or an undefined time period). This is a romantic mystery novel, and the female character had an attempt on her life, but I dont know what drug would do that.

i have a school project on smoking and the person who can make the most vile, gut wrenching anti smoking video wins. i searched around and found those ones where the camera travels down the chicks throat, cut up brain, lungs, etc.. those ones, but i wanted some really good ones just to get the message across that mines better than theirs. any sites or pictures would be appreciated.

I am writing an Essay for this one subject and I want to involve some percentages… What are the percentages of people who return to drugs even after being at rehab?P.S. Please show me a source, so I know its not just a guess or estimate…

I seem to get them very frequently. wondering if I should see a urologist?

Sweetness 1
well does it work? What are your experiences? I have been told that it would assist in my loosing weight. Is that true?

Hi, Im 17 years old and Im a little worried because my jaw is very undefined. I thought that by now it would have widened just a little but it hasnt! My voice has changed and I have body hair (No facial hair yet though) and I was wondering if my jaw will widen anymore? My shoulders arent very broad either 🙁 please help and thanks!Oh and does jaw width this have anything to do with masseter muscles?

Robert B
Im wondering this because i want to be able to chew gum in school because i have read that some schools in Washington state have allowed students to chew gum because the students somehow showed that chewing gum increased bloodflow to the brain. but why is this significant? because increasing bloodflow to the brain increases brain activity. I want to know if there is any chance of me getting our principle to allow us to chew gum…

I want to know what are the factors, or the bases in choosing for a sample size for infinitely large population. For example, how many individual representatives of TB patients should I observe, knowing that there is a large number of individuals who suffer TB? I tried to use the confidence level etc parameters, that relate popsize to samplesize, but I got rediculously large number of reps required. Am I doing it wrong? Please help.

Hannah Smith
Dad got Quickscreen At Home Drug Test Marijuana.. If I put water or eye drops on it will it notice it or it show positive or how can I trick it?

Water baby
You often see religion poised as a great decision for your emotional health and wellbeing, i figure atheism must have its plus-es for these things also. Please no general intellectual reasons why atheism is the logical conclusion, just ways in which atheism is good for health:)

Norma B
because of the hospital being so well known, I feel attorneys are afraid to approach this case. the patient was sent into full cardiac arrest and it took 15 minutes to revive the patient, there are burns still on the chest where the paddles were used, teeth knocked out of the mouth where extensive dental work is now going on, trying to put in resperator, and pt was on resp for day and a half, woke up with temporary amnesia, spent 5 days in critical care, and had to undergo other procedures due