
i need to know the stock Market Crash in 1929.

ruby-on-rails api rubygems government
I’m really new to Rails, but I’m loving it so far.I’m trying to make a website that takes the user’s address, and tells the user who his senators and congressional representative is. I’m using the sunlight api gem for this, which can be found here: https://github.com/sunlightlabs/ruby-sunlightI’ve followed the instructions on the above link with installing the sunlight gem. In my Gemfile, I have the following code:# Sunlight api gem ‘sunlight’I also have a file “/config/initializers/sunlight.r

Peter Mortensen
code-security dynamic-languages government
I know some people that are currently working on a project for the US military (low security level, non-combat human resources type data).An initial state of the project code was submitted to the military for review, and they ran the program through some sort of security analyzer tool. It returned a report of known security issues in the code and required changes that needed to be implemented before delivery of the final product.One of the items that needed to be resolved was removal of part of

Ive had my post office box for awhile now, can I add an additional person to receive mail at mine.

[email protected]
couberly,You know, you cant ask a serious, meaningful question here without getting answers from smart-alek children who, if they insist they know the MEANING of the word, they feel they can offer a flippant, one-sentence answer, and tie it into politics, copying what mommy and daddy says…pathetic!Anyways…I cannot discuss the pros and cons of ANY type of government without looking at HOW they come into power. When you look at theocracies presently in power (Iran, for instance), that governm

Decentralization or decentralisation (see spelling differences) is the process of dispersing decision-making governance closer to the people and/or citizens. It includes the dispersal of administration or governance in sectors or areas like engineering, management science, political science, political economy, sociology and economics. Decentralization is also possible in the dispersal of population and employment. Law, science and technological advancements lead to highly decentralized human end


There are many techniques and all these have been given below and the source gives still more information on the subject:Appeal to Authority. Appeals to authority cite prominent figures to support a position idea, argument, or course of action.Assertion. Assertions are positive statements presented as fact. They imply that what is stated is self-evident and needs no further proof. Assertions may or may not be true.Bandwagon and Inevitable Victory. Bandwagon-and-inevitable-victory appeals attempt

David M
Its a direct bypass of the Constitutional barriers against despot dictator type abuse of the law. Sort of like this: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?c.http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.vie.# EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.# EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.# EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas,

Read this quote from Napoleon:”Unless men are taught from childhood, as they should be, to be republicans or monarchists, catholics or infidels, and so forth, the state will never make a nation: it will rest upon shifting and insecure foundations, and will be forever exposed to disturbance and change.”

I know everyone has there own bias so I dont want opinions. But where can I find information which gives me numbers for Dow Jones, Nasdaq, unemployment, deficit/surplus, crime rates, etc… for the day a President took office, and the numbers on the day he left office. In particular, I want to see the numbers, FOR MYSELF, for everyone between Reagan and W Bush (I realize his numbers are TBD).Any ideas?

David M
Is this the stuff you mean: Article Two of the Constitution says”The President, Vice President, and all other civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”? If so, two are specific and the third is undefined.

Public Union
Spare me your enviro-drama, please.

Why are high tax rates never enough in the long run?

First of all we all know secretly within our hearts that communism allows all men to be treated equal no matter what job, while filthy capitalism influences hatred, greed, and takes the bare essentials as granted; with communism a country can provide equal pays, equal rules, as well as equal opportunities i mean whats wrong with communism its obviously mistaken for those secretly fascist capitalists who often commit atrocities such as genocide slavery and lack of freedom of speech.

You cant get Medicaid if you own your home. You are mandated to have health insurance. Are these the 5% of the population who fall through the cracks?

yet when elected they make the most use of the powers defined and undefined? For example corporations say that governments laws and policies are an intrusion into the affairs and effective running of their firms,yet they rely on ambassadors via the president to get help in market expansion or help from congress to get a law passed that would help their profit margins or like Bush showed the world help to acquire resources that ordinarily wouldnt have been available (deadlocked oil anyone?),anoth

Does America need transforming — or should it be back to basics with people making individual decisions and states governing whats not in the US Constitutions?Doesnt every garden need pruning, watering, fertilizing and weeds pulled regularly to thrive? Should a garden yielding the best fruit and flowers and produce in the world be churned under in the name of some undefined better garden thats never been seen or known anywhere?

“The united states constitution has proved itself the most marvelously elastic compilation of rules of government ever written. -Franklin D. Roosevelt””The Constitution of the United States was made not merely for the generation that then existed, but for posterity -unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual posterity. -Henry Clay, Senator and Statesman””It is the genius of our Constitution that under its shelter of enduring institutions and rooted principles there is ampl

Numerous sources, numerous errors, numerous numbers. One Official website tells me it was six million then another tells me it was five million. Suddenly one million have appeared and disappeared from the earth? Why is this figure so widely random and unknown? Is it really that hard to know the Official death toll from the holocaust? Would somebody please link me to real evidence of real figures showing the names and places these people lived? So far Israel has received over $65 billion in aid f

My birthday was on the 6th and my Grandpa called today and said they sent a card about 2 weeks ago and I never received the card. It had a check and cash in it. What do I do now? Do I call the mailbox or will it get delivered back to them? I recently moved out and they sent it to my townhouse.

Andy Colter
What works to help them to see the errors of their ways and their faulty perception?

The Weasel
I tried [email protected] (where I got an enail from there)And now its returned undeliverable.

While technically, the Queen is the commander in chief of the british armed forces, everyone knows she acts with no real power over such. She also does not legislate or propose any law. So what real power does the British monarchy, in this case, Queen Elizabeth II, actually have, being that she is not even an elected official?