
you have heard of are you smarter then a 5th grader? well do you think you could really answer these questions? looks easy? bet you cant answer them correctly. if you can you get 10 points. subject is high school algebra.what is the square root of 196?Is the expression +/-square root of 3/5 rational, irrational or is it undefined?3. Between what two consecutive integers is – square root of 54?three questions for 10 points. are you man enough(or women enough) to answer these questions?

First of all, Im a 13(almost 14) year old boy. I eat very healthy and I do sports every day, including rollerblading and lacrosse. I eat all my fruits and vegetables, but I still have this layer of body fat. It drives me crazy because If it werent for this thin layer, I would have a six pack and be really muscular. Why wont this fat go away? Also, my face looks a little chubby and round, like a little kids. Both of my parents have long, slender faces. Why is mine undefined? Keep in mind that I h

Im still in early puberty and i was wondering how my face will change in the next couple of years. My face now is flat and undefined and i hate it. Will it get more masculine, will i have defined cheekbones like my father… ?

For the approximately 10% of middle aged adults who go through an age-related midlife crisis, the condition is most common ranging from the ages of 35-50.A large study in the 1990s found that the average age at onset of a self-described “mid-life crisis” was 46. Mid life crises last about 3-10 years in men and 2-5 years in women.Individuals experiencing a mid-life crisis are said to have some of these feelings:search of an undefined dream or goal a deep sense of remorse for goals not a

Kelly Laine
I hear the saying, “I think his hit his mid-life crisis” all the time and I have no idea whats the people are talking about. Help me out. What is it? Why does it happen? When does it happen? What all happens?Thanks =]

Alexis Texas, Memphis Monroe, and Bree Olson need to do a combination film agree?

I work out all the time. I have a sick pack. When I flex, its hard as a rock and looks just like abs. But when Im just standing there, it looks like a normal stomach, and feels soft and flabby, not hard. What should I do to make it hard all the time, so when I feel my stomach, its rock hard without flexing?

Im 14 year old guy that weighs 135 pounds, and 57 in hieght. my torso has three really shalow lumps a chest, rib area, and a stomach. It also has this undefined or light indent line running vertically,

professional student
Standing at 511″ and weighing only 147 lbs, I have tried everything to build muscles, but it doesnt work. After years of working out with trainers and all different equipment, I still am no bigger or more well defined than years ago. I can lift more weight, but I am not changing physically. Doctor says everything is fine. So how is it that I curl 50 lbs, bench 215 lbs, and many other exercises and still look skinny and undefined?

Im 6″2 and I weigh about 150 pounds. However, I have lovehandles and a completely undefined stomach. I want to get rid of my lovehandles and get a six pack fast! How should I go about doing that? What kind of dieting, and what kind of exercises?

My friend Dad died of prostate cancer, he told me that the attending doctor told him that the cause of prostate cancer is over sex or under sex. Is this correct? Theyre twelve in the family.

Im 17 nd been doin it since u was like 13. I always feel disgusted like i cant look at this anymore… After the orgasm… I feel like im sining and im a bad and perverted person :/ any thoughts?