webos com.palm.pdf service question-Collection of common programming errors
I’m trying to reproduce standard PDF viewer. I’ve copied sources but after they are deployed to the emulator the following error appears in log when user hits ‘next’/’prev’ page in it: Error: service request: palm://com.palm.pdf is not running
This is happened in the following code:
executeJump: function ( numPages ) {
Mojo.Log.info("JUMPING TO THE PAGE: " + numPages);
//this.controller.serviceRequest('palm://com.palm.pdf/events', {
this.controller.serviceRequest('palm://com.palm.pdf/events', {
method: 'jumpToPage',
parameters: {
docid: this.document_id,
numPages: numPages
onSuccess: function(payload) {
if ((payload.errorCode !== undefined) || (payload.curPage === undefined)) {
Mojo.Log.error("executeJump failed: " + Object.toJSON( payload ) );
this.currentpage = payload.curPage;
I’ve googled though the all services but I can’t find any documentation of this one (com.palm.pdf) Why it is not started in my app but starts in the standard one? The standard app is called com.palm.pdfviewer.
Any help is very appreciated.
Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:48:01.