problem about restful-authentication-Collection of common programming errors

  • ryan
    session cucumber authlogic restful-authentication
    I recently upgraded cucumber to version 0.8.5, but I’m getting some unexpected errors with Authlogic. As a precursor to many of my user interface tests I have a default ‘Given I am logged in’ method that logs a user in through the standard login interface and asserts that they were redirected to the home page. Prior to upgrading cucumber I had no issue with this method, but when I run my tests now I get a NoMethodError on my the current_user helper provided by Authlogic. The user seems to log in

  • user3235936
    php rest restful-authentication controllers laravel-3
    Again, with some of modification “user.php” controller, mysterious error appear:Unhandled Exception Message:syntax error, unexpected ”Please, … yes, that’s all. I only modify user.php; here be gist: I tried accomplish, is to register user with user, password, email and additionally – first name and last name. Then, (if proccess go ok) send mail with confirmation link to given adress, so user got validated.

  • Bittercoder
    wcf rest oauth restful-authentication
    I’m playing around with DevDefined.OAuth – an OAuth consumer and provider implementation for .Net and on launching the ExampleConsumerSite project after configuring the service endpoints on my IIS 7 web server, I’m receiving the following error:Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Excep

  • JZ.
    ruby-on-rails methods roles restful-authentication
    Ignoring rolerequirement with restfulauthentication method in a subdomain scopeI have created a site which utilizes subdomains and searches whether or not the user is at: or If the user is in, /views/layouts/application.html.erb appears, if the user is in /views/layouts/promo_site.html.erb appears. To accomplish this I closely followed Robby on Rails directions.Both layouts utilize the same controller. In addition I use rolerequire

  • couzzi
    javascript node.js angularjs express restful-authentication
    Angular+RESTful Client-side Communication w/ API for Auth/(re)RoutingThis has been covered in a few different questions, and in a few different tutorials, but all of the previous resources I’ve encountered don’t quite hit the nail on the head. In a nut-shell, I need toLogin via POST from to Have a “logged in” GUI/component state for the user that provides a logout route Be able to “update” the UI when the user logs out / logs out. This has been the most fru

  • mike in africa
    ruby-on-rails session restful-authentication
    i have a 2.2.3 app which i upgraded to 2.3.2it’s a multi-site (using subdomain) that creates one top level session for all sites.this is how i change the domain in production.rb:ActionController::Base.session_options[:domain] = “”# in rails 2.2.2, this is what i used to do: # ActionController::Base.session_options[:session_domain] = “”strange things started to happen after i upgraded i can no longer login using restful authentication; it does authenticate me, but as soon as i’m red

  • haroldcampbell
    ruby-on-rails restful-authentication
    My clean install of the Restful-Authentication plugin fails with the following message.undefined method `acts_as_state_machine’ for #Class:0x46edaf8Any ideas on how I can resolve this? Note: The *act_as_state_machine* plugin is installed Note: The restful-authentication plugin was installed with the following commandscript/generate authenticated user sessions –include-activation –statefulThanksH

  • Luca Romagnoli
    ruby-on-rails cookies restful-authentication
    i’m using restful-authentication plugin with rails 2.3.8i’ve problems with cookies storei’ve put a logger instruction in this function for check the cookie:def send_remember_cookie!cookies[:auth_token] = {:value => @current_user.remember_token,:expires => @current_user.remember_token_expires_at } logger.error “————–#{cookies[:auth_token].keys}” endBut when i launch the program i receive this error:undefined method `keys’ for nil:NilClasswhy?How can i set the cookie?thanks

  • Simone Carletti
    ruby-on-rails restful-authentication
    I’ve installed the restful_authentication plugin. I’m Using rails 2.2.2. However, I can’t seem to get past a certain error:”undefined method acts_as_state_machine”It doesn’t matter if I call db:migrate or script/server, everything results in this same error.Any ideas?

  • Kasper Nymand
    ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 authentication restful-authentication
    After trying to install the “Restful-Authentication”-plugin on my Ruby on Rails site, I’ve been meeting some problems.I’m still new to Ruby on Rails, and programming in general, so I might probably have forgotten something, maybe.I’m running Ruby 1.9.3p125, and Rails 3.2.1When browsing to the signup page, I get this error message:uninitialized constant User::AuthenticationThen, if I refresh the page, I receive this other error message:undefined method `key?’ for nil:NilClassFull Trace:actionpack

  • hacintosh
    ruby-on-rails ruby restful-authentication
    I have a fantasy football league rails app that was working last year and it’s time to get it going again before the season starts. I cleared out the database and did a “rake db:migrate” so I could restart the app from scratch. The login page comes up fine but when a user tries to “sign up” using restful_authentication I get the following error in log/production.log:NoMethodError (undefined method `make_activation_code’ for #<User:0xb7743490>): /vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/

  • Rahul
    ruby-on-rails routing restful-authentication
    I am currently trying out restful_authentication in rails. This is my routes.rb fileActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.logout ‘/logout’, :controller => ‘sessions’, :action => ‘destroy’ map.login ‘/login’, :controller => ‘sessions’, :action => ‘new’ map.register ‘/register’, :controller => ‘users’, :action => ‘create’ map.signup ‘/signup’, :controller => ‘users’, :action => ‘new’ map.resources :users map.resource :session map.resources :productsThis is my

  • Foysal
    sockets post ssl restful-authentication
    In my application I want to post from my android application XML data in the remote server which is using REST service. My code is below:String url = “”;int port = 443;String query = “<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?><request><client><name>APIappDevAccount</name><password>123456</password></client><user><name>foyzulkarim</name><password>123456</password><groupId>12345</groupId></user&

  • Donal Fellows
    ssl ssl-certificate restful-authentication restful-architecture
    When I am Running my RESTful client in Eclipse, getting the following Connection refused: connectat Method)at Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)at

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