problem about socketexception-Collection of common programming errors
Mike de Klerk
c# .net remoting socketexception
I have downloaded a simple .Net remoting example from here . The example works. The server side code is called by the client. Now when I copy that client code into my own C# project like the code below, it gives me a SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.EDIT 1 STARTIts even getting stranger. When I have a test project as a client that works, and I add
android exception connection xml-parsing socketexception
I am making an app that parses an RSS Feed into a SQLite database which is then read from to populate a list of posts. The database is there so that even without a connection, the user can view posts that have been retrieved earlier.I have put all the parsing into a try-catch; however, when it catches the exception, the application crashes. Is there a way to gracefully handle this exception so it just skips to reading what is in the database? I have looked into using SocketException and XmlPullP
Joe Ikin
java client-server socketexception
I am having a problem with a client-server application. The program runs correctly through until the second time the client must input data. Upon debugging the code it appears that the client always crashes on the line linesIn = din.readInt(); on the second iteration through the suggested I added a try catch block around the integer parsing and it seems to have helped move the program further along but now when run the program will only give the correct output to the user once and after
c# .net httpwebrequest socketexception
I am using a service to pull in a list of hotels in the form of an XML document. All of this works fine on our dev server when testing it, however shorty after deploying it live all the pages using this are broken and are displaying this error:An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the s
Jason Kealey
dns .net-4.0 socketexception
I have been using the following code for months (without problem) in a .NET 2.0/3.5 environment:string server=”″; IPHostEntry ipe = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(server); IPAddress ipa = ipe.AddressList[0]; IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(ipa, (int)UdpServices.Domain);Here, server is hardcoded to an IP address, but in my application it could potentially be something like “”. When converting my project to .NET 4.0, this code stopped working when directly passing an IP ad
java tomcat servlets web.xml socketexception
I wrote a servlet to handle the exceptions occurring in my web app and mapped them in web.xml<error-page><exception-type>java.lang.Exception</exception-type><location>/exceptionHandler</location></error-page>Here is what I have done in the Exception Handling servlet service method:@Overrideprotected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse arg1)throws ServletException, IOException {Object attribute = req.getAttribute(“javax.servlet.error.except
mysql visual-studio-2008 socketexception
I have completed my project on PC and have transferred it to a laptop. the problem is when i transfer the project it gives me an socket exception unhandled error in every time at the start, and the connection doesn’t open, but the project is working perfectly on my pc, but not when i transfer it on the laptop.I have taken a dump file backup tried to put the socketException but it won’t work
Soner Gönül
c# socketexception
I was doing work in csharp, where I made a form with registration of users in the database, so when I opened this form button was used to refer to actually see the data of the users in the database, but it an acknowledgment of the SocketException, I know that a network error and my code is right so I do not know what to do to solve this problem can someone help me?namespace exercicio_sharp_banco {class banco_clientes{MySqlConnection conexao;MySqlCommand comando;MySqlDataAdapter captura;DataTable
Andrew Thompson
java exception socketexception
Here are the codes of serverimport;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;public class MyServer {private int port;private ServerSocket sSocket = null;public MyServer(int port) throws IOException {this.port = port;sSocket = new ServerSocket(port);}public MyServer() throws IOException {this(10005);}public void serve() {Soc
Dilip Rajkumar
java mysql quartz-scheduler socketexception job-scheduling
Following is the stack trace. I read that the Broken Pipe is because of Unclosed connection for 8 hours and the connection close automatically. I saw this .I could not reproduce in my local machine.Is there any way I can reproduce this in my local machine. Will this make a tomact crash? I am using a very old version of quartz jar 1.6.5 and tomcat 6.0.18. will that be an issue.P
java sockets tomcat socketexception connection-reset
We are seeing frequent Connection reset errors in our logs for a component that calls a third party Web service that sends SMS messages.Our application is written in Java and is sat on top of Tomcat 5.5. It was written by contractors who are no longer with us. The current team has no real Java expertise, and we’re unsure as to where the Connection reset error is actually coming from, and how to go about debugging.The issue appears to be completely intermittent, and unre
c#-4.0 udp udpclient socketexception packet-loss
On some computers I have the strange effect that UdpClient will not send data when UdpClient.Close() is called too soon after a UdpClient.Send(). I’m using .NET 4.0 and WireShark to verify the packet-loss.The essential part of the coding is:UdpClient sender = new UdpClient(); sender.Connect( new IPEndPoint( this.ipAddress, this.Port ) ); int bytesSent = sender.Send( data, data.Length ); sender.Close();Weired is:On most Computers data will be sent without problems There is no exception or other e
cassandra socketexception pelops
I am using Pelops to work with Cassandra. I want to insert bulk data using mutator. When i insert around 20000 records it works fine but when I exceed the no of records it shows me a “Connection reset by peer: socket write error”. I am writing the following code.Pelops.addPool(CASSANDRA_POOL, new Cluster(CASSANDRA_HOST,CASSANDRA_PORT), CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE); Mutator mutator = Pelops.createMutator(CASSANDRA_POOL);//writing cols in mutator mutator.execute(CL_ONE)But it is working for some limited no
java sockets networking connection socketexception
I am getting the following error trying to read from a socket. I’m doing a readInt() on that InputStream, and I am getting this error. Perusing the documentation this suggests that the client part of the connection closed the connection. In this scenario, I am the server.I have access to the client log files and it is not closing the connection, and in fact its log files suggest I am closing the connection. So does anybody have an idea why this is happening? What else to check for? Does this ari
.net apache clickonce socketexception
I have an annoying problem. I have application deployed by clickonce. Until now it was working really well and a lot of updates were deployed easilly. This time I had to do some major changes in my app. That causes update is about 16MB. Unfortunately most of time on clients computers error occurs during downloading update (in random moment): ERROR SUMMARY Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log. * Activation of C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
java buffer space socketexception
My java code use several threads, each thread run a ServerSocket and goes in accept. These threads communicate each other using java socket. With 121 threads all work at well, but if I run same code with 256 thread I have this No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): listen failedat Method)at Source)at Source)at
java postgresql jdbc socketexception
We are facing an exception while connecting to database through our java application. The stack trace is as followscom.edb.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt com.edb.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl( com.edb.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection( com.edb.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Connection.<init>( com.edb.jdbc3.AbstractJdbc3Connection.<init>(AbstractJdbc3Connect
Anders R. Bystrup
java servlets applet communication socketexception
I am facing below problem. It is related to socket communication error. Here I am migrating code to JBoss server. I knew this error is related to port blocking. I am running this application locally (Remote Desktop). The communication is between Applet and Servlet. When I run this application as Applet, applet runs on one port and servlet is at 8080 port on local. I have change the security policy for the servlet for the socket communication. I am getting this error from starting. So please let
Nathan Nathan
snmp permission-denied agent socketexception mib
I’m building a SNMPv2 agent using the Agent Builder tool ireasoning for study purposes.This agent must have some objects of the same group. So I chose the group of interfaces.I’m trying to run an example that came with the Agent Builder. The example is in the directory “agent \ examples \ agent \ ifmib” and demonstrates the use of interfaces. Note that this example only works on Windows because it uses the Windows ipconfig. So I am implementing on Windows.My first problem was that I was not able
java mysql tomcat socketexception
I am using MySQL 5.1 and my connector version is mysql-connector-java-5.1.7. I am getting following exception frequently. What is the issue?Dec 24, 2009 10:29:20 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve status WARNING: Exception Processing ErrorPage[errorCode=404, location=/error.jsp] ClientAbortException: Connection reset by peer: socket write errorat org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.doFlush( org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputB
java c++ c sockets socketexception
I am attempting to make socket communication between a Java server and a C client. When I sent text from client to server, for example “AAAAA” I am taking error below. Why is it not working? I can run those codes with C to C and java to java scenarios.Waiting for connection Connection received from invalid stream header: 41414141at Source)at<init>(Unknown Source)at Prov
ipv6 jnlp java-web-start socketexception proxy-server
I downloaded the file SwingSet3.jnlp from here:…/SwingSet3.jnlp. I am running a Windows 7 64Bit operating system, every time i click on the file, java 7 starts but then gives me the following error: Application could not be started.This is the Resource could not be loaded: at Source) at
Andrew Thompson
java email applet smtp socketexception
I have self-signed java applet. This applet should send email message every time, when raise unhandled exception. My applet crashed with exception in that moment, when I am trying to send mail. For sending email I usung Java Mail API (javax.mail).Java console shows follow text:javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25;nested exception is: Permission denied: connect at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
java android redis socketexception jedis
This is my code used to access the value from redis Q. Jedis jedis = null; try { int maxActive = 1000; int maxIdle = 5; int minIdle = 1; long maxWait = 5000;JedisPoolConfig config = new JedisPoolConfig (); config.setMaxActive (maxActive); config.setMaxIdle (maxIdle); config.setMinIdle(minIdle); config.setMaxWait (maxWait); config.setTestOnBorrow (false); pool = new JedisPool (config, RedisServerURL) ;jedis = pool.getResource(); jedis.getClient().setTimeoutInfinite(); redisQMesssage = jedis.rp
java web-services axis socketexception
One of our customers faced this error while calling our webservice.I think this is because a connection problems from his side, but I need to know the exact reason. Can you help me with that?Stack trace:Error while calling 10108831-402TV04LF from Thread 1 occurred after 511441 AxisFaultfaultCode: {}Server.userExceptionfaultSubcode:faultString: Connection resetfaultActor:faultNode:faultDetail:{}stackTrac
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