android,android-layout,actionbarsherlockRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
I have MainActivity (which extends Activity) and GameView (which extends SurfaceView).MainActivity has TextViews for score and for time left. GameView calculates score and time left, and updates the TextViews in MainActivity.This works wells, but the problem is when I re-start the game over and over. The more games are re-started, the slower they become and eventually the app force-closes.Below is what I see in logcat messages.08-21 10:01:59.826: E/MP-Decision(293): UP Nw:2.700000 Tw:180 rq:2.90
android bluetooth android-ndk shared-libraries
I’m trying to build a shared library I can use to access native bluetooth API functions. I’m currently trying to compile a c file from: Whenever I attempt to compile any of this code as a shared library I get numerous undefined reference errors.. it looks like to every function referenced by the header files. In my latest attempt, I copied the entire bluedroid/bta file to my eclipse project/jni folder. Using the include
I am trying to start an activity from other one(MainAcitivty) but this is not working it stops immediately whenever i click the button.code for class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {EditText title,body;Button btn,getnotes;NotepadDb notepad;Cursor cursor;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);title=(EditText)findViewById(;body=(EditText)find
android android-emulator
My emulator is online, adb is seeing it, but emulator itself can’t get through the startup to homescreen. Startup routine stops when the title ANDROID is on the screen. I thought that the key to repaired emulator is update to the newest version of android sdk, but it wasn’t worked. It is still the same problem. Thanks12-31 15:47:32.269: I/DEBUG(30): debuggerd: Jun 30 2010 14:39:19 12-31 15:47:33.351: D/qemud(37): entering main loop 12-31 15:47:33.359: I/Netd(29): Netd 1.0 starting 12-31 15:47:33
I’ve tried all the other posts on here and other places to solve this, but can’t get it working.I’m using the Eclipse IDE, it suggests there are no problems, but once it loads up the virtual device, and the application it force closes.On advice from another post, I’m just re-running the app with logCat loaded… Well attempting to, Eclipse freezes up sometimes with logCat loaded when I try to run the app. Also my Virtual Device seems to take a silly long time to boot into the GUI (when loading
I am new at this (I mean brand spanking new). No this is not a homework assignment. My app continues to crash on my phone and on the AVD. I am not sure what is going on. I followed this tutorial: .Can I get a little help please? This is a simple notepad style app which I am aiming for a 4.2 platform. I would post the LOGCAT but it is at 10,000 entries currently and is going to be more of an annoyance for you than anything else. Thank youMainActivity:pa
java android google-maps
I am working on a project that includes location detection using the GPS so I found this code that included a working .apk file but when I tried to compile it and run it, it always crashes. The application crashes when I try opening it in an emulator or on a Samsung S4 mobile. N.B. I’ve chosen the correct target which is API 17 and downloaded Google play services and included it in the library of the project.Here is the code if anyone can helpManifest file<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″
android target
When I update my android app target form 2.2 to 4.2.2 and update the manifest.xml fileMy app can’t open anymore . there is some Native code error info in my is the logs: I don’t know what happend06-25 19:41:09.229: I/DEBUG(4120): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 06-25 19:41:09.229: I/DEBUG(4120): Build fingerprint: ‘SKY/SKY_IM-A760S/ef33s:4.0.4/IMM76D/S0211228.EF33S_004:user/release-keys’ 06-25 19:41:09.229: I/DEBUG(4120): pid: 13302, tid: 13341 >&g
android listview sqlite
In my application’s database I have 2 tables one called “PLAYERS” which holds the data of every user and “FRIENDSLIST” which is intended to be a personal “friends” list for every registered account.How the process goes in my app is that when a player (Joe) registers a Username his information goes into the “PLAYERS” table and now he could go into my FindFriends activty,search the app for his friend’s Username (Bob) and then clicks the ADD button.The friend (Bob) then gets added to the “FRIENDSLI
Janusz Chudzynski
I am trying to parse a JSON using the JSONParser class presented below.Based on breakpoints it seems like it’s crashing on this line of code:HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);I don’t know how to proceed with it. I will appreciate any help.FRAGMENT public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.agenda, container, false);final ListView listview = (ListView)view.findViewById(
android android-layout android-edittext android-textview
I’m relatively new to the StackOverFlow so if I make a mistake in formatting something here or other newbie mistakes, please pardon me and feel free to edit my post so as to make it clear. I will make sure not to repeat those mistakes.Anyhow, I am working on developing an android application (VERY BASIC) for my computer science class in high-school and I am relatively close to finishing. I’m just really frustrated because one aspect of my app keeps causing the app to crash and give the error “Un
java android android-layout android-emulator android-activity
I run my app on the emulator and when I click on the button for Clubs it just crashes and gives the message “Unfortunately app has stopped in Android Emulator”. I’ve looked at the logcat and it says to check its declared in the manifest file which it is. So I’m just not sure what do. I’ll put up my code for the layout file, the java file and the manifest file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=”
Karan Jhanjee
android android-layout android-fragments google-maps-android-api-2 supportmapfragment
Ok so i get the following error stating that the class definition was not found. I do not understand this error and do not even know how this error is generating. Im sharing my layout and activity hereMap Activity :-public class Maps extends FragmentActivity { private GoogleMap myMap; LocationManager lm; LocationListener locationListener; Location mLoc; int code; boolean zoomb = true; ArrayList<String> ambulances = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean directioncheck = false;ListView list
android android-layout framelayout navigation-drawer drawerlayout
I’m working on the Navigation Drawer for Android. As per my requirement I was to display gridview and listview of items in the navigation drawer. I have created a linearLayout in the layout xml file and placed the two widgets(Grid view, and Listview) in the LinearLayout.When I run the file I’m getting the following error:java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.navigationdrawer3/com.example.navigationdrawer3.MainActivity}: java.lang.ClassCastException: andro
android-layout expandablelistview expandablelistadapter
I was just trying to create few groups and its corresponding children in an activity. No success so far. Tried various suggestions given by people in different questions but they have failed to get my code work. Probably, i ain’t clear on the concept and doing something which isn’t solving my problem ! I want to specify the layout of the expandablelistview, groupview and childview via XML. I want to manipulate data through the code. Currently, i am using BaseExpandableListAdpater but in future
android android-layout android-intent android-emulator android-widget
Hello all i m new in android development please i need help when i run my project on emulator then on Emulator Message Pop Display Error Like this Unfortunately, RadioStream has Stopped…. But I m Sure my code is fine i m in so trouble please i need help**MainAvtivity** package com.bolanhost.radiostream;import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import android.widget.TabHost; import android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec;public cla
java android android-layout logcat
I making a To-do list app and when I try, it force closes. I checked variables, listeners everything and still failed to find an error. I don’t know what I missed here, every thin looks perfect at least to me.I added the logcat hereThe java code:public class MainActivity extends Activity {public final static String STOCK_SYMBOL = “com.rashad.mytodolist.MEMO”; private SharedPreferences MemoEntered; private TableLayout stockScrollView; private EditText stockSymbolEditText; Button enterStockSymbolB
android android-layout imageview android-sdcard
i want to save output image from layout[redline], the program, take image picture from camera -> save in sdcard -> load image gray and original to layout. i want to save gray and original image became one image like on the red line.public class PhotoIntentActivity extends Activity {private static final String TAG = “Saliency”;private static final int ACTION_TAKE_PHOTO_B = 1;private static final String BITMAP_STORAGE_KEY = “viewbitmap”;private static final String IMAGEVIEW_VISIBILITY_STORAGE_K
android xml android-layout button back
I can’t find a way how to make it work. So here it goes:Application starts and I press Option menu and it offers me “Settings” option, and when I click it, it goes to layout called “help.xml” which shows me some text …And in that layout I created a button which must return me to my activity ( the window which is shown when app starts) I tried making a back button works but I failed cause I need for user to wait 30 seconds until the next image switch , and by making back button works hw would e
android android-layout android-fragments
I have been struggling with the Android 3.0 SDK’s fragments concept for a few days now, and thought I’d try StackOverflow….I have a simple (proof on concept) app:Here is my main layout:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <RelativeLayoutxmlns:android=””android:layout_width=”match_parent”android:layout_height=”match_parent”><RelativeLayout android:id=”@+id/relativeLayout1″ android:layout_alignParentBottom=”true” android:layout_width=”ma
java android actionbarsherlock
I am using ActionBarSherlock and have the dreaded problem:01-08 22:16:05.803: E/AndroidRuntime(432): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #32: Error inflating class com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.ActionBarView 01-08 22:16:05.803: E/AndroidRuntime(432): at [CUT] 01-08 22:16:05.
android maven actionbarsherlock android-support-library
I read lots of things about actionbarsherlock, maven, android but none of the solution I’ve seen worked for me :(I’m sure that I’m pretty close to the solution but I don’t understand and I need some help :)So here is my problem, I try to create an android maven project with a dependency to Actionbarsherlock…. It seems pretty easy but I’ve always thoses errors[2013-01-16 18:10:28 – Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/Accessibilit
TJ Biddle
android dalvik actionbarsherlock android-viewpager
When using ActionBarSherlock and ViewPagerIndicator at the same time I am getting the below error; from what I’ve read – it’s caused due to conflicting/duplicate libraries in the two. One solution was to have ABS rely on VPI (Or the other way around, I tried both) but this still gave me the same error even after a clean and rebuild. Right now I’m just working in two separate projects so I can get my work done – but I’d like to combine them obviously ha. Help would be much appreciated![2012-04-19
java android unit-testing actionbarsherlock
I try to unit test an activity that extends a SherlockFragmentActivity without success in my application. To isolate the problem I reproduced it in a very simple Sandbox project but I can’t figure out how to fix it.My configurationI use latest version of Eclipse with SDK & ADT 22.6.2 on Linux Debian.The project is tested through Emulator, in an Android 2.2 emulated device (API 8).The target API is Android 4.4.2 (API 19).JDK 1.6 (I also tried with JDK 1.7, see Could not find class X reference
android android-fragments actionbarsherlock android-viewpager android-orientation
I’m fairly new to Fragments and I have an activity which contains a few tabs using fragments and a viewpager.My issue is that my application crashes whenever I change orientation or go to my homescreen.Here is my Activity:public class MainActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity {ActionBar actionBar;ViewPager mPager;@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);actionBar = getSupportActionBar();actionBar.setNa
android actionbarsherlock dalvik dex
I have this problem when trying to launch my app, it’s strange because yesterday it was working fine. 01-18 12:19:40.192: E/AndroidRuntime(1530): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 01-18 12:19:40.192: E/AndroidRuntime(1530): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: in loader dalvik.system.Pat
android actionbarsherlock
I keep getting the classnotfoundexception when trying to run my project on an emulator. I have looked around on here before posting this question, I have tried adding libraries to the build path, cleaning / building the project but still hasn’t solved the issue. The project was built from using an open source calendar project. So the name is weird, but doesn’t have any affect on the build. Here’s the LogCat: 09-03 12:37:36.990: E/Trace(2272): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (
jan groth
android actionbarsherlock
I’m trying to set-up a basic structure for my project, which is supposed to run on API-levels 8 – 16, uses google location services and ActionBarSherlock.See my other question for the setup.I generated a simple activity with Eclipse (Master-Detail-Flow). My project currently has just one Activity and one Fragment. All I did so far is replacing the super classes with their ABS counterparts:public class CouponListActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity implements CouponListFragment.Callbacks { .
android actionbarsherlock
I have a RelativeLayout whose size takes up all screen area that is available to the containing Activity. That is, it fills all screen area except for the notification bar. I am using ActionBarSherlock. The ActionBar is set to overlay mode using getWindow().requestFeature(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY). Therefore, the height of my RelativeLayout spans from immediately below the notification bar right down to the bottom of the screen, and any child Views it holds could potentially be placed b
android actionbarsherlock classnotfoundexception mapactivity
I am trying to setup an example project that uses Jake Wharton’s ActionBarSherlock with ActionBarSherlock-Plugin-Maps. I follow the instructions here and here. I do not necessarily need Fragments. Here is the simple class I created.package com.example.actionbarsherlock;import android.os.Bundle; import;public class MainActivity extends SherlockMapActivity {@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);set
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