Thinking-Sphinx-Raspell configuration-Collection of common programming errors
This does not require all this amount of dependant Ruby (for Rails ???) software but this Raspell/ffi-aspell Web document is a follow-up of a study on Text::Aspell (Perl).
Recently, I reworked onto and focused a lot toward simplifying the more I could all my Aspell codes (Perl and Ruby) to gain as much run-time performances wherever possible.
If interested with, here are the two Web documents and my conclusions I wish to draw your attention onto: 1/ Perl Text::Aspell document: 2/ Raspell/ffi-aspell document:
So that there is for more programming languages tastes, I may study in some future a Java/Aspell solution. I know there already is Jaspell. However Jaspell implementation for an Aspell API looks at first glance pretty light. So I may come up with a JNI of my own. Why not considering JNA ? My Ruby raspell/ffi-aspell experience would say a JNA solution would be too slow compared to a JNI approach.
Yours truly, Philippe
Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:56:38.