problem about yahoo-api-Collection of common programming errors
ruby oauth yahoo yahoo-api yahoo-boss-api
I’m following the tutorial over here, right on I left their oauth_util.rb alone but I have changed a couple of things with test.rb – the line 1 and I added the keys, obviously.require ‘./oauth_util.rb’ require ‘net/http’def get_response(args,buckets)url = “”+buckets+”?”arg_count = 0args.each do|key,value|url = url + key + “=” + value+”&”++arg_countendif(arg_count > 0) url.slice!(url.length-1)end parsed_url = URI.parse( url )puts “url
php curl yahoo-api
var value = ‘New Delhi, India’;$yql_query_url = ‘ * from geo.places where text=’.value.’&format=json’; $ch = curl_init($yql_query_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); //Returns the headers$json = curl_exec($ch); //RESULT of YQL QUERY$status_code = array(); preg_match(‘/\d\d\d/’, $json, $status_code); switch( $status_code[0] ) {case 200:echo “HTTP status of 200: Success!”;// Successbrea
yui yahoo-api
I am a jQuery user and just learning YUI. I have the following code and I keep the error that YUI is not defined. I know it is an issue with linking to the library but I’m not exactly sure what. I had someone else test my code where they had YUI held locally and it worked fine. If I need to do this, how do I obtain a copy of the min.js file? When you download a copy from the YUI site its a tonne of files…<head><title>YUI3 Test</title<script src=”
Pramod Shinde
ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 yahoo yahoo-api
I am using contacts gem for importing contact from yahoo, gmail, hotmailEvery thing is working fine except YahooMy Gem-file looks likegem ‘liangzan-contacts’, ‘~>1.2.8’, :require => ‘contacts’when I trycontacts =‘***********’, ‘******’).contactsI get following error only for Yahooundefined method `[]’ for nil:NilClassthe response I get is#<Contacts::Yahoo:0x00000002b23930 @login=”******”, @password=”******”, @captcha_token=nil, @captcha_response=nil, @connections={1
mu is too short
jquery ajax jsonp yahoo-api
I understand that I can make a crossdomain ajax call with jquery, .ajax, and jsonp. I am calling the yahoo stock quote api. Everything is working and the result is returning (I can see using Fiddler.) The problem is I get a js error YAHOO is undefined. I think its having problems because the JSON is formated within a callback function so its not correct json syntax. What can I do to fix it? Thanks! Here is the code:$.ajax({type: ‘GET’,dataType: ‘jsonp’,jsonp: ‘callback’,jsonpCallback: ‘YAHOO.Fin
yahoo player yahoo-api yahoo-widgets
I am using Yahoo web player.I am using certain steps to add song to yahoo web player playlist.I am displaying list of songs. On click on a song creating a dynamic song url using jquery and appending in the div tag. Link Like : Song I want add this link to yahoo web player playlist. Code: fileUrl = ” Song “;YAHOO.MediaPlayer.addTracks(fileUrl, 0, true);;addTracks is not adding the link to the playlist.Any know issue and also i am also getting the error Error : “Uncaught
c compilation yahoo-api
folks, i got an issue which really pain for mei got few line and while compile these code it shows some errorwhile it compiling$ gcc `pkg-config –cflags glib-2.0` main.c -lssloutput/tmp/ccQ7vAnA.o: In function `yahoo_ping_timeout_callback’: main.c:(.text+0x4ca): undefined reference to `yahoo_keepalive’ /tmp/ccQ7vAnA.o: In function `yahoo_webcam_timeout_callback’: main.c:(.text+0x6bd): undefined reference to `yahoo_webcam_send_image’ /tmp/ccQ7vAnA.o: In function `ext_yahoo_got_conf_invite’: main
java yahoo yahoo-api
I’m having a heck of a time trying to figure out this Yahoo Store API stuff. I’ve scoured the internet for examples but have come up with next to nothing. I’ve created my request:String data = “”; data += “<?xml version=\”1.0\” encoding=\”utf-8\” ?>”; data += “<ystorewsRequest>”; data += “<StoreID>” + storeID + “</StoreID>”; data += “<SecurityHeader>”; data += “<PartnerStoreContractToken>” + token + “</PartnerStoreContractToken>”; data += “</SecurityH
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