javascript,google-maps,google-maps-api-3Related issues-Collection of common programming errors
Gabi Purcaru
javascript html5-video jwplayer
I’m trying to make jwplayer show the native iPhone play button (see below) on iPhone, and a custom skin elsewhere. I’ve tried to use chromeless: true, but it didn’t help (I still get the skinned play button). Now I’m stuck in jwplayer code and can’t find my way through. Can you help me out?
Lets say if I have a function a. I would like to know if its inbuilt function or a function defined by the user. I have tried checking if a.toString() has [native code] in it but user-defined functions which have the substring [native code] would fail. Is there any better way of doing this?
node ninja
javascript flash
I was looking for examples of Javascript games and I came across this. It looks like Flash. I tried looking at the source code, and all I see are a bunch of div tags, but not really any Javascript. I couldn’t find the code that actually runs the game.Is this Flash or Javascript? How can you tell?
javascript forms jquery
I’m using jQuery’s checkValidity() in ajax form submissions and everything works fine until the form has a select element.For example, I have a page that shows data based on the user’s choice of row count. (Select how many rows of data) … 10, 20, 30, etc. That’s the only form on the page. They select, and all is fine in every browser except IE 9 and below.Here’s the line in the form submission script that’s causing the error:if (!$(this).get(0).checkValidity()) {return false;}The error that is
javascript dojo
var testObj = this.getView();How can I check with DoJo (or just native JS) if testObj has callableFunction before I actually try to call callableFunction() and fail if it isn’t there? I would prefer a native-DoJo solution as I need this to work on all browsers.
Sean Anderson
javascript iframe google-chrome-extension cross-domain
I am developing inside of a Google Chrome Extension. In this environment, I have the ability to inject JavaScript into third-party websites after requesting the appropriate permissions. As such, I am injecting code into an iframe referencing a cross-domain resource, but am not bound by the same cross-origin security policies as would be expected in a ‘normal’ environment.The code I am executing inside of this iframe is:var requestId = window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){console.log(“Success”
javascript android pdf
I have been struggling with this for quite some time, I have done my research and find the only answers are for native android builds, what I’m doing now is a little more convoluted.I was give a blackberry application written by Mr.X and was asked to port it to Android, I have done so and the majority of the application is working flawlessly – right up until the point where it has to open a remote file (pdf) from a server running php functions.To give an example :var auth = make_base_auth(userna
Ken Smith
silverlight actionscript javascript rtmp
This is a complex question, because there are a lot of moving parts. My apologies in advance.I’m trying to write a Silverlight control that hosts a Flash camera and microphone (since Silverlight doesn’t support these things natively, worse luck). I’ve written a short little Flex application (“WLocalWebCam.swf”) which handles the camera, and exposes two external methods: connect(uri:String, streamName:String), and disconnect(). I can call these successfully through JavaScript as follows (simpl
javascript node.js mongodb
Hi i am installing an application on stackato, I got following error:2014-03-07T03:30:44-0800 staging: /staging/staged/app/node_modules/mongoose/lib/utils.js:419 2014-03-07T03:30:44-0800 staging: throw err; 2014-03-07T03:30:44-0800 staging: ^ 2014-03-07T03:30:44-0800 staging: CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value “21trt5sdsdesd111521” at path “userStories” 2014-03-07T03:30:44-0800 staging: at ObjectId.cast (/staging/staged/app/n
Angus Grant
javascript jquery html5 fullscreen internet-explorer-11
Hi I have a web page that I want to open a div element (with an ID) and its contents from the existing page into fullscreen. It works fine in FF and Chrome but does not work in IE10 or IE11. I get no errors in the console log.I used a similar methodology to this online example I found which also does not work for me in IE: Is there a setting in IE that needs to be enabled to display fullscreen? F11 works fine for me. I thought there might be a securit
Tri Quoc Nguyen
android google-maps
I have successfully shown the map but when try to use GoogleMap, MarkerOption and CameraPosition the app stoped. I haven’t had experience in reading logcat. I am sure that error is not cause by Manifest and Layout because I fixed it in previous question.Below is my Activity and logcat.main_activity.xml:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <fragment xmlns:android=””android:id=”@+id/map”android:layout_width=”match_parent”android:layout_height=”m
google-maps shared-libraries android-mapview ddms
First of all, I set the Project Build Target in project\properties\android. I created AVD with Level 7 and 8 with Google APIs, set each AVD only the SD card size 4Gb, set the min version of SDK to 7 the target SDK to 8 in Manifest file. Without success. I delete all AVD and recreate those.After I reinstall Eclipse Rcp, Installed ADT in Eclipse, and Installed Android SDK, and create AVDs again.My GPS application is worked fine without Google APIs, in the earlier version I currently implemented
java android google-maps layout-inflater inflate-exception
This question already has an answer here:Google Map is not loading due to inflate exception3 answersi know there was a bunch of posts about this but i just can’t get my google maps to work. I have tried million different ways to get this and i found that the best way is like this:MainActivity.javaimport android.os.Bundle; import; import android.view.Menu;public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInsta
android sockets google-maps vpn keep-alive
I seem to have bumped into an interesting problem that I hope someone else has seen before. I am working on a VPN app and one of the features is a map showing your ip-address location both before and after you connect to the VPN. This requires showing a map both before and after the connection. Everything works fine, except after I connect to the VPN, when the map updates to the new location, it just stays as gray tiles for about 1 minute before finally downloading the new locations data. I actu
Rishul Matta
android eclipse google-maps android-intent google-maps-api-2
Below is the error i am getting on logCat03-10 15:55:24.630: E/Icing(1371): Native load error: Native method not found: 15:55:34.890: E/Icing(1371): Error initializing, resetting corpora: Could not create native index 03-10 15:55:34.900: E/Icing(1371): Internal init failed 03-10 15:55:34.900: E/Icing(1371): Couldn’t handle android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED intent due to initialization failure.I have followed al
android google-maps android-searchmanager
I need to implement the search function on my custom map application like it is done in native google maps(the action bar turns into search field and you can write your query). Now I know how to use google geocoding api, and how to retrieve location from data. But I have failed to implement that changable actionbar. My app looks like that: And after I push the search button I would like to have this kind of layout displayed: Thanks for the help, hopefully you can solve my problem.
android google-maps
I’m trying to follow the example from google: the example files from their SVN repo:(http) although it seems to compile and export it fails; can someone sanity check that its not just me this fails for and any hints as to if its a quick thing to fix, I’ve been prodding it with try/catch for the last 2 hours to no avail.Thanks :o)Forgot to add It Compiles and Uploads to
android google-maps
model : zt180 firmware : android 2.1-update1-20101030 kernel : usbandroid #1608 build number zt180-eng 2.1-update1 20101030 google maps : 4.5.1Various crashes occur when embedding the google maps component into an android application. I’m connecting to a router via wi-fi for internet access. The stand-alone google maps app seems to work fine. To re-produce, start the maps app and begin scrolling around. Will fail within a couple of minutes, occassionally on start-up (in setContentView).
php google-maps loops google-maps-api-3 while-loop
i want to loop a certain google maps script. the script is used for calculating and storing distance in database while the condition is the driver id that having vacant status (it’s on mysql database, you’ll know from the code below) i have a difficulties first my script is not looping and it says it exceed 30 second limits now i edited it and it says unexpected end of fileso i’m asking, did i do wrong in my code? if yes, what should i fix in my codethanksfull code shown below<body onload=”ca
Daniel Gabay
java android google-maps android-widget
i already put <uses-library android:name=”” /> in the application tag.when im trying to move to this activity i got crash.this is my java file:**import; import; import android.os.Bundle;public class MyMap extends MapActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.mapactivity); } @Override protected bool
php google-maps loops google-maps-api-3 while-loop
i want to loop a certain google maps script. the script is used for calculating and storing distance in database while the condition is the driver id that having vacant status (it’s on mysql database, you’ll know from the code below) i have a difficulties first my script is not looping and it says it exceed 30 second limits now i edited it and it says unexpected end of fileso i’m asking, did i do wrong in my code? if yes, what should i fix in my codethanksfull code shown below<body onload=”ca
c# google-maps google-maps-api-3
I am using the following code to add Marker in Google Maps (API V3) , I use XML file for store locationsprotected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){string locations = “”;string lastlat = “”, lastlng = “”;XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(Server.MapPath(“~/App_Data/Map.xml”));var query = from st in xmlDoc.Descendants(“Position”)select st;foreach (var p in query){lastlat = p.Element(“Latitude”).Value;lastlng = p.Element(“Longitude”).Value;locations += “var marker = new google.maps.Marker(
Andreas Linnert
javascript google-maps-api-3 cordova
I’m developing a PhoneGap application with multiple pages and some of them show a map.Now what I’m trying to do is to load the Google Maps API when the page loads so I can access it whenever I need it. Now there are several options:Load the script without a callback parameter in the URL …(url)&callback=functionName when the page loads Result: the google.maps object is created but it’s almost empty. The functions are all missing. Load the script with a callback parameter in the URL when the
Rudiger Kidd
javascript json parsing google-maps-api-3 geocode
How can I parse through the response from a reverse geocode using Google Maps JavaScript API v3.geocoder.geocode({‘latLng’: latlng}, function(results, status) {if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {if (results[0]) {infowindow.setContent(results[0].formatted_address);, marker);}} This displays the formatted address fine in the popup, but I’m trying to take other bits out of the response, ideally the street name or route (if no street name found). But when using obj = J
Yeshwanth Venkatesh
java google-maps gwt google-maps-api-3
I am trying to get Googlemaps v3 to work with Google web tool kit. I am using GWT 2.5.1. I have been trying to search for the lastest release of Google Maps with GWT and ended up on this page. As per there instructions I have downloaded those 3 jar files.gwt-maps-api-v3-3.8.1-javadoc.jar gwt-maps-api-v3-3.8.1-sources.jar gwt-maps-api-v3-3.8.1.jarI have placed those jar files in my WEB-inf I have added those jar files to my class path In my map_geolocation.gwt.xml I have inherited the module. &
css google-maps-api-3 css-position appearance
I just noticed that the gMap view tools are displaying…rather unusually. Their regions still seem to be properly defined—I can interact with them just fine, it’s just their appearance that looks messed up.I haven’t applied any CSS to any of the map pieces, and the only css I’ve applied to the map container is width:100%; height:100%; z-index:0; (which I normally do).I do have other elements on the page which have position:absolute; and position:fixed; and some high z-indexs (500 & 1000). Is
Georg E
javascript google-maps-api-3 google-maps-markers
In November 2010 I modified a minecraft-world-map-site for showing huge panorama photos.My solution for markers worked in November 2010. But now some markers are no more clickable.Example with JavaScript code inside: markers on the right side of the photo are not clickable.I have made a test with Firefox 3.6 and Firebug for exploring this map. There are html-canvas-elements with a fix size of 256×256 pixels. Markers on the right out
John Snow
javascript google-maps animation google-maps-api-3 google-maps-markers
I have a simple javascript maps application that I’m working on that requires me to animate the movement of multiple markers between different coords. Each marker is free to move on its own and all markers are stored in an array list. However, I have been having trouble getting them to smoothly transition locations.I’ve done a ton of research and trial/error but no luck, anyone have any luck with this?
google-maps google-maps-api-3
I am using the Google Places Autocomplete API to return location matches on a drop down search box.We noticed recently that whilst searching for ‘Yorkshire’, the API is returning non-English results:Yorkshire du Nord Yorkshire De L’Ouest Yorkshire Del SurA quick search reveals this Stack thread, which strangely also concerns Yorkshire – Unexpected results – Google Autocomplete against yorkshireHowever, I have tried everything in that thread, and the API is still returning these results. I am pre
google-maps google-maps-api-3
When the map is loading the location, e.g. waiting for geolocation access, the search box renders on the edge of the map like this Anyone know any tricks to stop this ? Either don’t show the box at all, or put the box in the map where it should be.As for code, even the Google example suffers from this problem:
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