problem about sanitize-Collection of common programming errors

  • nilsjesper
    ruby security jruby nokogiri sanitize
    Ran into some strange behavior with both Loofah and Sanitize while trying to clean up some html fragments when I noticed that times like “6:30pm” were turning into “30pm”.Did some investigation and found the following:Loofah.scrub_fragment(“<span>asdfasdf 6:30 pm</span>”, :strip).to_html #=> “<span>asdfasdf 30 pm</span>” Loofah.scrub_fragment(“6:30 pm”, :strip).to_html #=> “6:30 pm” Loofah.scrub_fragment(“<foo>asdfasdf 6&#58;30 pm</foo>”, :strip).to_

  • Marius Pop
    ruby-on-rails ruby truncate sanitize redcloth
    I have some text that I would like to output using RedCloth. I am trying to figure out how this works and I can’t get the result that I would like.Used Code:truncate(sanitize(“*some* interesting text”)).to_html, length: 6)Result:*some*Expected Result:some i…

  • Radim Köhler
    content richtexteditor editable sanitize aloha-editor
    I have multiple (6) editables with two different classes (.html_edit_simple, .html_edit_advanced) on website and I want to divide them by class and each to have its own contentHandler settings.But no matter what I try, only the default settings are loaded.The ones defined under window.Aloha.settings.contentHandler.handler.sanitize don’t apply at all.The settings code that I use is the following:(function(window, undefined) {if (window.Aloha === undefined || window.Aloha === null) {window.Aloha =

  • pmc255
    ruby-on-rails controller helper sanitize
    I’m trying to call sanitize within a controller. Here’s what I tried:class FooController < ApplicationControllerinclude ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper# … endHowever, I’m getting this error:undefined method `white_list_sanitizer’ for FooController:ClassI searched around and people recommended switching the include line to include ActionView::Helpers, but that results in this error:undefined method `url_for’ for nil:NilClassWhat’s the correct way to call sanitize? I’m using Rails 2.3.5.

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