has_many associations table confusing-Collection of common programming errors

My goal here is to print list of users from specified city and category with their names, address and club name.Name and address display correctly but when i add club name,says undefined method memberships for #.I know this is because Club is in different model ,So the question is how do i access club name?I am really shallow in complex has_many realtionships.Can anybody make necesary corrections please,This is how far i got.Thank you in advance


class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :memberships 
  has_many : clubs,:through =>:memberships
  belongs_to :category
  belongs_to :city

class Club < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :users 
  has_many :memberships 
  has_many : users ,:through =>:memberships
  belongs_to :city

class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :club

class City < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :clubs 
  has_many :users  

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :users


  @users=User.where("category_id =? AND   city_id=?",Category.find(2),session[:city_id])
  @[email protected]
  @[email protected] #this gives undefined method membership


    #attribute name is in the club model not membership


       devise_for :users
      resources :city,:club,:category
  1. The line below returns an array instead of what you are expecting, i.e. User object.

    @[email protected]

    If users shown in the view belong to different clubs you should access them directly in the view. You can eager load the clubs if needed.

    In your controller

    @users=User.where(:category_id => Category.find(2), :city_id=>session[:city_id]).

    In your view

  2. First of all, you have an error in Club class. You cant have 2 relations with the same name. Second one will override first.

    has_many : users ,:through =>:memberships

    should be

    has_many :members, :through =>:memberships, :foreign_key => 'user_id'

    The search should be:

    @users = User.where(:category_id => 2, :city_id => 3).include(:clubs)

    Or whatever it values you want to search by.The view is:

       #attribute name is in the club model not membership

    Your routes are fine.

Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:49:54.