How to never feel humiliation?-Collection of common programming errors

How is it possible? I know it is, so don’t say it’s not. And don’t say by never having anything humiliating happen to you. Realistically, how can you alter yourself to never feel humiliation even in circumstances where most people would? Don’t say grow a thicker skin either. How to be a warm person (not cold) that doesn’t feel humiliation.

  1. G People are undefined about the subject of your question because they just don’t know. if you want to never feel humiliation, learn to live without fear, or regret. The way to do that is to base your life on what you can verify as being unshakably true, and observable, by you, at any time. When you operate like that, you may, at times, get some slight perturbances in your emotion, but it will quickly settle down into a determination to win, no matter what. The way to win, no matter what, is to learn how to use the greatest secret human power, stick with it, and teach others.

    After you have read the post, and decided you want to try it, you can find the worldwide support network at

  2. Do not put yourself in a situation where you may be humiliated. That means not doing very much of course. Just be grey, never question anything, keep your head down and roll over/hide when a bully approaches. There are some people in life who consider themselves perfect in every way, never do anything, have never had anything bad happen to them and they sail through life being utterly sanctimonious, judgemental and they never really achieve anything. Except for themselves. They cannot see their own faults.They enjoy humiliating others to feel better about themselves.

    So, if you don’t want to be humiliated – be that person in the first line.

  3. Well, if you wont accept my “Then don’t do stupid **** that would humiliate you” answer, then I would have to say just learn to be happy, content with and love yourself. If you realize what things in life are really important, that doing something that would normally humiliate you wont actually kill you (and people just make a big deal out of it because they’re immature and have issues with their own lives), and to just have the common sense to learn from mistakes. Instead of looking at making a mistake like you’ve created this big joke that the rest of the world is in on, pointing and laughing at you, think of it as another one of life’s lessons now learned. Think of it as being a step further in the right direction of becoming a better person.

  4. Humiliation is loosing self respect. If you act consistent with your morals, you have no reason not to respect yourself. If you never loose respect for yourself you will never feel humiliated.

  5. -By BELIEVING in YourSELF; AND the Dignity of Your “Person.”

  6. Only a fool could claim to never have felt humiliation – and there is no shortage of such.

  7. Don’t think in terms of humiliation.

  8. Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.

  9. Lobotomy

  10. It’s quite easy. You must change your whole outlook on life and who/what you are.

Originally posted 2013-11-09 21:07:22.