
WebMD is a good place for medical research and it has a good search feature built into it. I found 251 hits on their site for “wound healing” at http://www.webmd.com/search/search_resul.Good luck on your essay!

Got hooked on Thrive Nicotine Lozenges over a year ago when I went on them to quit smoking. Oh sure they proved successful in me butting out, but as I used them as a substitute for my smokes, I became hooked on them. Cannot seem to reduce my usage. Whenever I try I go and smoke a cigarette. A circle of addiction.Anyone else having the same problem?

I just finished the 10-day three step Perfect-Cleanse detoxification program. Aside from going to the bathroom more frequently during that 10 days, what am I supposed to notice now? I dont feel any different, Im not noticing anything.

lrak kid 037
So those natural cure and treatments talk about detoxifying yourself of toxins, but they never seem to actually say what these toxins are, yet people still believe it. What is it that you have to get rid of out of your system.

Jeannine H
I recently purchased the e-book The Detox Bath form the web page Pure Inside Out to see if it could help me with some health issues. Unfortunately, my computer crashed and some of my files were lost including this book. This happened before I could get around to read it and although I am dying to try this method, I am reluctant to pay the 30 dls for the e-book twice. So if anyone has read it or has the instructions for the Bath, I would greatly appreciate you helping me out.

I need to know for a project Im working on. No, Im not going to be killing anyone anytime soon! Also, if you could recommend some poisons that would look like death from a natural cause, Id appreciate it. Thank you!

Just looking for stories about whether it worked or didnt work to help with autism or PDD. Did anyone try it with a picky eater?