problem about internet-explorer-11-Collection of common programming errors
Angus Grant
javascript jquery html5 fullscreen internet-explorer-11
Hi I have a web page that I want to open a div element (with an ID) and its contents from the existing page into fullscreen. It works fine in FF and Chrome but does not work in IE10 or IE11. I get no errors in the console log.I used a similar methodology to this online example I found which also does not work for me in IE: Is there a setting in IE that needs to be enabled to display fullscreen? F11 works fine for me. I thought there might be a securit
node.js selenium2 internet-explorer-10 internet-explorer-11 saucelabs
We’ve been using SauceLabs for our nightly Jenkins CI tests. We’ve run the tests in Firefox 24 under Windows 8 without any problem. Now we want to expand the tests and run them on more platforms and browsers. Our goal is to run the tests in the latest Firefox and Chrome browsers under Windows and OSX and IE11, 10 and 9.The tests are written using a node.js client for webdriver/selenium2 problem I have now is getting our dragAndDrop method to work in IE11 and IE10. I
Eugene Xa
cross-browser ie-developer-tools internet-explorer-11
UPDATE: The old question applies only to IE11 preview; browser mode had returned in final release of IE11. But there is a catch: it is next to useless, because it does not emulate conditional comments. For example, if you use them to enable HTML5 support in legacy IEs, you will no longer be able to debug your site in IE11.<!–[if lte IE 8]><script src=”html5shiv.js”></script><![endif]–>Read another StackOverflow question and IE bug tracker issue. Microsoft never responde
Ashley Medway
javascript jquery internet-explorer-11 netsuite mutation-observers
I am attempting to fix and issue with my code. I was originally using DOMNodeRemoved and DOMNodeInserted for keeping an eye on an element within a page I am working on. They worked well but did not function in IE. So I started trying to work with a MutationObserver.Here is my Code it’s called on onPageInit(the callback writes to the console but I disabled it since IE no longer supports console):var callback = function(allmutations){ function(mr){var mt = ‘Mutation type: ‘ + mr.t
iis redirect web-browser internet-explorer-10 internet-explorer-11
I have an IIS redirection configured to redirect all browser requests to a single page, where the HTTP_USER_AGENT matches ‘rv:11.0’. This is mostly working as expected (Internet Explorer 11 requests are being redirected to the specific page). However, we are also experiencing some false positives. A user on Internet Explorer 10 is also being incorrectly redirected to this page after following particular links, despite having a different user agent. When we test this user agent string using the ‘
css internet-explorer css-border-radius internet-explorer-11
I have searched for similar questions related to border-radius in IE 11, but only one found on the Microsoft IE Developer site described what I am also currently experiencing since “upgrading” to IE 11. The answer to the post in that thread was to make certain the DOCTYPE was HTML5, and not Quirks.I am currently finishing a redesign on a website and yes, it’s HTML5 and has the correct DOCTYPE, but I am still getting a weird problem with border-radius. There’s a 1px offset to almost every element
jquery json internet-explorer-11
I’m building a frontend only web app and at some point i do this:$.when(// #1 $.getJSON(this.apiURL + ‘operationareas?loc=’ + this.location_name + ‘&oauth_consumer_key=’ + this.apiKey + ‘&format=json&callback=?’, function (data) {$.each(data.placemarks, function (idx, node) {self.mapDB[‘areas’][idx] = node;}); }),// #2 $.getJSON(‘data/’+self.location + ‘.json’, function (data) {$.each(data.zones, function (idx, node) {self.mapDB[‘zones’][idx] = node;}); }),// #3 $.getJSON(this.apiURL
jquery internet-explorer-11 history.js
I’m using;history.js history.adapter.jquery.js jquery-1.11.0.min.js internet explorer 11.0.9600.16476History bookmarking is working fine for Chrome and Firefox. When I use ie in the config above the ‘statechage’ event doesn’t fire after a call to pushState(). Also, using Visual Studio 2012, the output windows reports;Exception was thrown at line 2, column 10683 in //localhost:3000/Js/Master/0_jquery-1.11.0.min.js?ver=1.0 0x800a139e – JavaScript runtime error: SyntaxError
windows-7-x64 internet-explorer-11 ie-developer-tools
I was using IE10 on Windows 7 but it is such a buggy piece of you-know-what (hanging, crashing, etc.) that I gave up and installed IE11. It has not hung or crashed since installing. But I hate the F12 developer tools! Okay, not completely – there are some very cool new features. What I don’t like is that they seem to have dropped several features that I really liked! Unless I’m just missing something… I’ve searched and searched on Google and Microsoft but all of the help I’ve found only descri
windows-7 internet-explorer internet-explorer-11
Maybe it’s a problem of this early revision, maybe it’s because the new Developer Tools are giving me dizziness (and the Network panel crashes), but I can’t find a way to set the compatibility mode in Internet Explorer 11 beta for Windows 7.And I don’t mean the ability to emulate just IE7, but also all the versions between the current and IE7, like IE8, IE9 and IE10 allowed to do.Has anyone else had more luck?UPDATE 2013-11-30: so there’s this ‘Emulation’ part to do the trick. The problem is tha
Web site is in building
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