problem about fosfacebookbundle-Collection of common programming errors
Kunwar Siddharth Singh
php facebook symfony2 fosuserbundle fosfacebookbundle
I’m trying to use FOSFacebookBundle in Symfony 2.3 as it says in but I always get the error: Can’t solve Fatal error: Class My\UserBundle\Security\User\Provider\FacebookProvider’ not found in app/cache/de_/ap_DevDebugProjectContainer.phpI have tryed multiple things, but can’t find what it is wrong.My code sample-Security.ymlsecurity: encoders:FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface: sha
Elnur Abdurrakhimov
facebook symfony2 fosuserbundle fosfacebookbundle
Hi everyone and huge thanks for the help, I am trying to get FOSFacebook work, but it seems to be impossible until now. I tried a lot of configuration, and a lot of fix but nothing worked for me.Here is my configuration :security.ymlchain_provider:chain:providers: [fos_userbundle, fos_facebook_provider] fos_userbundle:id: fos_user.user_provider.username fos_facebook_provider:id: fos.facebook.custom_providerfirewalls:dev:pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/security: falsemain:pattern: ^
Muhammad Umair
symfony2 fosfacebookbundle
I am using Symfony2 with FOSFacebookBundle for facebook login it works fine on major times but some times it didnt create a session and redirect me to home page when i debug it from class facebookProvider it gives me following error when i print session :object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session)[147]protected ‘storage’ => object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\SessionStorage\NativeSessionStorage)[146]protected ‘options’ => array (size=5)’lifetime’ => int 0’path’ => string ‘/’
facebook symfony2 fosuserbundle fosfacebookbundle
I have some troubles using FOSFacebookBundle with FOSUserBundle for make a subscribtion by Facebook on my website…There is my code:base.html.twig: <html xmlns:fb=””><!– TEMPLATE STUFF –>function goLogIn(){alert(‘enter goLogin function’);window.location = “{{ path(‘_security_check’) }}”; }function onFbInit() {alert(‘enter onFbInit’);if (typeof(FB) != ‘undefined’ && FB != null ) {FB.Event.subscribe(‘auth.statusChange’, function(response) {al
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