
Foo DogsFoo Dogs are the ancient sacred dogs of Asia who guard Buddhist temples. The association between these dogs and Buddha is one of great significance. Foo Dogs have the appearance of a lion. The lion in Buddhist religion is seen as sacred, and has sometimes been offered to Buddha as a sacrifice. The name given to these guardians originates from China. The Chinese word for Buddha is Fo, which led to the original title- “Dog of Fo”. There have been other theories that the name develope

Sarah T
I highly doubt it. All i know is that in the Bible it says taht a lot of like wars and natural disasters are signs that Jesus will return to Earth soon, but i dont know if it exactly indicates the end of the world….Please put your comments and what you think about the whole Mayan callender thing. THANKS! 😀

Its not a black cat

Just want to know

ART_the_ Accountant
MY reason below:GENEVA, Switzerland (11 June 2009) The H1N1 influenza, popularly known as swine flu, is officially a pandemic; the first in over four decades.

We are studying Greek/Roman mythology right now in my Honors English class. Ive found many of them but I have some terms left undefined. Can you help me out with these? Thanks in advance.MetamorphosisMartialLabyrinthinePlutocratTitanicOrphicPrometheanDaedal

13 Love Street
Its the story of this guy who was abducted by aliens, and I think it may hav been in Argentina but Im probably wrong (somewhere in America though) and he woke up somewhere really far away in a hospital (may have been Utah?), and nobody, none of his friends, his wife, and he himself could not account for where he had been or how hed got there. I cant remember how long hed been gone. A friend of my mums was talking to me about it and I can only remember so much but I wondered if any of you actuall

I dreamed I was at my fathers wedding reception. At one point during the dream, he and his new bride came out to greet their guests in a horse drawn carriage. There was a beautifully decorated white horse pulling it. Anyway, for some reason the horse got spooked, bucked a little, then ended up trampling me (which ended my dream). I had several weird dreams on this particular night. Any ideas what this means? I was awakened after each of these dreams if it helps.

Well, I was wondering all opinions around the world about this kind of undefined thing. So, do you think that exist or is classic cartoon?

Aliki L

My Mac dictionary says twelve, but according to other sources there were quite a few more, and I dont know if the Mac dictionary is all that reliable here.

Gannon Kendrick
Im trying to associate various world mythologies with basic elements for a project Im working on. So far, Ive decided definitively that Sumerian/Egyptian myth would be best typified by water. My remaining elements are fire, forest/wood (a Chinese element), air, earth, and light (which isnt a classical element, but I feel it works).Some possible associations Im making are:Fire: (Undefined)Forest/Wood: CelticAir: Greco-RomanEarth: BuddhistLight: Judeo-ChristianWhat do you think? Im fairly certain

im having a depate with a friend which thinks they are something modern and asked why they dont exist with deities of other religions, i said they are something typical catholic like a rosary. she wont believe me and wants proof, i couldnt find anything googling or wikipedia, help? where do they origin from? what are they about/who whore them?i mean those:http://www.google.ch/search?q=saint+brac.

im wondering if this story is based on real events in king Arthurs time, if there are any good websites or you have any ideas let me know

Mel ^_^
Hi,Ive kind of wondered this for a while now because friends did some research into Vampires and what not, so… do Vampires and Were/Ware Wolves really exist?!Are any of the readers reading this believers? Do you think/believe you are related to super natural beings? or do you have proof you ARE one?!Hey, if you got facts or links post them up… proof, fiction, quizzes ^.^ Im all ears because I dont know if Vampires or Were/Ware Wolves exist ^.^ so you can call this… a search for understandi

And who brought the Lancelot character into the myths. Anything remotely scholarly on this. Thanks

You may skip into——————-My genre of my novel is going to be fantasy/sci-fi. It starts off a few hundred years from now on a distant solar system. Im trying to make it world driven as well as character driven.Humans have lost their planet to an unknown being or entity. Some figure it was the creator releasing his anger. Weary and confused, they decided to escape and reside amongst a different solar system. And in that solar system their were two habitable planets: Gliese 581 G and D.

I just heard it and i dont see anything saying its gonna happen this inc saturday, the 2012 doomsday well ive heard and seen stuff claming its gonna happen, but what about may 21 anything the mayans say about or any other culture?