
What organ is in the right lower abdomen of a female. It is just above the waistline. I been getting weird feelings there, not pain but weird feelings. It only does it every so often not all the time.

Im currently taking Lupus meds, but have been told before this test that I have an undefined autoimmune disease. Ive also had the shingles 3 times since Jan and 9 times total.

Ive got a chest infection, a undefined bug and a cold. All together. Ive had it since Tuesday (UK). I just want to know how I can get rid of it quicker, Im taking my medicine, resting, not going outside, sweating it out. I just want rid, I havent been able to see my lady, had to skip the xmas do, I miss the outside world. Any top tips on getting better really fast??

For example, how could a baby inherited Milroy disease, if the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents did not have it?Can people carry genes for a disease, which lies dormant in them?How do certain diseases “skip a generation” Why do they?Are all disease carrying genes the same?How long does a gene pool live?(poorly phrased, I know.)

Ive already been treated with steroids, danazol, azathioprine, and Ive already been splenectomized without any favourable results.

Ive already been to my family doctor about this. She said my throat looks ok and my lungs sound normal. For two weeks now, Ive had like a mild burning in the bottom of my throat, closer to my lungs but still in my throat. Its also like deep within feeling too. Its not acid reflex, Ive had that. Its definately not a sore throat. And cough drops and throat spray dont even get down far enough to touch it.

Lemon Pie
Even restaurants that have gluten free menus their is still a possiblity of your food being contaminated by gluten. Even if you go to the health food stores and brouse through the gluten free isle youll have to constantly read labels on things before you by them because they can also display the allergy information saying that they make their food on shared equipment with wheat. Does this mean that celiacs have no choice but to make everything homemade including bread?