problem about keep-alive-Collection of common programming errors

  • Hahnemann
    objective-c sockets ios5 timeout keep-alive
    I have the following code written in Objective-C that writes data to a socket. The server is running node.js on top of Ubuntu:NSString *url = @”anIPAddress”; CFReadStreamRef readStream; CFWriteStreamRef writeStream; CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(NULL, (CFStringRef)url, 9000, &readStream, &writeStream); self.inputStream = (NSInputStream *)readStream; self.outputStream = (NSOutputStream *)writeStream; [self.inputStream setDelegate:self]; [se

  • Jim Craane
    ios objective-c tcp keep-alive nsstream
    I have written this code to setup a stream with a server:-(void)streamOpenWithIp:(NSString *)ip withPortNumber:(int)portNumber; {CFReadStreamRef readStream;CFWriteStreamRef writeStream;CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef)ip, portNumber, &readStream, &writeStream);if(readStream && writeStream){CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue);CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamPropert

  • akhalsa
    android sockets google-maps vpn keep-alive
    I seem to have bumped into an interesting problem that I hope someone else has seen before. I am working on a VPN app and one of the features is a map showing your ip-address location both before and after you connect to the VPN. This requires showing a map both before and after the connection. Everything works fine, except after I connect to the VPN, when the map updates to the new location, it just stays as gray tiles for about 1 minute before finally downloading the new locations data. I actu

  • Jonas
    http webserver keep-alive haproxy
    So according to the haproxy author, who knows a thing or two about http: Keep-alive was invented to reduce CPUusage on servers when CPUs were 100times slower. But what is not said isthat persistent connections consume alot of memory while not being usableby anybody except the client whoopenned them. Today in 2009, CPUs arevery cheap and memory is still limitedto a few gigabytes by the architectureor the price. If a site needskeep-alive, there is a real problem.Highly loaded sites often disableke

  • mykola
    jsf richfaces modal-dialog ajax4jsf keep-alive
    I’ve got unexpected problems with richfaces (3.3.2) modal panel. When i try to open it, browser opens two panels instead of one: one is in the center, another is in the upper left corner. Besides, no fading happens. Also i have three modes: view, edit, new – and when i open my panel it should show either “Create new…” or “Edit…” in the header and actually it shows but not in the header as the latter isn’t rendered at all though it should, because i set proper mode in action before opening th

  • icelava
    restsharp keep-alive throughput
    I am using RestSharp as the underlying HTTP client library to make a stress/throughput test client on a black box service. Threadpool and Servicepoint connection limits have been lifted to 5000, but that shouldn’t be much of a worry as we are testing around 500-1000 requests per second. A high-resolution (microsecond) timer component is used to throw out requests at the rate we want to test.The RestSharp code roughly goesrestClient.ExecuteAsync(postRequest, res =>{stopwatch.Stop();lock (this.

  • Alex Schimp
    python facebook cookies login keep-alive
    I can login to facebook with this code. After login I can access a page that requires you to be logged in.def SignIn(self):url = ‘’data = “locale=en_US&non_com_login=&email=”+str(self.Username)+”&pass=”+str(self.Password)+”&lsd=20TOl”self.cookie = cookielib.CookieJar()try:self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie))except:sys.stderr.write(“Unexpected error!”.format(src))‘https

  • Krumelur
    iphone cocoa-touch nsurlconnection keep-alive
    I have a small bug in my client app that uses NSURLConnection. I have tracked it down to an unexpected connection keep-alive that seems to confuse the web server (probably a bug on the server side). The workaround would be to force-close all outstanding connections at a certain point. Can I do this somehow with NSURLConnection, i.e. something like[NSURLConnection closeAllIdleConnections];

  • Eonil
    ruby thin keep-alive
    Currently I am spawning HTTP server within my program programmatically.srv = Thin::Server.start(‘’, 3000, app)And I can’t figure out where should I see to change keep-alive time setting. Because thin server do not die immediately, it bothers me when debugging and developing app. I will turn on the keep-alive for production, but still I want to control the duration.

  • chad easterling
    wpf wizard keep-alive pagefunction
    I have a WPF “wizard” where I am using PageFunction objects to display the various pages in the wizard. Several of these pages use references to objects in other assemblies within the application so the user can select “packages” they want to include in a generated ouput. In the page function, I have the keep alive flag set to true so that when the user presses cancel or finish in the wizard I can capture the wizard results and the corresponding data the user selected.The problem is that the w

  • LeoNerd
    perl cpan keep-alive
    I am unable to install any module in perl which required proxy authentication. I configured perl with proxy credentials using cpan[2]> o conf init /proxy/I get below error when i try to install any package. Please help.cpan[4]> i ‘XML::RAI’ ?[32mGoing to read ‘C:\Perl\cpan\Metadata’?[0m ?[32m Database was generated on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 10:43:03 GMT?[0m ?[32mFetching with LWP:[0m The keep_alive option must be enabled for NTLM authenticat

  • Frank Harris
    postgresql tomcat soap keep-alive
    I’m troubleshooting an existing webservice. It previously worked just fine, but now SOAP-based requests to the postgreSQL database result in an “unknown error: Error Fetching http headers” error.In looking up this problem, I come across the following tip:When you get errors like: “Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception:[HTTP] Error Fetching http headers in” after a few (time intensive)SOAP-Calls, check your webserver-config. Sometimes the webservers “KeepAlive”-Setting tends to result in th

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