problem about fiddler-Collection of common programming errors
firebug websocket fiddler
Is there a way to view the Websocket traffic?Only Websocket headers are visible on the initial handshake.Everything disappears after the response:Connection Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Accept EQqklpK6bzlgAAOL2EFX/nx8bEI= Upgrade WebSocketI’ve tried Firebug, Live Headers, and Fiddler2 to trace the exchange and they all stop logging there.
fiddler jscript
so here is the codecase “kancolle”:FiddlerObject.log(“kancolle start”);var inputPath = ** // ** is certain input pathvar kanFiles:String[] = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(inputPath, “*.saz”);for (var i:int = 0; i<kanFiles.Length; ++i) // just 1 file in fact{FiddlerObject.log(“kanFiles: ” + i);var kanSessions:Session[] = Utilities.ReadSessionArchive(kanFiles[i], true);for (var i1:int = 0; i1<kanSessions.Length; ++i1) // 23 sessions there{FiddlerObject.log(“kanSessions: ” + i1);Fiddle
c# proxy httpwebrequest fiddler
I have a program which uses httpwebrequest to automate a few things on my company’s web site. The program works perfectly when not using proxies at home, but at work I need to use proxies but the problem is when I use a proxy I get unexpected results. Is there anyway to monitor httpwebrequest’s traffic with Fiddler when using a proxy so I can find what is the reason for getting unexpected results?Regards!
debugging fiddler
I am trying to debug the request for one of the application and found interesting timings on fiddler. In below statistics ClientDoneRequest however server did not responded and then I can see client itself responded back.Request Count: 1 Bytes Sent: 12,374,919 (headers:1,010; body:12,373,909) Bytes Received: 672 (headers:160; body:512)ACTUAL PERFORMANCE ————– ClientConnected: 14:45:32.666 ClientBeginRequest: 14:45:48.166 GotRequestHeaders: 14:45:48.166 ClientDoneR
c# .net httpwebrequest fiddler
Just wanted to ask if somebody encountered a problem of using HttpWebRequest class (or even new HttpClient) when trying upload some file to the server when Fiddler is launched. I have encountered the bug, namely, AllowWriteStreamBuffering property of HttpWebRequest class is not working when the fiddler is launched, so upload progress is not working at all. Bytes are not sent instantly but buffored even if I set AllowWriteStreamBuffering to true, therefore I can’t track upload progress. It is wor
wweicker internet-explorer pdf https fiddler
I am streaming a PDF to the browser in ASP.NET 2.0. This works in all browsers over HTTP and all browsers except IE over HTTPS. As far as I know, this used to work (over the past 5 years or so) in all versions of IE, but our clients have only recently started to report issues. I suspect the Do not save encrypted pages to disk security option used to be disabled by default and at some point became enabled by default (Internet Options -> Advanced -> Security). Turning this option off helps, as a w
Arsen Zahray
c# fiddler fiddlercore
I’d like to be able to redirect http requests from fiddler code through upstream proxys, which I want to be able to specify at runtime.I’ve looked through FiddlerApplication functions, and I don’t see anything that might fit, as well as I haven’t found anything matching in the documentation (except that you might specify a startup flag to use system’s proxy as upstream proxy).What is the best way to specify/change fiddler core proxy at runtime?
c# httpwebrequest fiddler
Trying understand, why my POST request not works, i downloaded Fiddler2. Fiddler catch first GET request, but when i sending POST requestusing (var streamRequest = request1.GetRequestStream()) //Debugging stops here{streamRequest.Write(encoding.GetBytes(postData), 0, encoding.GetByteCount(postData));}Fiddler nothing catch, and my app just waiting, no exceptions, no crashes, nothing, just empty console window. But if i close Fiddler, request sending and gets response, but response not what i expe
c# fiddler
I never used fiddler core before. But after first time using it into my application, a weird problem is happening. Whenever my application is running web browsers are working fine. But other time those all showing error page. I know I did something wrong with fiddler core. I am sending my codes here. Codes are working perfectly. But there is something into my code so that I getting this problem. Please see the code and let me know what am I doing wrong.static bool bUpdateTitle = true;static Prox
c# wcf fiddler
Been beating about this problem for a while now.Under IIS6 and windows authentication, whenever I attempt to use jquery to post to a WCF service, the service method is called and executed but all of the post data (the method arguments) are null. This only seems to occur on the IE8 version that is on that machine. This does not occur in Firefox and this also does not occur, strangely enough, when fiddler is running (acting as a proxy).This code works fine under IIS7 and appears to work fine und
Keith Jackson
javascript backbone.js fiddler
I have some really weird stuff going on here. I have a model that I’m attempting a fetch on. I can look at the calls in Fiddler or call my API service manually and I get the JSON I would expect back, but the fetch method always throws an error in Backbone. It does not tell me why and the responseText is empty. In fiddler, the service returns a 200.Here’s the calling code…this.createSession = function (sessionId) {var that = this;CookieManager.CreateSession(sessionId);var sessionData = new Auth
jquery ajax jquery-ajax fiddler
I am developing an application that use jQuery to make ajax calls to the server.When I analyze the traffic with Fiddler I can see, as in the following picture, that I have many strange calls to an undefined URL. My code does not make those kind of calls that seems to be generated randomly.Is there any way to discover where the call comes from? How can I troubleshoot this situation?EDIT:This is a sample ajax call$.ajax({url: ‘<%= SPContext.Current.Site.Url %>’ + wsBaseUrl + ‘DashboardWS.asm
c# apache2 fiddler webrequest
I got a server with Apache running. Now I want to be able to read the contents of a folder there and for that this folder is configured in the Apache httpd.conf something like this:Alias /folder “E:/Folder”<Directory “E:/Folder”>AuthName “Public Folder”AuthType SSPISSPIAuth OnSSPIAuthoritative OnSSPIDomain DOMAINSSPIOfferBasic OnSSPIOfferSSPI OnSSPIBasicPreferred OffSSPIOmitDomain OnSSPIUsernameCase lowerrequire group “DOMAIN\Domain Users” </Directory>Now when I use a Browser I can a
Web site is in building