problem about corrupt-Collection of common programming errors
First Blood
exception lucene spring-data spring-data-neo4j corrupt
I have configured my application using Spring-data-neo4j, where I can successfully persist, create relationships, etc.Once I persist the data and stop my application, I then want to visualize the graph that I’ve created in NEOCLIPSE.I can successfully see the graph as well in NEOCLIPSE.The only problem I am having is.. once I close the connection in Neoclipse, and then re-run my application to listAllSavedEntities on a web page, I get this error : `SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [spring]
git corrupt hard-drive git-branch
So I was having a problem with my hard disk (I think). Everytime I ran git log commands (when running Windows through VMWare Fusion for Mac) it would throw a fatal error causing VMWare to crash (something about unable to reach disk drive). Even if I booted to Boot Camp natively and tried running git log, I got some error about less.exe failing.I couldn’t copy/delete any files in the git/bin folder without problems (VMWare crashing). So I tried to just install the latest git (1.6.7 from 1.6.4)
linux ftp corrupt
I have transferred large tarz ~17Gb using gnu split in windows with 2048mb parts, After uploading to Linux (Redhat 5 32bit) and combining the files using cat (cat xaa xab xac … >> final.tarz), there is an error during checking tar xvfz final.tarz.gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data–format violatedtar: Unexpected EOF in archivetar: Error is not recoverable: exiting nowThe file size are ditto and also the md5 checksum. So no clue what went wrong.Can I resume tar from another part or skip the b
drupal upload ftp corrupt
I am trying to put my website online to my ftp server. I have used WinSCP and FileZilla, both in ASCII (TEXT) and Binary mode. Files are getting corrupted regardless of the application or the transfer mode. Generally problem happens to be “unexpected ‘*’ on line #”, Because, a code like this:/* comment comment * comment commnet * comment comment */is copied as:// comment comment * comment commnet * comment comment */This makes the lines 2 and 3 cause error “unexpected ‘*'”. I don’t have SFTP ac
Tom Melluish
gzip archive corrupt recover
I have a large number of files in a .tar.gz archive. Checking the file type with the commandfile SMS.tar.gzgives the responsegzip compressed data – deflate method , max compressionWhen I try to extract the archive with gunzip, after a delay I receive the messagegunzip: SMS.tar.gz: unexpected end of fileIs there any way to recover even part of the archive?
php git apache corrupt
The error on my server says ‘Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL’. I receive this error after merging this specific file with someone else working on that file. It seems the error unexpected T_SL refers to bitwise operators <<. Now I am certain this has to do with the merge and looking at the git repo I dont see ‘<<‘ on that line. I have had this error long time ago and found out file was corrupted but dont remember the fix. Any help is good.
Thomas Heywood
flex recovery corrupt shared-objects
My Flex app uses local SharedObjects. There have been incidents of the Flash cookie getting corrupt, for example, due to a plugin crash. In this case SharedObjects.getLocal will throw an exception (#2006).My client wants the app to recover gracefully: if the cookie is corrupt, I should replace it with an empty one.The problem is, if SharedObject.getLocal doesn’t return an instance of SharedObject, I’ve nothing to call clear() on. How can I delete or replace such a cookie? Many thanks!EDIT: There
bill ou
hadoop error-handling hive corrupt
I have daily folders with a lot of tar.gz files on HDFS containing a large number of text files. A number of those tar.gz were found to be corrupted and cause hive/mapreduce jobs to crash with an “unexpected end of stream” when processing those files.I identified a few of those and tested them with tar -zxvf. They indeed exit with an error but still extract a decent number of files before this happens.Is there a way to stop hive/mapreduce jobs to simply crash when a tar/gz file is corrupted? I’
Kevin Panko
c debugging stack coredump corrupt
i’m looking at a core from a process running in Unix. Usually I can work my around and root into the backtrace to try identify a memory issue. In this case, I’m not sure how to proceed.Firstly the backtrace only gives 3 frames where I would expect alot more. For those frames, all the function parameters presented appears to completely invalid. There are not what I would expect.Some pointer parameters have the following associated with them – Cannot access memory at address Would this suggest so
Ben Holness
mysql mysqldump corrupt
I am trying to retrieve some data from a mysql table that is marked as crashed. I am working on a restored backup of a machine, so I don’t need to worry about anything.When I try to mysqldump the table (FYI I am using –where to specify which records I need), I get an error:mysqldump: Got error: 144: Table ‘./[db]/[table]’ is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed when doing LOCK TABLESIf I use –lock-tables=false I get the same error (but failed when doing SHOW FIELDS).If I try t
Taylor Vance
xcode data crash storyboard corrupt
Whenever I add an object (specifically a UIButton or UILabel) to my Storyboard view, Xcode crashes. I’ve tried rebooting and reinstalling Xcode. I’ve also tried to recreate my view in a new project. It doesn’t crash at first, but it does once I add a few more buttons to the Storyboard.When I right click on MainStoryboard.storyboard in the Navigator and select “Open As: Property List”, I get an error: “The data couldn’t be read because it has been corrupted.” In fact, this error appears when I tr
qgis shapefile corrupt
I have one of my GIS technicians digitizing some lines in QGIS in shapefile format. I don’t know how he did it (and neither does he), but somehow the shapefile became corrupt. It was creating random lines or some of the lines he created would just disappear. I went in into ArcCatalogue to see how it looked in ArcGIS and this is what I saw:Notice the question mark icon where I should see a shapefile ‘line’ icon. Obviously ArcCatalogue cannot read this file. Also, a second dbf file seemed to have
Michael Zeuner
android eclipse crash corrupt
When I was programing I steped on my power code and my computer shut off. Know when I went back onto eclips the gen file is empty and one of my layouts have no code in it? is there anyway to fix this? Or, is there anyway to get everything i need from the .apk that it exported to? Please help me thanks!
Anton Kovalenko
c++ pointers struct corrupt
I’m dereferencing a pointer to my array struct in my function and printing it within the function. This works correctly, however, as soon as I return the pointer out of the function it prints incorrectly. I did some research on similar questions, but I just cannot seem to find my exact problem.correct print: 11 5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 incorrect: 11 5 1 2 5024 96 0 0 20 30 40(Problem areas are in commented in CAPS)[arraytools.cpp]#include “arraytools.h” #include <iostream>using namespace s
c++ windows stack corrupt stdcall
My mind was wandering today on the topic of function pointers, and I came up with the following scenario in my head:__stdcall int function (int) {return 0; }int main() {(*(int(*)(char*,char*))function)(“thought”, “experiment”);return 0; }AFAIK this code would corrupt the stack, so what types of issues could I be looking at if I ran this code?I’d do this investigating myself however I’m away from my dev machine for a week.EDIT: Hold on a second, I’ve been thinking a bit more. As has been observed
android sqlite upgrade jelly-bean corrupt
In my application, I create a database by copying over an existing sqlite database that is saved in my assets folder. In the code I also check the database version, so if a newer version of the application is installed with a higher database version, then the database is recreated (in the onUpgrade method).The problem I am experiencing, is that the upgrading process functioned perfectly on previous Android versions, but since installing Jelly Bean, I have been getting an error that the database
Web site is in building
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