problem about joomla1.5-Collection of common programming errors

  • sushil bharwani
    performance joomla1.5 database-performance
    We have build a Intranet on Joomla, its used by more than 20,000 users. At times there are 200 or more concurrent users on the site. And site starts working slow and sometimes crashes. What should we be looking at. Are there known joomla performance issues that can be handled. We doubt that there are some database queries that makes it slow. Any suggestions in this direction will be helpful

  • Kissaki
    joomla joomla1.5 joomla-sef-urls
    I know you probably don’t get many questions like this… I am working on a component that I want to be able to deal with the non-SEF URLs whilst SEF is enabled, whether it be the built-in SEF or something like sh404sef.Does Joomla store the ORIGINAL non-SEF URL anywhere ie. index.php?com=com_fred&view=homepage?I’ve found that any SEF activated, changes the JURI::getInstance() value to the SEF equivilant. I’ve also found the the $REQUEST[‘URI’] value does not work on all platforms/servers et

  • Peter Mortensen
    html css internet-explorer-6 joomla1.5
    I know. The dreaded ugly browser we don’t want to support, but, it seems it couldn’t be simpler to crash this thing.The URLThe images gallery is a Joomla Plugin (Sigplus), and it works fine with all other standard browsers. In Internet Explorer, it was not showing correctly. All the images were showing in one line vertically, one below the other. But the browser would not hang or crash and the gallery worked as well.The following is a Joomla plugin, and I didn’t want to mess with how it wor

  • rolve
    javascript jquery joomla joomla1.5
    My problem is that the Cookie Law bar won’t hide… same code hides fine on other websites I’ve done, such as I’ve not used this code on a Joomla website before though.I read on here that containing the script within a Window OnLoad might help and it got rid of my error, but the cookie bar didn’t hide.Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  • FDI
    javascript mootools joomla1.5
    I’m working on a joomla site have a mootools slideshow working fine on ff and IE but does not in chrome chrome error: Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘stop’ on line 57mootools codewindow.addEvent(‘domready’,function() { 2 /* settings */ 3 var showDuration = 6000; 4 var container = $(‘slideshow-container’); 5 var images = container.getElements(‘.slide’); 6 var captions = container.getElements(‘.slide .text’); 7 var thumbs = container.getElements(‘.thumbs img’); 8 v

  • JustLearn
    jquery mootools components joomla1.5
    i m newbie to joomla, although i have worked a lot with jQuery so i feel comfortable in jQuery rather than mootools, now i m developing a joomla component, so what i do.. on joomla/administrator/component/com_property/admin.controller.php i write below code defined(‘_JEXEC’) or die(‘Restricted access’); JHTML::_(‘behavior.mootools’); $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $rootURL = JURI::root(); $document->addScript($rootURL.’media/system/js/jquery.min.js’ );now when i go to add a pro

  • Dasun
    joomla joomla2.5 joomla1.5 joomla-extensions
    I’m trying to migrate my joomla website from 1.5.26 to 2.5. While migrating the joomla website through jupgrade extension, it is showing me “Migrating undefined”. So, i’ve on the migration error in jupgrade extension then it shows me the following error which are related to the j25_users table. Please have alook at the following error:-( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Unknown column ‘subscribe’ in ‘field list’ SQL=INSERT INTO `j25_users` (`id`,`name`,`username`,`em

  • Tanmay
    joomla1.5 joomla1.7
    I thought of migrating from J 1.5.23 to 1.7 and like almost everyone i too ran into problems (Good i backed-up my site) The problem i am facing is that my jUpgrade gets stuck at ‘Migrating undefined’. 1.7 gets downloaded completely and also extracts correctly. I think i am still facing this problem because i somehow run out of space during the installation. what i wanted to know was How much disk space does migration require? I have like 25 Mb free on my server and i am allowed only 100 MB so. T

  • Daneshnamah Eqtisad
    joomla2.5 joomla1.5 fatal-error
    I am trying to upgrade my website joomla from 1.5 to 2.5 using jUpgrade. but I am encountering this problem since a long time. jUpgrade component starts upgrading, downloads and exctracts the new joomla but while migrating the categories OR contents, it stucks and gives this error:========== [undefined] [undefined]Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 5 bytes) in /home/daneshna/public_html/up/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php on line 483I tri

  • Anwar
    joomla joomla1.5
    I am developing a website using joomla 1.5. I am using the editor XStandard Lite 2.0. when I try to edit the articles, i have created earlier or to create a new article, it will save without giving any error message but the whole message is deleted and the message “undefined” is displayed.can any one help me resolve this issue?

  • John
    i have a custom joomla template which i load jquery in using the normal <script></script> tages. I have installed a plugin which also loads jquery, meaning that jquery is being loaded twice. the plug in is only loaded on a few pages but i require jquery on every page so can’t take it out the template. what is the best way to stop it loading jquery twice?

  • haitruonginfotech
    php joomla joomla1.5 joomla2.5
    I have a function in joomla 1.5function saveuser($row){$db =& JFactory::getDBO();$instance = new JUser();jimport(‘joomla.application.component.helper’);$config = &JComponentHelper::getParams(‘com_users’);if(!isset($row[‘usertype’]))$row[‘usertype’] = $config->get( ‘new_usertype’, ‘Registered’ );$acl =& JFactory::getACL();if(!$row[‘gid’])$row[‘gid’] = $acl->get_group_id( ”, $usertype);$instance->set( ‘id’ , $row[‘id’] );$instance->set( ‘name’ , $row[

  • user544079
    joomla1.5 joomla2.5 joomla-extensions
    I am trying to upgrade my Joomla 1.5.26 site to Joomla 2.5 using jUpgrade 2.5. During the update process jUpgrade gets stuck on Migrating undefined. After enabling the debug, the error shown is JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ARTICLE_UNIQUE_ALIASIs there a way to prevent this unique article alias error?Screenshot below

  • Eyrique Wong
    migration joomla1.5 joomla2.5
    I’ve try to migrate a website in Joomla from 1.5 to 2.5 using jUpgrade but I’ve receive the “undefined migrating” error.Here’s the error when I enable the debug:========== [checks]1========== [cleanup]1========== [decompress]1========== [install_config]1========== [install_db]========== [1] [users]========== [2] [categories].========== [3] [content]========== [undefined] [undefined]========== [undefined] [undefined]========== [undefined] [undefined]It seems that it cannot go through the menu mig

  • nahero
    google-chrome joomla1.5 typeerror
    I’m using jQueryUI tabs plugin on joomla 1.5 site and I get this error in Chrome. Firefox and IE work perfectly fine. This is the part where Chrome errors out, right after anchor.hash:(function( $, undefined ) {var tabId = 0,rhash = /#.*$/; function getNextTabId() {return ++tabId; } function isLocal( anchor ) { return anchor.hash.length > 1 &&anchor.href.replace( rhash, “” ) ===location.href.replace( rhash, “” )This is a sample of HTML markup:<div id=”tabs”> <ul> <li>

  • Sumit Neema
    php flash video joomla1.5
    I am using com_hdflvplayer in joomla1.5 framework to play videos at ,my site it is working correctly means all the videos are playing correctly but when i hover over the player control means play,pause,stop buttons the tooltip text shows undefined instead of player control name. my website is in Arabic and i have checked all the langaugae settings of both joomla as well as hdFLV player.Can somebody help me on this.I have attached the scrren shot of the problem i am facing

  • Harshal Mahajan
    php joomla1.5 flash-player
    i am getting problem in my hdflv player on my joomla 1.5 site.i searched lots of thing about this issue but no one still face such thing that i am facing now.i am using the component of hd flv player it works fine and run all the videos,but whenever i turned on SEF(search engine friendly) component its control tool shows undefined. on the player views i found this code:$app = JFactory::getApplication(); $router = $app->getRouter(); $sefURL = $router->getMode(); if ($sefURL == 1) {$language

  • Jean-Simon Lyonnais
    joomla migration joomla1.5
    I’ve try to migrate a website in Joomla from 1.5 to 2.5 using jUpgrade but I’ve receive the “undefined migrating” error.The files was correctly transferred, but there’s no change to the db, and when I try to log on, I land on a page saying “please delete installation folder” and no db was transferred/created (so I have to create it manually and create menu, article, etc. wasting so much time!)Please help. I have already tried removing folder and changing tmp to 777 permissio

  • Will
    php joomla joomla1.5
    I am having no luck upgrading from joomla 1.5 to 2.5 with jupgrade… I have tried everything it seems. I kept getting stuck in the decompressing stage so I went and followed the manual instructions and was able to bypass those steps. Now I’m stuck at the upgrading process getting a migrating undefined error. I am noticing that the db is getting updated with the new prefixed tables but the third party components/plugins are not getting converted. These tables are also empty so no migration is ta

  • GDP
    php joomla1.5
    Joomla,I defined a method function assignRef($key, &$val){if (is_string($key) && substr($key, 0, 1) != ‘_’){$this->$key =& $val;return true;}return false;}but when I cal that method I got an fatal error like:WWDatingController::assignRef()It is a Joomla base project. Please provide solution.

  • Ajay Kadyan
    php joomla tinymce joomla1.5
    I installed tinymce plugin in joomla 1.5.26.When I try to use it in admin panel it gives me the following error:tinyMCE.activeEditor is undefined Kindly suggest what I am missing. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Dawood Butt
    php joomla joomla1.5
    “My site is still on the old legacy Joomla platform but I did an update last week, which I probably shouldn’t have done since everything was working fine. After the update I checked several features and all appeared to be operating properly. Then a week or so later I went back to add a photo to the Media Manager and now it times out and I get an error message.” – (Unknown)Its diverting me to the following page: on this page the f

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