laravel,bladeRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Martijn Pieters
    laravel laravel-4 composer-php
    I made one change in my composer.json including Facebook SDK package ( during the composer update I got this error$ php artisan optimize PHP Fatal error: Interface ‘SessionHandlerInterface’ not found in /Users/Leandro/www/bootstrap/compiled.php on line 2644After this, I can’t run artisan or composer commands. Always get the same error.I tried to remove Facebook SDK from composer json but not works.Some help? Using –no-scripts the command works f

  • Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
    laravel laravel-4
    I try Laravel 4 but get errorCatchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Container\Container::share() must be an instance of Closure, unknown given, called in /host/sites/centos6/laravel4/bootstrap/compiled.php on line 3131 and defined in /host/sites/centos6/laravel4/bootstrap/compiled.php on line 98please help me, thanks allps: sorry for my english

  • Charles
    php laravel
    http://localhost/laravel/app/tests/ExampleTest.phpif i run laravel it shows the following errorFatal error: Class ‘TestCase’ not found in D:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\app\tests\ExampleTest.php on line 3 , any idea

  • citizen_of_noobville
    php laravel illuminate-container
    I got a web app that works on my local computer, but not on my server. I get this error on server. I checked the code that the error mentions about, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Do you have any idea what causes this? Thank you very much in advance. Here’s my error message: Fatal error: Interface ‘Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionDisplayerInterface’ not found in /var/www/ on line 6Here’s Symph

  • Jeemusu
    php forms laravel
    When I’ve made multistep forms in the past I would generally place the form data into the session so that should the user refresh the page or use the browsers native back buttons the data persists.Transferring my past logic to Laravel I built the following form consisting of three stages [Input -> Confirm -> Success].Routes.phpRoute::group(array(‘prefix’ => ‘account’), function(){Route::get(‘register’, array(‘before’ => ‘guest’,’as’ => ‘account-create’,’uses’ => ‘AccountCon

  • Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
    laravel laravel-4 composer-php
    I have the latest Laravel 4 beta 5 build from Laravel’s github repo.I have built a simple web API and it is working fine. I wanted to duplicate the project to another folder and continue working on it from the copy. However, when I try that, I get the following error message:InvalidArgumentException Driver [native] not supported./Users/tolga/Sites/l4api-copy/bootstrap/compiled.phpLine 10908: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(“Driver [{$driver}] not supported.”);Here is what I did in order to c

  • jdersen
    php validation model controller laravel
    I’m trying to register a user in my application while keeping all business logic in the model and as little as possible in the controller. To accomplish this, I’m running user validation in the model’s boot() method when the Class::creating() event fires. If the validation fails, I simply return false, cancelling the event. You can see this here:public static function boot() {parent::boot();User::creating(function(){$validator = new Services\Validators\RUser;if (! $validator->passes()) return

  • Ryan
    php arrays sorting laravel laravel-4
    I have a “Post” object, accessed via the IOC container. Various errors tell me this object’s type ends up as a “Collection”, which implements several interfaces, including IteratorAggregate and ArrayAccess.I want to display a user-defined group of posts according to a specific order, e.g.:$desired=array(“69″,”63″,”70”);//these represent post id’sJust sorting an array in this manner seems complex, but I want to sort my collection. I have been researching various combinations of usort(), uksort(

  • johnnyfittizio
    php html redirect laravel laravel-4
    This is the situation:In my Laravel 4 app, after validating, it redirect to the same page displaying a succesfull message. It works fine. The problem is that the page is quite heavy and so the redirecting process it takes up to 3 seconds. What i would like to do, is to display a message without redirecting. In order to save the time that takes to load the page again, and display the message instantly.This is the code:return Redirect::back()->with(‘message’,'<b>Congratulations! You have

  • Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
    laravel laravel-4
    I have problems understanding how Laravel handles exceptions. I registered Exception handlers in global.php like this: use MyNamespace\Custom\Exceptions\NotAllowedException; App::error(function(NotAllowedException $exception, $code) {die(“MyNamespace\Custom\Exceptions\NotAllowedException catched”); });App::error(function(\Exception $exception) {echo “general exception thrown<br/>”; });In a controller action I now throw a NotAllowedException. The strange part however is, that first Exce

  • teresko
    php arrays laravel-4 blade laravel-routing
    I need your help.I’ve just found out that the class \Illuminate\View\Environment has a protected array $sections and a method to get it getSections() but it returns an empty array.Here’s how I tried to get it:$view = View::make(‘pages’); $env = $view->getEnvironment(); $env->make(‘pages’);print($env->getSections());And the result is Array( )Where did I go wrong? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

  • bitlather
    laravel blade
    I can’t call member functions on objects that I pass to custom control structures in Laravel 4.1.23.My custom control structure:Blade::extend(function($view, $compiler){$pattern = $compiler->createMatcher(‘paginatePretty’);$code = ‘$1<?phpecho $2->getCurrentPage();?>’;return preg_replace($pattern, $code, $view); });My blade view code that instantiates paginatePretty:// $articles = Articles::orderBy(‘created_at’, ‘desc’)->paginate($per_page); @paginatePretty($articles)At compile ti

  • Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
    php laravel laravel-3 blade
    I’m new at laravel but I found something very strange.In my blade template I wrote:@if( $appModule == ‘someting’ ) Something @elseif($appModule == ‘somethingelse’)SomethingElse @else Nothing @endifWhen I run I get an error:Unhandled ExceptionMessage:Error rendering view: [layout]syntax error, unexpected ‘?’Location:…\storage\views/a5d6961979ebea7e1177c3836de35dd8 on line 41I opened ‘a5d6961979ebea7e1177c3836de35dd8’ and found this:<?php if( $appModule == ‘someting’ ) Something <?php els

  • dhpratik
    layout view run laravel blade
    i am new to laravel an trying to learn BLADE but there is a issue which is striking me. i have an index.blade.php@layout(‘master’)and i also have amaster.blade.php <!doctype html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=edge,chrome=1″> <title>Laravel: A Framework For Web Artisans</title> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width”></head> <body> hi from body </body> <

  • Klaitos
    php view laravel blade
    my laravel view structure is like this:/views/layouts/default.blade.phpcontaining <html> @yield(‘header’) <body>@yield(‘navigation’)@yield(‘content’)@yield(‘footer’) </body>following by/views/partials/footer.blade.php /views/partials/header.blade.php /views/partials/navigation.blade.phpIn my header view i have a var $title I’m trying to set it dynamically trought the controller on the home in my view located in /pages/index.blade.php I got this @layout(‘layouts.defa

  • Josh
    php laravel laravel-4 fluent blade
    I’m trying to paginate a page in my view like this:@foreach($tasks as $task){{ $task->user_id }}{{ $task->client_id }}{{ $task->description }}{{ $task->duration }}{{ link_to_route(‘’, ‘View client’, array($task->client_id), array(‘class’ => ‘btn btn-primary’)) }} @endforeach{{ $tasks->links() }}Using the following query in my controller:$tasks = DB::table(‘tasks’)->join(‘users’, ‘tasks.user_id’, ‘=’, ‘’)->join(‘clients’, ‘tasks.client_id’, ‘=’, ‘cli

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