How do I specialize deserializing 'null' with Jackson?-Collection of common programming errors

I have a class that can output any of the following:

  • { title: “my claim” }
  • { title: “my claim”, judgment: null }
  • { title: “my claim”, judgment: “STANDING” }

(notice how judgment is different in each case: it can be undefined, null, or a value)

The class looks like:

class Claim {
   String title;
   Nullable judgment;

and Nullable is this:

class Nullable {
   public T value;

with a custom serializer:

SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule("NullableSerMod", Version.unknownVersion());
module.addSerializer(Nullable.class, new JsonSerializer() {
   public void serialize(Nullable arg0, JsonGenerator arg1, SerializerProvider arg2) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
      if (arg0 == null)

Summary: This setup allows me to output the value, or null, or undefined.

Now, my question: How do I write the corresponding deserializer?

I imagine it would look something like this:

SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule("NullableDeserMod", Version.unknownVersion());
module.addDeserializer(Nullable.class, new JsonDeserializer deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
      if (next thing is null)
         return new Nullable(null);
         return new Nullable(parser.readValueAs(inner type));

but I don’t know what to put for “next thing is null” or “inner type”.

Any ideas on how I can do this?


Originally posted 2013-11-09 21:10:17.