problem about command-prompt-Collection of common programming errors
Jared Farrish
c++ networking tcp winsock command-prompt
I’ve been using a TCP sockets tutorial for C++, and came across the following line -Before we begin, you will need to include winsock.h and link libws2_32.a to your project in order to use the API that are necessary for TCP/IP. If this is not possible, use LoadLibrary() to load ws2_32.dll at runtime, or some similar method.After some research, I found a
python windows python-3.x command-prompt
I am working for a company that uses the Python programming language version 3.1 as a causal work now. And I’ve encountered this problem: how to print out some encoded Asian characters(Chinese, Japanese, Korean) on command prompt?Done a bit research and tried, but got no luck:impor
git branch command-prompt
So I know this question have been asked a lot, but I don’t find any suitable answers. I’m looking to display the name of the current git rev in my prompt, but in a pretty way : if I’m on a branch, I want the name of the branch; if it’s not a branch, I’d like th
javascript node.js command-prompt read-eval-print-loop
I am a beginner in nodeJS, and I have some questions which I’d like answered.First, when I went to install nodeJS, it was installed with two different command prompts. The first command prompt is blank, and shows “>”. The secon
hibernate jar command-prompt
I have programmed a simple hibernate app which leaves me with errors. The following is my code.Contact.javapublic class Contact {private String firstName;private String lastName;private String email;private long id;public String getEmail() {return email;}public String getFirstName() {return firstName;}public String getLastName() {return lastName;}public void setEmail(String string) {email = string;}public void setFirstName(String string) {firstName = string;}public void setLastName(String string) {lastName = string;}public long getId() {return id;}public void setId(long l) {id = l;}}FirstExample.javaimport org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;public class FirstExample {public static void main(String[] args) {Session session = null;try{SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();session =sessionFactory.openSession();Sys
Ripon Al Wasim
java command-line testng command-prompt
How exactly do I run a .java TestNG project from a DOS command line?I have read through the TestNG documentation, and tried the following to no avail: C:\projectfred> java org.testng.TestNG testng.xml … with the following testng.xml file in my project:
Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:41:34.