problem about dft-Collection of common programming errors

  • Felix
    java fft analysis spectrum dft code is really just a copy of the above:package it.vigtig.realtime.fourier;import; import;import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException; import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;public class Fourier {// Create a global buffer sizeprivate static final

  • Sigroad
    c++ opencv contour dft
    What I am doing is after pre-processing the image (by thresholding) find contours of the Image. And I want to get the Discrete Fourier Descriptor of each contours (using dft() function) My code follows,vector<Mat> contourLines1; vector<Mat> contourLines2;getContourLine(exC1, contourLines1, binThreshold, numOfErosions); getContourLine(exC2, contourLines2, binThreshold, numOfErosions);// calculate fourier descriptor Mat fd1 = makeFD(contourLines1.front()); Mat fd2 = makeFD(contourLines

  • digiphd
    android fft dft libgdx
    I have been searching everywhere to find a reliable method to calculate the FFT of an audio byte stream received by a native function in android SDK (through eclipse IDE). I have come across the libgdx fft and Jtransform. Jtransform Found here JTransform . I have downloaded them all and added the .jar files to a created libs folder in the root directory for the project. I have then linked the project to the new .jar files through project properties > java Build Path > Libraries. My src java file

  • Raul Laasner
    gcc dft
    I need to use the university computer cluster but for some reason it has a very old version of gcc. The package I’m trying to install, Abinit, requires a newer version. I have so far built the newest GMP, MPFR, MPC and GCC, configured everything with –disable-shared (Google told me it might help) and addedexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/raul/local/lib:/home/raul/local/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=/home/raul/local/bin:/$PATHto my .bashrc (I chose to install everything to a ‘local’ directory i

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