'li' + float crashes Internet Explorer 6-Collection of common programming errors

I know. The dreaded ugly browser we don’t want to support, but, it seems it couldn’t be simpler to crash this thing.


The images gallery is a Joomla Plugin (Sigplus), and it works fine with all other standard browsers. In Internet Explorer, it was not showing correctly. All the images were showing in one line vertically, one below the other. But the browser would not hang or crash and the gallery worked as well.

The following is a Joomla plugin, and I didn’t want to mess with how it works, so, for Internet Explorer I added a simple rule in the header:

This fixed the issue, and the gallery shows up as it should. But, as you scroll down, and as you reach the last row of images, Internet Explorer hangs and crashes.

I tried deleting the last five images thinking it was something to do with the images themselves. But now it hangs on the current last row and crashes.

What could it be?