problem about html-entities-Collection of common programming errors
Michael Best
javascript html html-entities
The above screengrab is from Firefox. The cursor is hovering over the yellow spot at the left hand side of the image. It is an <img> element (well actually it’s an image together with an image map containing a single circular <area> element, but I assume this distinction is unimportant) that has been created and styled in JavaScript, including the application of a title attribute (constructed by cutting and gluing strings). How can I get this to behave and show the intended character
Fernando Paladini
javascript html-entities html-escape-characters
Before you ask, I already searched a lot in Stack Overflow and I google it thousand times. Any other case I ever seen here helped me. Let’s go to my problem:I’m trying to use the following script in my code:<script type=’text/javaScript’>document.write(“<script src=’/feeds/posts/default/-/”+hom_cat1+”?max-results=1&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showhomeposts1′></script>”); </script>But I’m using Blogger and it don’t detect correctly my code (no
Mark Elliot
php mysql mysql-real-escape-string html-entities stripslashes
I am trying to input data using forms into the MySQL, and also using mysql_real_escape_string for this purpose. Unfortunately I am having a problem with the output. It displays \s, or if I use stripslashes then it removes all slashes.If I submit web’s forms using backslash \ I get this output:”web\’s forms using backslash \\”See I got a double backslash. But if I use the stripslashes function then it removes all slashes but also removes inputed slash and the output is “web’s forms using backslas
php xml xml-parsing html-entities
I am currently running into a problem where an element is coming back from my xml file with a single quote in it. This is causing xml_parse to break it up into multiple chunks, example: Get Wired, You’re Hired! Is then enterpreted as ‘Get Wired, You’ being one object, the single quote being a second, and ‘re Hired!’ as a third.What I want to do is:while($data = fread($fp, 4096)){if(!xml_parse($xml_parser, htmlentities($data,ENT_QUOTES), feof($fp))) {break;}}But that keeps breaking. I can run a s
php html-entities htmlspecialchars
Of course this has been asked before and have searched for solutions, all which have not worked thus far. I want to change out the TM symbol and the ampersand to their html equivelents by using htmlentities or htmlspecialchars:$TEST = “Kold LockerT & other stuff”; echo “ORGINIAL: ” . $TEST . “<BR/>”;echo “HTML: ” . htmlentities($TEST, ENT_COMPAT, ‘UTF-8’);This displays:ORGINIAL: Kold LockerT & other stuff HTML: I have also tried it with htmlspecialchars and the second parameter ch
javascript ruby-on-rails html-entities
I am dealing with Ruby on Rails and JavaScript. The main basic idea is that I create an object in my model’s class function and call this function in JavaScript. The problem there is that anywhere the HTML entities are encoded. Now in detail: In my model’s function getData(firstOpt, secondOpt, amount) I create an object that looks as follows (when I call the function in the ruby console): [#<JobCompact build_compact_id: 324>, #<JobCompact build_compact_id: 325>, #<JobCompact buil
Average Joe
javascript xss html-entities
$text = “( = \” ‘ & \\ </textarea> : ; . ” ;echo htmlentities($text); //outputs as –>> ( = " ‘ & \ </textarea> : ; . //obviously, htmlentities does nothing to ( ) = ; and .htmlentities is a good line of defense but it does not help in javascript contexts. wouldn’t it be to write your own htmlencode function to further enforce ( ) . ; and = characters to be encoed as well? This way, one function would make you safe across the board. I want t
php javascript jquery syntax-error html-entities
i have problem with between php and jQuery/Javascript…It wont show up or can’t work.My Code:if($bottom_1_banner == “true”){//$data_AD .= ‘$(\’.ban_bottom\’).html(\”.htmlentities($bottom_banner).’\’).text();’;$data_AD .= ‘$(\’.ban_bottom\’).html(“‘.htmlspecialchars($bottom_banner).'”).text();’; }Error Log: (Chrome/Safari)<script type=”text/javascript”>$(document).ready(function() {$(‘.ban_bottom’).html(“<!– xxxxxxx –> ******index.php:11 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected to
php forms html-entities
I’m trying to preserve user input in form, which works fine, but if there is no input and I press Submit button I get following error: Notice: Undefined variable: name in C:\xampp\htdocs\syncfolder\phpsols\contact_01.php on line 54 value=””> The code I’m using comes from book “PHP solutions”:<?php $errors = array();$missing = array();//check if the form has been submittedif (isset($_POST[‘send’])){//email processing script$to = ‘[email protected]’;$subject = ‘Mailing script’;//list o
Fabien Polley
html xml html-entities mathml
In firefox :<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <math display=”block” xmlns=””><mi>ρ</mi> </math>results in “undefined entity” error.I know there is something missing there. I just don’t know what I should write to correct the problem. I would like to avoid rewriting every single unicode character into the document.EDIT I tried the following, still not working, same error :<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <
php escaping html-entities
I have a script like this:document.getElementById(‘debugLayer’).innerHTML = ‘<?php foreach (self::$errorLogs as $item) { echo htmlentities ($item, ENT_QUOTES).'<hr />’; } ?>’;where $errorLogs is an array of list. But it must have not escape correctly, since firefox say to this:Error: malformed Unicode character escape sequence Source File: X Line: 553, Column: 63 Source Code: document.getElementById(‘debugLayerDIVcontent_10’).innerHTML = ‘<span style="background-color
html html-entities behavior
In a plain HTML document £ (dec 163) renders as £ without needing the ;, whereas &oelig (dec 339) will only render a o with the semicolon. It seems that every html entity with a decimal value under 255 will render without needing the semicolon, both in FireFox and Chrome.What gives?
php-5.3 html-entities
We’re using PHP version 5.3.2 with FastCGI under Lighttpd 1.4.26:$ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5 -v PHP 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.20 with Suhosin-Patch (cgi-fcgi) (built: Jul 15 2013 17:10:44) Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologieswith XCache v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2009, by mOoI’ve got a php script that’s generating a notice to the Lighttpd web server error log:2013-08-30 14:11:46: (mod_fastcgi.c.2711) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Notice: Use of undefined c
Lukas Knuth
php xml-parsing html-entities htmlspecialchars
I’m using XHTML Transitional doctype for displaying content in a browser. But, the content is displayed it is passed through a XML Parser (DOMDocument) for giving final touches before outputting to the browser.I use a custom designed CMS for my website, that allows me to make changes to the site. I have a module that allows me to display HTML scripts on my website in a way similar to WordPress widgets.The problem i am facing right now is that I need to make sure any code provided through this mo
ruby-on-rails ruby gem html-entities
This has happened before. It goes DIRECTLY AGAINST the gem’s usage documentation.Even though I do this:require ‘htmlentities’and then THIS:coder = HTMLEntities.newyields the following message:undefined method `new’ for HTMLEntities:ModuleNO! NO NO NO NO NO! HTMLEntities is a CLASS. It is NOT a module.What in the hell is going on here? All of my reports code is broken now!I am using rvm. I scoured my project gem directory and the global gem directory. There is NO other occurrence of HTMLEntities
javascript escaping html-entities
I have the following:var text = “Übergroße Äpfel mit Würmern”;I’m searching for a Javascript function to transform the text so that every special letter is represented by its HTML entity sequence like this:var newText = magicFunction(text); … newText = “Übergroße Äpfel mit Würmern”;The function should not only escape the letters of this example but also all of these.How would you achieve that? Is there any existing function out there? (Plain, because a solu
html firefox gmail html-entities html4
I am having an issue with the Euro currency sign HTML entity when viewing in GMail.I am using € instead of € and this shows as a square box/bad character in GMail when using Firefox, whereas when I switch it to € it works.It doesn’t seem to affect Yahoo! email accounts, only GMail from what I have seen so far.Some research leads me to believe that € is less widely supported than € and I should switch, however i’d ike to know which should be used for
php html html-entities
So, I have a basic little script that takes input from an HTML form, is processes by PHP and then writes it to a text file in the form of CSS. I’ve already got some jerkwad trying to drop tables on the server (There is no SQL but I’d like to keep people from trying none the less) Here is the code that I have thus far, can someone help me block potentially bad input via htmlentities or something else?The HTML Form <html><body> <h4>Codes Form</h4> <form action=”codes.php
php html-entities utf8-decode
Possibly a very simple question , but I was wondering how I can decode utf8 characters into readable characters.For example :L'heure suprêmeInto L’heure suprêmeI tried the following :utf8_encode , utf8_decode And `html_entity_decode($string, ENT_COMPAT, “UTF-8”);`The output never gave me the correct characters , for example html_entity_decode($string, ENT_COMPAT, “UTF-8”); returned L’heure suprêmeEDIT : It was a stupid question , html_entity_decode($string, ENT_COMPAT, “ISO-8
php xml special-characters html-entities
Why does XML display error on certain special characters and some are ok?For instance, below will create error,<?xml version=”1.0″ standalone=”yes”?> <Customers><Customer><Name>Löic</Name></Customer> </Customers>but this is ok,<?xml version=”1.0″ standalone=”yes”?> <Customers><Customer><Name>&</Name></Customer> </Customers>I convert the special character through php – htmlentities(‘Löic’,ENT_QUOT
Peter Boughton
coldfusion html-entities
I need a way to transform numeric HTML entities into their plain-text character equivalent. For example, I would like to turn the entity:éinto the character:éThrough some googling around I found a function called HtmlUnEditFormat, but this function only transforms named entities. Is there a way to decode numeric entities in ColdFusion?
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