problem about entities-Collection of common programming errors
7 entities entity-api
We seem to be experiencing a very unexpected problem.We have created a custom entity called feature and it has a uid property. The schema is as follows:$schema[‘feature’] = array(‘fields’ => array(‘fid’ => array(‘description’ => ‘feature id’,’type’ => ‘serial’,’not null’ => TRUE,),’bundle’ => array(‘description’ => ‘bundle name’,’type’ => ‘varchar’,’length’ => 32,’not null’ => TRUE,),’nid’ => array(‘description’ => ‘Node ID.’,’type’ => ‘int’,’not null’ =>
entities debugging
I’ve got fatal error EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type node. in entity_extract_ids() (line 7700 of .\includes\ when trying to access user/xyz.I tried to retrieve info about the malformed node at line 7700, where the error message is built, thinks like :if (!isset($entity->{$info[‘entity keys’][‘bundle’]}) || $entity->{$info[‘entity keys’][‘bundle’]} === ”) {dpm($info);// or dpm($entity);throw new EntityMalformedException(t(‘Missing bundle prope
Paul Trotter
7 entities computed-field
I am using Drupal 7. I installed the computed field module and have a computed field in a content type. I need to be able to access the actual name of a node reference field that is in the same content type so i can then work with the data in the computed field. Currently I can only get the number of the node reference field using this in the computed code (php) field:$entity_field[0][‘value’] = array_pop(field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, ‘field_charity_reference’));I need to be able to acc
Inder Kumar Rathore
iphone ios core-data crash entities
Hi I have CoreData in my app. Everytime I add new entities in my coredata, I would need to re-create the NSManagedObject subclass, clean project, delete the existing app with previous core data and rebuild the app.I’m concerning that what about if my app is final (app v1.0) and available in AppStore, user download the app. After few months I added new entities in Core Data (app v2.0), and user update their app. Is the phone will delete the old one before installing the new version of app to avo
2d java entities
How do you create 2D entities?Here is something i tried to write up as a base for entities but is this usable and is entites like this?:public abstract class Entity {int attackRange; // out of 100int speed; // 1-slow(walk), 2 jog, 3 sprintint defense; // out of 100int attack; // out of 100int health; // out of 100int mana; // out of 100public abstract void render();public void entityBoundaries(){Rectangle head = new Rectangle(0,0,25,25);Rectangle chest = new Rectangle(0,0,25,25);Rectangle arms =
I have a custom module which is supposed to change a user’s profile picture.When you are logged in as a super-admin, the module works fine. Problems arise, however, when you log in as a regular user.I believe that entity_load() is causing infinite recursion, either crashing PHP (due to an xdebug limitation) or running to the PHP memory limit.I located something similar here, but that’s from 2009! Surely it’s been integrated into Drupal’s core by now, yes? Also, I tried to apply the last green pa
fields entities eck entity-construction-kit
I created some entities with the Entity Construction Kit, exported them with Features and proceeded to build a module upon that.I had been pretty much ignoring field names, then realised I’d used really generic names for my fielded entities. Oops.What’s the best way to ensure names are not going to crash into the namespace of something else [in future]?Is it module_name_entity_name_field_fieldname?And if so, is there any problem with really long field names (and presumably, therefore even longer
taxonomy ubercart entities
I want to get categiries image and path in Catalog Block for Ubercart 3 (Drupal 7) which is taxonomies. I know only tid.For path i try this $tid = (int)$variables[‘catid’]; // return tid $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); print_r(entity_uri(‘node’, $term));but site crashed.
entities entity.module
I’m trying to install the module Entity API. But if I clear the cache after the installation, my Drupal site crashes (i.e. something is causing a signal segmentation fault). I can’t figure out why, because I have used the Entity API module before without any problems. I’m using Drupal 7.13. I have tried both available versions, but it doesn’t work. I have manually installed the module.Can anyone please help me to understand what’s going on?
wcf linq silverlight entities
I am starting to develop a system using silverlight 5 with wcf ria. I use Visual studio 2010 and the code is in visual basic. In my application I have a table guiasidiomas. It is a very simple table:Id Idguia IdidiomaIn the application I changed the query getguiasidiomas that is generated by the domain servicePublic Function GetGuiasIdiomas(ByVal idProcurado As String) AsIQueryable(Of GuiasIdioma)Return Me.ObjectContext.GuiasIdiomas.Where(Function(c) (c.idGuia).ToString = idProcurado) End Func
delete doctrine2 one-to-many entities symfony-2.1
I have two entities : Episode and Version. When I trie to delete a version a get an exception:Notice: Undefined index: episode in /var/www/Mendrock/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Persisters/BasicEntityPersister.php line 1561 I already check relations but I don’t found the error.My entites: Episodenamespace Mendrock\Bundle\SagaBundle\Entity;use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;/*** Mendrock\Bundle\SagaBundle\Entity\Episode** @ORM\Table(name=”episode”)* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=”Mendrock\Bundl
taxonomy entities
The –very normal– taxonomy_term_load() doesn’t seem to be able to load entities within a custom menu callback. Yet I can access a profile entity, load fields, and get the field tids, but I get nothing from the taxonomy load function!function mymodule_menu() {$items = array();$items[‘user/account-convert’] = array(‘title’ => ‘My Page’,’page callback’ => ‘mymodule_page’,’type’ => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,);return $items; }function mymodule_page() {global $user;$profile = profile2_load_by_user($
I get this error message:Error: Notice: Undefined index: label en EntityDefaultMetadataController::bundleOptionsList() (línea 113 de/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/rooms/sites/all/modules/entity/**The line causing the error message is contained in the following function:/*** A options list callback returning all bundles for an entity type.*/public static function bundleOptionsList($name, $info) {if (!empty($info[‘parent’]) && $type = $info[‘parent’]) {$entity_info = $info[‘par
forms entities entity-api custom-entity
I am using “Model Entities” for creating custom entity. How can i embed this new entity form into another page (in another module), not admin UI? On submit I get this error “Call to undefined method stdClass::save()”.I already tried to include files, like they are in hook_menu but it doesn’t make any difference..
7 rules entities entity-reference relation
I have a Rule which triggers on a Relation update. It then checks for the Entity type of the first endpoint of the Relation. Then checks for a specific field. When I try to set an action to change this specific field, I get these errors related to the Revision ID which I can’t seem to figure out.Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$revision_id in drupal_write_record() (line 7030 of …\www\includes\ Undefined property: RedhenContact::$revision_id in EntityAPIController->save
views entities entity-api
I’m trying to average all of the fivestar ratings I have for a node using a computed field. But i’m struggling to simply access the other fields using entity!In the body of the node, this works fine:$test1 = $node->field_ae_stimclasswrk[und][0][‘average’];In the computed field area, this doesn’t work:$entity_field[0][‘value’] = $entity->field_ae_stimclasswrk[$entity->language][und][0][‘average’];Instead, when I save the node, I get this index error:Notice: Undefined index: und in eval()
postgresql symfony2 doctrine2 entities
I have a problem with doctrine2 in symfony2 app with postgres database.I get error:SQLSTATE[3F000]: Invalid schema name: 7 ERROR: schema “main” does not exist Problem is that my schema is Main not main. When I rename it, similar thing happends for table relation:SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: relation “main.brand_brandid_seq” does not exist Problem is case sensitivity and I guess maybe it have something to do with quoting or some doctrine configuration.Entity:namespace MyB\Entity;/**
Phil Jackson
perl file encode entities
im not too good when it comes to encoding and I am wanting to figure out how to return data as the same encoding it started with…I have a file with some characters in such as ‘»’ by the time I have edited and and inserted into database they have turned into ».decode_entities() does nothing and encode_entities encodes the chars again. So i created my own sub to fix that but it apears that when getting the data from the file it isn’t retrieving in the right $file = “c:/
php symfony2 orm doctrine2 entities
I have a “Category” entity containing/*** @ORM\Column(type=”string”, length=255)*/ protected $nameFr;/*** @ORM\Column(type=”string”, length=255)*/ protected $nameEn;Now, I’m trying to display the localized name in the view, I can display one or the other using:{{ categories.nameFr }} and {{ categories.nameEn }}So I made a method called getName() so I can use {{ }}I only needed to access the locale so I added a protected $locale property to the entity with the setter and getter an
c# entities value-objects
An entity “schoolyear” has configurable visible week days which are visible or not in a time planner.I see now 2 posibilites to save the visible week days.Either I make an N:M relation: N schoolyear has M VisibleWeekDaysOr I put the visible weeks days in a comma separated field: “0,2,5”The numbers are the enum value from the DayOfWeek enum.Should I really go this overhead way of create another 2 tables (junction + VisibleWeekDay table) just to hold in one field the index of a day?How would you
php html image google-chrome entities
I am working on a school-project with two classmates. Our task is to make a dynamic gallery for web. So we got the whole gallery up and running perfect, except chrome is acting mighty weird about it. We have our pictures uploaded in blob, as well as our thumbnails. We load them from the database through php.<div id=”content_right”> <?php if(isset($_GET[‘c’])) { $c = $_GET[‘c’]; $thumbs_sql = mysql_query(“SELECT foto_idFROM `fotos`INNER JOIN foto_cat ON fotos.foto_cat = foto_cat.cat_idWH
xml xslt special-characters dtd entities
I am creating a left navigation system utilizing xml and xsl. Everything was been going great until I tried to use a special character in my xml document. I am using » and I get th error.reason: Reference to undefined entity ‘raquo’.error code: -1072898046How do I make this work?
java sql-server-2008 hibernate entities
I’m trying to do a simple select, and I’m getting this error:org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: Column name ‘mesAno’ invalid. at org.hibernate.exception.internal.SQLStateConversionDelegate.convert( at org.hibernate.exception.internal.StandardSQLExceptionConverter.convert( at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper.convert( at
xml dtd doctype entities
I’m using a seperate .dtd file as a doctype for my custom xml file:names.xml<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <!DOCTYPE name SYSTEM “names.dtd”> <names><name><text>Pepé</text><creator>&lost;</creator><history>&lost;</history></name><name><text>Charles</text><creator>James</creator><history>&lost;</history></name> </names>names.dtd<!ELEMENT name (t
java entities hibernate-annotations
i have a problem using hibernate with my java project and i hope that you can help me:First, here is some of my code: The Entity classpackage de.zaed.entities;import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.persistence.Table;@Entity @Table(name=”USER”) public class User {/*** the user id in the database*/ @Id private Long id; /*** the username of a user*/ private String username;/*** the users pa
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