problem about yahoo-Collection of common programming errors

  • dsp_099
    ruby oauth yahoo yahoo-api yahoo-boss-api
    I’m following the tutorial over here, right on I left their oauth_util.rb alone but I have changed a couple of things with test.rb – the line 1 and I added the keys, obviously.require ‘./oauth_util.rb’ require ‘net/http’def get_response(args,buckets)url = “”+buckets+”?”arg_count = 0args.each do|key,value|url = url + key + “=” + value+”&”++arg_countendif(arg_count > 0) url.slice!(url.length-1)end parsed_url = URI.parse( url )puts “url

  • Bill the Lizard
    jquery ajax yahoo
    I am trying to get Yahoo stock quote in the following way. but it does not work, can anyone tell where is wrong. Thanks!<html> <head><script type=”text/javascript” src=”jquery-1.3.2.js”></script><script type=”text/javascript” language=”JavaScript”>$(document).ready(function(){$(“#btn”).click(function(event){alert(document.forms[0].ticker.value);$(“#stockPrice”).load(“ #yfs_l10_ibm”).text(); });});</script> <body><form n

  • Dave Newton
    ruby-on-rails yahoo
    A) Controller code :def show@quote_list = params[:symbol]puts @quote_listrequire ‘yahoofinance’quote_type = YahooFinance::StandardQuotequote_symbols = @quote_list@quote_info = YahooFinance::get_quotes( quote_type, quote_symbols ) do |qt|puts qt.symbolputs qt.ask.to_sendendThe part that accesses the Yahoo Finance hash is at the bottom – I have used this to drive an sms service in anothe routine.The View code consists of :<p>Stock Symbol(s) Requested: <%= @quote_list %>

  • jonrsharpe
    python yahoo pyalgotrade
    I am trying to follow the introduction in PyAlgoTrade website to download the data from yahoo finance using the given code. But I always got an error.Here is the website:… Having said all that, the first thing that we’ll need to test our strategies is some data. Let’s use Oracle’s stock prices for year 2000, which we’ll download with the following command:python -c “from import yahoofinance; yahoofinance.down

  • methanol
    javascript jquery api yahoo weather
    I want to catch weather information. I’m trying to do it with jQuery. So here is my Code:$(document).ready(function(){ var weatherURL = ‘’; $.getJSON(weatherURL, function(data){//console.log(‘done’); }); });It seems that this is working. But it outputs me Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : I think its an JSON validation problem. But all online JSON validation tool passes the test.

  • bobwah
    c# email yahoo send
    I have the following code for sending mail and if you if you have a network connection it works perfectly.MailMessage oMail = new MailMessage(new MailAddress(“[email protected]”), new MailAddress(setare[0].email));oMail.Subject = “Subject”;oMail.Body = “Body”;SmtpClient oSmtp = new SmtpClient();oSmtp.Host = “”; oSmtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(“”, “password”);oSmtp.EnableSsl = false;oSmtp.Port = 587;oSmtp.Send(oMail);The probleme is: If y

  • Wendy
    iphone-4 contacts yahoo
    I noticed recent contacts I have added to iphone 4s are not showing in my Yahoo account online. I have to do a phone restore and afraid of losing contacts. I don’t want to sync to iCloud because when they set up my iphone in the beginning I had a ton of issues of multiple contacts and crashes. I have over 500 and multiplying that is horrible.

  • Tanmay
    c# email gmail yahoo
    Error sending email from yahoo. I have tried ports 25,995,465,587! I am out of options now. I would highly appreciate if someone could tell me what the problem is? isn’t smtp available on yahoo now!!! i read somewhere that it is a paid service or something? is that correct and is it because of that, that i am not able to get through the server! I can successfully send emails from my gmail account where the To and From are same and i also sent a mail from gmail to Yahoo but the reverse isnt worki

  • Judy
    javascript ajax yahoo
    Problem I am making ajax call to server1 i.e. csce and once I got the response I am sending the response as contents to server2 server after getting response from there I want to refresh the page or atleast redirect it to the same page. Both ajax calls are working fine. The contents I am sending are also saved the only problem is that I have to manually refresh the page to see the changes. I want to refresh the page once the contents are saved on yahoo. I tried reload and redirect comm

  • xdazz
    php oauth contacts yahoo
    I am trying to fetch the contact details using Yahoo OAuth in my code. The OAuth is working correctly and I am getting the following stdClass from Yahoo:stdClass Object ( [profile] => stdClass Object ( [guid] => AA5JFPBIASDFFESAETKHA [birthYear] => 1980 [birthdate] => 1/31 [created] => 2008-10-08T13:59:36Z [displayAge] => 32 [gender] => M [image] => stdClass Object ( [height] => 192 [imageUrl] =>

  • Pramod Shinde
    ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 yahoo yahoo-api
    I am using contacts gem for importing contact from yahoo, gmail, hotmailEvery thing is working fine except YahooMy Gem-file looks likegem ‘liangzan-contacts’, ‘~>1.2.8’, :require => ‘contacts’when I trycontacts =‘***********’, ‘******’).contactsI get following error only for Yahooundefined method `[]’ for nil:NilClassthe response I get is#<Contacts::Yahoo:0x00000002b23930 @login=”******”, @password=”******”, @captcha_token=nil, @captcha_response=nil, @connections={1

  • Anand Soni
    ruby-on-rails-3 oauth yahoo hotmail
    I can successfully get the contacts from google using OAuth gem in rails. my gmail configuration is : :google=>{:key=>”***”,:secret=>”***”,:expose => true, :scope=>”” }now i want to get contact from yahoo and hot mail. How to get that contact I have given following configuration in my oauth_consumer.rb file:yahoo=>{:client=>:oauth_gem, :expose => true, :allow_login => true, :key=>”**”,:secret=>”**”,:scope=>””

  • Neal
    javascript jquery yahoo
    If I’m using jQuery’s .on() function like this (there’s more to it but this is the main problem area extracted):$(document).on(“click”, $(“#contcont a, #leftnav li a, #leftnav li ul a, #mainarea-home a”).not(“.secitem-mid a”),function clicker(event, sData) {var $this = $(this);sHREF = $this.attr(“href”);alert(sHREF);} );I’m getting undefined so what would be the best way to actually get the element that’s being clicked? I need .on() so that it always occurs, obviously, instead of having to atta

  • Prateek
    yahoo player yahoo-api yahoo-widgets
    I am using Yahoo web player.I am using certain steps to add song to yahoo web player playlist.I am displaying list of songs. On click on a song creating a dynamic song url using jquery and appending in the div tag. Link Like : Song I want add this link to yahoo web player playlist. Code: fileUrl = ” Song “;YAHOO.MediaPlayer.addTracks(fileUrl, 0, true);;addTracks is not adding the link to the playlist.Any know issue and also i am also getting the error Error : “Uncaught

  • Mike
    java screenshot yahoo
    To save an image from the web in a folder?I was thinking a behind the scenes screen shot or something. The image I am trying to get is at this link:;range=20010429,20040901;charttype=line;crosshair=off;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefinedYahoo allows you to get just the chart of a specific symbol using something like this: , but i need to be able to specify the range of the chart.Im looking f

  • Michael Myers
    php html yahoo
    I’m making search engine in php for ranking my site by Yahoo API key. I have just got an error like this:Fatal error: Call to undefined function XML_unserialize() in E:\wamp\www\Yahoo\search.php on line 113What should I do?

  • topdog
    dns dkim keys yahoo
    I’m using dkim-milter, Postfix on Ubuntu (I think I used these instructions for setting up). Anyway, using the reflectors such as Port25, BlackOps and I get passes for DKIM:X-DKIM: OpenDKIM Filter v2.0.1 o2SGTMSg005616 Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key)[email protected]; dkim-adsp=passdkim=pass (b=miSIxi7TMX; 1:0:good);Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (matches From:

  • ck1221
    java yahoo yahoo-api
    I’m having a heck of a time trying to figure out this Yahoo Store API stuff. I’ve scoured the internet for examples but have come up with next to nothing. I’ve created my request:String data = “”; data += “<?xml version=\”1.0\” encoding=\”utf-8\” ?>”; data += “<ystorewsRequest>”; data += “<StoreID>” + storeID + “</StoreID>”; data += “<SecurityHeader>”; data += “<PartnerStoreContractToken>” + token + “</PartnerStoreContractToken>”; data += “</SecurityH

  • heavy rocker dude
    c# python r yahoo options
    I am trying to run a R script from: Description at: am new at R but I get a really strange error when I run the following as instructed:opt <- yahoo.getAllOptions(“IBM”)The error is:trying URL ‘’ Content type ‘text/html; charset=utf-8’ length unknown opened URL downloaded 57 KbRead 2616 items Error in yahoo.getOption(ticker

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