
It was about 3/4in across, and very pretty. it had frill-like sides, and ended in a flat apex, yellowish in color. when i touched a tiny part, it seemed to go away (just the part that i touched). I took some really nice pictures and was just curious as to what it was.

a diagram with pictures would be better if you can find one.a. chlamydomonasb. oedogoniumc. euglenophytad. xanthophytathank you very, very much.

We need to find out names of genetically animals and plants for a project in class. 10 each. and the animals/plants they were crossed with. please.

A laboratory assistant prepared solutions of 0.8M, 0.6 M, 0.4M and 0.2M sugar solutions, but forgot to label them. After realizing her error, the assistant randomly labeled the flasks containing these four unknown solutions flask A, flask B, flask C and flask D.Design an experiment, based on the principles of diffusion and osmosis, that the assistant could use to determine which flask contains each of the four unknown solutions. A plant cell has a natural sugar concentration of 0.4 M. Include in

“the central portion of the lower sterns” What “stern” of a plant means?

Someone please tell me the project is due tomorrow and nothing grew i thought 2 weeks was enough but nothing grew please someone!!!

Diana O
my teacher wants me to negatively promote this organelle. But i dont know how i can negatively promote it? Please tell me A DIEASE THEN TELL ME HOW THE RIBOSOME CAUSE THAT DISEASE?

Raj L
Someone once told be to dehydrate the peels in a gas oven, using only the pilot light. What I got was not exactly flammable.

kevin s
Hi, this is a really hard problem for me and I have no idea what to do. I need to find 4 different ways to measure the area of a regular maple leaf with an error not to exceed .5%. I already have the graph paper idea, are there any others? Please help.