java,spring,web-services,soapRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
java server-push
I want to create push notification server and while installing SSL certificate and .p12 file in server we are facing the below error: I want to know what is the wrong with ssl certificate because I am getting certificate_unknown error.main, RECV TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, certificate_unknown main, called closeSocket() main, handling exception: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown Error pushing notification(s): Invalid certificate chain (Received fatal alert: c
java design object-oriented refactoring
I am working on a UI code where I have an Action class, something like this -public class MyAction extends Action {public MyAction() {setText(“My Action Text”);setToolTip(“My Action Tool tip”);setImage(“Some Image”);}}When this Action class was created it was pretty much assumed that the Action class won’t be customizable (in a sense – its text, tooltip or image will be not be changed anywhere in the code). Of late, now we are in need of changing the action text at some location in code. So I su
Ionu? G. Stan
java jvm stackoverflow
I used to think that it’s not, but yesterday I had to do it. It’s an application that uses Akka (an actor system implementation for the JVM) to process asynchronous jobs. One of the actors performs some PDF manipulation, and because the library is buggy, it dies with a StackOverflowError every now and then.The second aspect is that Akka is configured to shutdown its whole actor system if any JVM fatal error (e.g. StackOverflowError) is caught.The third aspect is that this actor system is embedde
packages java
I use Wolfram Workbench 2.0. I can get a KernelLink object and evaluate some simple expressions like “2+2”. But I don’t know how to export a package and execute any functions from Java code. Please, show me any example.
mathlink java
I’m trying to create a Java program that uses some methods from a mathematica package I’ve defined. When I run my java program though the output of the program acts as though the Mathematica methods were never defined. I believe my problem has to do with the way that i’m trying to include the Mathematica package in my java code.Here is the mathematica package (saved as test.m)BeginPackage[“test`”]test::usage = “My test package.” myAdd::usage = “adds 2 numbers” myPrint::usage = “prints ‘print thi
rm -rf
mathlink interoperability java
I’m trying to write a Java program that uses Mathematica code, but when I compile it, a window appears asking for MathLink. I enter c:\\program files\\wolfram research\\mathematica\\9.0\\mathkernel.exebut this causes an exception to occur. I don’t understand what the problem is. Here is the code I am using: import com.wolfram.jlink.*; public class SampleProgram {public static void main(String[] argv) {KernelLink ml = null;try {ml = MathLinkFactory.createKernelLink(argv);} catch (MathLinkExceptio
I am trying to create a Java frontend for Mathematica. Following examples from J/Link guide and looking around the API manual I came up with this code:public class Mathematica extends MathJFrame { public Mathematica(String[] args) {initComponents();try {ml = MathLinkFactory.createKernelLink(args);} catch (MathLinkException e) {System.out.println(“Fatal error opening link: ” + e.getMessage());}try {ml.discardAnswer();ml.evaluate(“2+2”);ml.waitForAnswer();int result = ml.getInteger();System.out.p
interoperability java
I am trying to get Clojuratica set up (MMa v 9 free trial) (on a Mac running Mavericks)I am following the instructions in “Clojure Data Analysis Cookbook” but have also followed the instructions: get the error message:user=> (MathLinkFactory/createKernelLink path) Fatal error: cannot find the required native library named JLinkNativeLibrary.UnsatisfiedLinkError com.wolfram
openlayers postgis wms web-mapping java
I´m new to GIS development. I have read about Openlayers, maps servers (i choose Geoserver), geodatabase (in my case i choose PostGis) and theory of gis in general. I´m developing a Java EE application that needs GIS functionality, but i´m having some problems defining the high level arquitecture for my requirements. Before i explain what alternatives i´m considering, i think it´s best if i give the main requirements that the present application must fulfill:It has to show a map on the browser,
Jonathan Hobbs
java android animation sprites pixel
I have been coding speed for an object. I have made it so the object will move from one end of the screen to another at a speed depending on the screen size, at the monemt I have made it so it will take one second to pass the screen. So i have worked out the speed in code but when I go to assign the speed it tells me to force close and i do not understand why. Here is the code: MainGame Code:@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {setBlockSpeed(getWidth()); }private int blockSpeed;privat
java spring cxf
I’m running into a problem with a combination of Spring 3.1.1 and Apache CXF 2.7.10. I’m guessing I’m just missing a dependency but can’t for the life of me figure out what.When starting my service I get the following exception:PropertyAccessException 1: org.springframework.beans.MethodInvocationException: Property ‘serviceBeans’ threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSServiceFactoryBean.sendEvent(Lorg/apache/cxf/service/factory/FactoryBeanLis
The Dictator
spring cxf
I’m developing a Spring/CXF-RESTful/MyBatis Application. I always solved some errors myself, but this error….i don’t know way to solve it. So, please check this error and share our knowledge. thanks. jeong-sik.![Project View][1]Error Log(JBoss)11:22:56,614 INFO [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modules version 1.3.0.Final-redhat-2 11:22:57,379 INFO [org.jboss.msc] (main) JBoss MSC version 1.0.4.GA-redhat-1 11:22:57,657 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-6) JBAS015899: JBoss EAP 6.2.0.
Yahia Ammar
java spring java-ee cxf
i try to implement a web service using CXF and Spring.i use the following pom.xml file:<project xmlns=”″ xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=””> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.yahia</groupId> <artifactId>TestMaven</artifactId> <packaging>war</packaging> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT&l
Gunjan Shah
I want to create Web Service (with Bottom to Top Principle) with Spring3.Here I am confused with servlet which are required to declare in web.xml file.I got two reference in Google which are using different servlets.1>> anyone suggest me which servlet to use for Spring Web Service ?I am also facing problem with DI in the web service.Here is my configuration sel-ws-config.xml
java eclipse spring hibernate maven
Hello all I’m trying to get started with maven and eclipse.I have some experience with spring, hibernate and maven for a single maven project so far. What I try to achieve is to separate my project into 3 projects representing the classic layers. Web, Service and DAO. I want to build a proper project stub managed by maven. To get started I created the Web project and the DAO project and I’m already hitting a wall. My maven project has the following structure:-SuperProject –Web –DAOHere is th
spring spring-mvc spring-boot
I asked a similar question and thought it was answered. However, yesterday it stopped working so I am going to ask again, but with my modified classes. I hope that is the right protocol for this….I have a spring-boot-starter-web that is throwing a null pointer on startup because one of the classes isn’t being Autowired. Here is my setup:package @Configuration @ComponentScan @EnableJpaRepositories @EnableAutoConfiguration public class OFAC {public static void main(String[
java spring hibernate
public class Application implements {private long applicationId; private String policeStation;private String shortestRoute;private Set inspectionReports = new HashSet(0);public Application() {}public Application(long applicationId, Applicant applicant) {this.applicationId = applicationId;this.applicant = applicant;}public Application(long applicationId) {this.applicationId = applicationId;}public Application(long applicationId,String policeStation,String shortestRoute,Set in
java spring hibernate tomcat7 eclipse-wtp
I have a WTP project in eclipse that is using Tomcat7 as server, everything is fine – when I start the server, there are no errors in the logs but tomcat is not coming up – hitting localhost:8080 shows me 404 page, I have checked the ports conflicts as well, below are the logs when tomcat starts.Apr 10, 2012 11:07:36 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on t
spring google-app-engine jpa datanucleus
I get the following exception, dont understand why it cant find the DatastoreManagerCaused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘entityManagerFactory’ defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException: Class “” was not found in the CLASSPATH. Please check your specification and
java spring spring-mvc autowired
I am new to Spring. I am trying to use autowired in our project.But i am facing an issue in service class. My service class:package com.x.y.service;import java.util.List;import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;import com.x.y.dao.RegionDao; import com.x.y.util.model.Region;@Service(“regionService”) public class RegionServiceImpl implements RegionService{ @Autowired RegionDao regionDao;public List<Region> getAllCities() {re
amazing me
php web-services soap
I am getting this error:Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn’t find definitions in ‘https://.asmx’ in /home/.php on line 8My code is:<?php $client = new SoapClient(“https://***.asmx”); $params = array( ‘aaa’=> ‘1’, ‘bbb’ => ‘2’, ‘ccc’=>’3’); $result = $client->CheckPayment($params);$xml = $result->CheckPaymentResult; ?>I have tested code with other web service which works fine. But, not with this one. How can i solve this problem?
java mysql web-services
im stuck in this terrible problem, I have a SOAP based webservice implemented in Java.The client besides other data is supposed to have “male” and “female” checkboxes so the user can either select one of them or both and the client is supposed to send it to the server to be stored in the database, where it is a multivalued entity, but it gives me Error 500, the failure on Server side, is the way i pass the array and then use it on server side correct? if not how could i pass and process it? here
android web-services integration
I am a Beginner in both android and Web Services(java soap based).what i was trying to do is request one of the method from the web service.which does not require any parameters for initial testing and catch the response in logcat or a simple text view. Initially it gave me authentication error provided with a basic http authentication to the web services as it required the same,and then when i ran the program again it started throwing the exception after this line where i was calling:httpTrans
android web-services httprequest restlet android-async-http
I’m trying to send a POST request to my REST webservice using Android Async Http library as my client.For my webservice I’m using RESTlet framework.This is my handler method on my webservice:@Override public void handle(Request request, Response response) {String type = request.getMethod().getName();if(type.equalsIgnoreCase(“get”)){response.setStatus(new Status(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, “GET Requests are not accepted”));}else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase(“put”)){response.setStatus(new Status(
Parth mehta
web-services spring tomcat c3p0
After making around 10-15 simultaneous request to the spring based web-services running on Tomcat closes the web application. Please suggest the solution based on the following error log : Feb 13, 2013 10: 58: 48 AM **org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer await INFO: A valid shutdown command was received via the shutdown port.Stopping the Server instance.** Feb 13, 2013 10: 58: 48 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler[“http-bio-8080”] Feb 13, 2013 10: 58: 4
java mysql web-services soap
im stuck in this terrible problem, I have a SOAP based webservice implemented in Java.The client besides other data is supposed to have “male” and “female” checkboxes so the user can either select one of them or both and the client is supposed to send it to the server to be stored in the database, where it is a multivalued entity, but it gives me Error 500, the failure on Server side, is the way i pass the array and then use it on server side correct? if not how could i pass and process it? here
android web-services opencv camera
I am working on an android application. In which I am getting users photo images(5 images)(Using opencv2.4.2 camera with face detection) and save into my database in the server using web service. For this I am using Opencv2.4.2 face detection sample, Ksoap2 for web service. In my android emulator and device(android 4.0.4) application working fine. But When I check with another device(android 4.0.3) it throws “Unfortunately, Myapp has stopped”. I have attached my log file below. I don’t know what
android web-services wsdl ksoap2
i am making one example of calling wsdl webservice made in Zend (framework of php) and i am using ksoap api(jar file) and i got this error org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: expected: START_TAG {}Envelope (position:START_TAG <definitions name=’Ccc_Core_Model_Api_Server’ targetNamespace=’’>@2:385 in i read all questions of stackoverflow related to this error, but i am not ab
java exception tomcat web-services
i’m using Netbeans 6.8, jdk and jre6u21….i developed a simple web service using nothing but sql connection, oracle datasource and when i try to deploy it it gives me the same exception each time:SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class WSSERVLET11: failed to parse runtime descriptor: Unable t
java web-services rest soap cxf
I’m using the Apache CXF framework with Spring to create a RESTful API for my project. Now, i need to call a SOAP service from withing my REST service. I have generated the java code and a client through Eclipse which generates all client code and a main method to call the service. However, as soon as i put this code in my RESTful service and instantiate the class annotated with @WebServiceClient, i get a Class Cast Exception with the message Failed to determine BusFactory implementation class n
amazing me
php web-services soap
I am getting this error:Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn’t find definitions in ‘https://.asmx’ in /home/.php on line 8My code is:<?php $client = new SoapClient(“https://***.asmx”); $params = array( ‘aaa’=> ‘1’, ‘bbb’ => ‘2’, ‘ccc’=>’3’); $result = $client->CheckPayment($params);$xml = $result->CheckPaymentResult; ?>I have tested code with other web service which works fine. But, not with this one. How can i solve this problem?
Figen Güngör
php soap
I am trying a simple web service example and i get this error even though I uncommented “extension=php_soap.dll” in php.ini file. Can you help me out? Thanks.Error:Fatal error: Class ‘SoapClient’ not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\server.php on line 2
php logging soap fatal-error
Consider the following script run for a URL that’s known not to contain a valid WSDL: <?phpecho “start\n”;try {$test = new SoapClient (‘’); } catch (Exception $e) {echo “Caught exception\n”; }echo “end\n”;As expected, it logs out the following when run: start Caught exception endso the script did run to completion in spite failing to connect to a SOAP server. This is exactly what I was expecting. What I didn’t expect was the following also getting logged to /var/lo
Roman Vottner
java soap jaxb cxf apache-camel
We have a couple of SOAP based web services, some are exposed via Apache CXF directly via contract first approach some are exposed as a service via Apache Camel and its CXF extension. Up to now we used a PAYLOAD approach as data format for the CxfSpringEndpoint but as requirements changed I have to change the data format to POJO instead to enable the unmarshalled object directly via Camel’s message body.After changing the code to enable POJO data format handling within Camel I’m stuck with the f
java mysql web-services soap
im stuck in this terrible problem, I have a SOAP based webservice implemented in Java.The client besides other data is supposed to have “male” and “female” checkboxes so the user can either select one of them or both and the client is supposed to send it to the server to be stored in the database, where it is a multivalued entity, but it gives me Error 500, the failure on Server side, is the way i pass the array and then use it on server side correct? if not how could i pass and process it? here
java soap http-status-code-404 spring-ws
The short version: My Spring-WS SOAP EchoEndpoint responds 404 whenever I try to access it. Please help, I’ve spent two days trying to get it to work correctly. :-ILonger version: I’ve got a Spring project where I need to make SOAP services that act, look and feel as SOAP services from the system that will be deprecated. Therefore I’m not going to be using marshalling, but rather analyse the envelope contents via XPath and make the response in a way that looks like the old system.But leading up
android parsing listview soap
I am creating two java files one is and Category.javaI am adding Library file ksoap2-android-assembly-2.6.2-jar-with-dependencies.jarBut here output is not displaying.I am doing soap XMl parsing.Here Text view but I want to a List. Please Help meMain.javapublic class Main extends Activity {private static String SOAP_ACTION = “”;private static String NAMESPACE = “”; private static String METHOD_NAME = “HelloWorld”;private static String URL
java web-services rest soap cxf
I’m using the Apache CXF framework with Spring to create a RESTful API for my project. Now, i need to call a SOAP service from withing my REST service. I have generated the java code and a client through Eclipse which generates all client code and a main method to call the service. However, as soon as i put this code in my RESTful service and instantiate the class annotated with @WebServiceClient, i get a Class Cast Exception with the message Failed to determine BusFactory implementation class n
.net wcf soap
I’m developing a simple wcf service and trying to expose it as Soap for compatibility reasons: the client will be a flash application with its nice actionscript.I am obviously using basicHttpBinding to generate soap compatible WSDL.Here follows my configuration (anonymized of sensitive data of course):<system.serviceModel> <bindings><basicHttpBinding><binding name=”soapBinding” /></basicHttpBinding> </bindings> <services><service behaviorConfiguration
Brian Kessler
java web-services soap jaxb salesforce
I was on one Java/Salesforce tutorial but I couldn’t get it to work as is because SoapBindingStub seems to be obsolete code based upon depreciated libraries. So I tried to mesh the code with code from JAX-WS Quick Start, but this didn’t quite work either. No matter what I did, ultimately the sample console application would suffer exceptions, complaining “Web Service Exception creating salesface port.: Unable to create JAXBContext due to the security restriction on class
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