
My boyfriends ex-girlfriend came to us sobbing because her dog was abused by her brother and asked us to take it in, given her track record I clearly stated we would due to the fact we are against animal abuse and could see the dog was in harms way. Ever since I have sucked up my pride (despite what shes done to my boyfriend and I in recent months) and offered if she would like to see her dog. Shes always been too busy and I have been taking care and paying for everything for the dog, food, bath

http://www.cherrybrook.com/index.cfm/a/catalog.prodShow/vid/343139/vname/Miracle_Coat_Lusterizer_Spray?celRecommendationType=Product&celCampaignName=undefined&celPHName=Cherry_BrookCrossSell&celSourceId=343140&celTargetId=343139http://www.petco.com/product/4604/Miracle-Coat-Leave-In-Conditioner-and-Lusterizer-Spray-for-dogs.aspxI cant seem to find the top one in Petco stores anymore and I was wondering if they were the same thing.

Im looking for healthier dog food options. I am not a fan of the traditional kibble, but I wonder if there are good brands out there? I recently switched my dogs to Simply Nourish which seems to be a good food. I would love to make my dogs food from scratch, but I am vegan and would not want to cook with meat so I am looking for the best dry food out there for my dogs. I do make a brown rice or barley and veggie topping for my dogs food.

Im 15, almost 16, and really want a small dog. i have wanted one sense i can remember. i have been looking around for about a year, so its not like this is a new thing. I told my Mom that i would pay for the dog, and all the expenses, but still hasnt said yes, any suggestions?

My dog has constantly been biting himself to the point where he is taking off skin and “eating himself raw”. He does not have fleas but rather just dry skin. We have put a cone on him but he is ruining our walls and furniture. We have also gave him benedril alergy pills since a friend of ours said they worked, but they did nothing for our dog.

A while back I came across a very well written article on the danger of undefined phrases (ie. BYB, ethical breeder, etc) in dog breeding. It was an eye opener about how the Animal Rightist are using these terms to muddy the waters among the general public. I was wondering if anybody on here has it bookmarked, because I cant remember the title, and now I cant find it.

I have a 12 year old chow/cocker spaniel mix (more spaniel) she is female, and I have a 3 year old Jack Russel Terrier/undefined and he is a boy. We have recently lost another dog and looking to replace her.We were considering a German Shepherd puppy, we arent sure what the sex would be. Which sex would be more compatible?Also, if I was to get it as a puppy, what age would it be suitable to be taken from its mother?

Garrett ?
Right now i have a over 10 year old dog. we dont know her actual age becaus we got her from the pound. they said she is a daschund mix. but do you think she will get along on will a puppy shih tzu. she always barks when there is another dog walking across are house. she has never gotten in a fight with another dog when we take her out walking. she kinda just ignores them but we havent taken her out in a while soo. she got out one time and she was with this other dog and did just find with him. d

Krystal-Elise S
With the previous Labradoodle error dog breed info did=Calling it purebred in australia-not right- its a Labrador x Poodle.They reckon a Labrador Husky is purebred dog? Just wondering the name doesnt sound like purebred.http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/labradorhusk.Does anyone have another link to apparent purebred Labrador Husky?