
Liam Goodswin
I have a beautiful Filipino girlfriend and she may have to go home to the Philippians within the next two weeks, due to her visa expiring. Would it be possible for me to go to the Philippians to visit her and her family, spend sometime with her and her family, and then marry her in the Philippians and move home to England bringing her home with me? Any advice would be great. Thank you

I am a US Citizen, married to a Canadian Spouse, we and our daughter are currently residing in Canada. He wants to start the process of Sponsorship, but we are confused. Should I apply for a Permanent Residence Card first, before sponsorship? Also, we have a daughter, and want to apply for the child assistance credit here, but were told if we do he cant sponsor us. Can anyone shed some light on the subject? Is it that hard to immigrate from within?

I dont like seeing government anything in police actions.

In the bill that is currently being proposed by the Senate to give a illegal immigrants a path towards citizenship, there is a provision where one of the requirements for people wanting to apply for this measure have to pass a background check, along with other things such as learning english and paying taxes. Does anybody know what kind of things they are looking for in the background check such as how many felonies or misdemeanors a person has.And, also, does anybody know when someone would no

Im an American citizen who is looking into living overseas in the near future for an indefinite amount of time. In order to live overseas for an undefined amount of time what legal aspects would I have to go through in order to move, and once overseas how would I retain my American citizenship. Also, in order to work overseas what would need to be done; any other aspects of living overseas that could be provided would be appreciated. I have done research on it but would like to know more.

What did you do and how long did it take for it to get to you ?