Unexpected IF in MySQL procedure-Collection of common programming errors

  • OMG Ponies

    Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the following procedure? MySQL says it is an ‘unexpected IF’. I looked up the syntax for an IF statement and I simply don’t see what the problem is.

    create procedure spInsertAccount
    AccountID INT,
    InUse bit,
    IsBanned bit,
    IsPremium bit,
    IsGolden bit,
    Username VARCHAR(20),
    Password VARCHAR(20),
    Email VARCHAR(65),
    LoggedInID INT,
    CreateDate DATETIME
        SET @accountExists = (SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE AccountID = @AccountID);
        IF (accountExists > 0) THEN
       INSERT IGNORE INTO Accounts(AccountID, InUse, IsBanned, IsPremium, IsGolden, Username, Password,
                            Email, LoggedInID, CreateDate
            values (@AccountID, @InUse, @IsBanned, @IsPremium, @IsGolden, @Username, @Password,
                   @Email, @LoggedInID, @CreateDate);
            #where NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE AccountID = @AccountID);
        END IF;

  • themis

    Try this instead

    Also check out here http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/an-introduction-to-stored-procedures/

    DELIMITER //  
    create procedure `spInsertAccount`
    IN AccountID INT,
    IN InUse bit,
    IN IsBanned bit,
    IN IsPremium bit,
    IN IsGolden bit,
    IN Username VARCHAR(20),
    IN Password VARCHAR(20),
    IN Email VARCHAR(65),
    IN LoggedInID INT,
    IN CreateDate DATETIME
        SET @accountExists = (SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE AccountID = @AccountID);
        if (accountExists > 0) THEN 
            INSERT IGNORE INTO Accounts(AccountID, InUse, IsBanned, IsPremium, IsGolden, Username, Password,Email, LoggedInID, CreateDate)
            values (@AccountID, @InUse, @IsBanned, @IsPremium, @IsGolden, @Username, @Password,
                   @Email, @LoggedInID, @CreateDate);
            #where NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE AccountID = @AccountID);
        END IF;
    END //