phonegap,cordova-2.0.0,childbrowserRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Peacemoon
    android phonegap android-asynctask freeze progressdialog
    I have a strangle behavior when implementing AsynTask and ProgressDialog. When i download small file, everything works fine, the progress status is updated from 0% to 100%. But when i download larger files, the number on ProgressDialog runs to 6 or 7% then it is not updated anymore. But after 2,3 minutes, i receive a messge that asyntask task finished the downloading process.public class DownloadHelper extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, Long> implements DialogInterface.OnDismissListener{pr

  • user1291129
    phonegap jquery-mobile cordova
    i have created an app which is used for uploading images to server using HTML5, jQuery Mobile and phonegap 2.2. I had try different approaches as follow:1)input type=file, this is working absolutely fine in Simulator it take upload the picture but it doesnot work on real device don’t know why.2)Second approach i used is of phonegap camera plugin.I simply use the already created code from the device it works fine if i create a separate project but when i integrate in my project it just stop respo

  • Ben
    android node.js phonegap
    Problem SummaryI am trying to bundle a simple chat app into a native app to run on Android 2.2 and above using web client –> server worksI have a simple server running which successfully communicates with a client when its run in a web mobile client in mobile browser –> server worksNote that because websockets arent supported on Android 2.2 it defaults back to xhr polling, sample messages from server when co

  • Andrew
    android gwt phonegap
    I have what I think is a fairly standard set-up of an existing web-app and would like advice on how best to adapt it for creating native versions via PhoneGap, in a way that we can keep developing the web-app and updating the phonegap generated versions from it with minimal rework.I am a PhoneGap novice. I have searched around and tried various suggestions from StackOverflow etc with no luck, at least for my set-up.The app is developed in GWT and consists of:static resources in a shared folder f

  • stealthjong
    javascript android phonegap
    I have and application built with PhoneGap, and I’m trying to communicate with Javascript from native my DroidGap extending class:@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {Logger.log(“oncreate”);super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);super.init();super.appView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true);super.appView.getSettings().setSupportZoom(true);super.appView.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true);super.appView.getSettings().setDisplayZoomControls(false);jsinterface =

  • user1386579
    phonegap cordova phonegap-plugins cordova-2.0.0
    I am new to phonegap plugin; I thought of writing a small echo plugin; but I get this error Falling back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is missing. at file:///android_asset/www/js/cordova-2.3.0.js:1112 and also the echo event is not fired, I attach my files for your referenceThis is my index.html ` <!DOCTYPE html><html lang=”en”> <head><meta charset=”utf-8″><title>Login | Royce Apps</title><meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scal

  • clint
    javascript objective-c ios phonegap cordova
    I am using phonegap/cordova(2.1.0) to create IOS app. i want to call a javascript function in index.html file of the phonegap from an objective-c function. So, i am creating an instance ‘theWebView’ of the ‘UIWebView’ class like below:Code in AppDelegate.h:#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>#import <Cordova/CDVViewController.h> #import “sqlite3.h”@interface AppDelegate : NSObject < UIApplicationDelegate > {NSString* invokeString;}@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIWebView* theWebView

  • user2122206
    php javascript jquery html5 phonegap
    So I have it set up to upload images via Phonegap native apis from devices images/camera with random numbers attached to the image name. I’m trying to figure out how to access the final url of the image location on the server so that I can utilize that url of the image when making a Facebook post since they require external uploaded images.Code: .php<?php $dir = “upload”; $randomImg = rand(1, 9999).”image”.rand(1, 999999).”.jpg”; if ($_FILES) {print_r($_FILES);mkdir ($dir, 0777, true); move_

  • Anas Jaghoub
    android webview slider phonegap swipe
    Hope you are fine, Actually this is my first post here, I searched a lot, and tried a lot to find a suitable solution for my problem, but unfortunately could not find the answer for my problem.The problem is: I am developing an android application using html, css and javascript. my application depends on Phonegap framework. The application consists of a quite number of local pages. In the application I am trying to handle swipe gesture event on the android mobile and move the pages depending on

  • Pragna
    android file-io phonegap
    Hello all i am very new to phonegap.. i want to create file and write file using on android using phonegap the below code not working for me… i’ve taken help from herethis is my File.html that is located into *android_asset/www/File.html*<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><meta name=”viewport” content=”width=320; user-scalable=no” /><meta http-equiv=”Content-type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″><title>PhoneGap</title><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”master

  • Jamie Starke
    monotouch cordova xamarin cordova-2.0.0
    I’m working on a MonoTouch project that uses Cordova. I created a binding for Cordova (based on the one created by Scott Blomquist).I have been able to instantiate the classes fairly well without fail. When I try to extend them however, I run into issues. For example, if I merely try extend the CDVViewController, without even overriding anything, when we get to the code that instantiates this extended class, the system quietly exits with no error messages, and the following exit lines.The progra

  • user1386579
    phonegap cordova phonegap-plugins cordova-2.0.0
    I am new to phonegap plugin; I thought of writing a small echo plugin; but I get this error Falling back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is missing. at file:///android_asset/www/js/cordova-2.3.0.js:1112 and also the echo event is not fired, I attach my files for your referenceThis is my index.html ` <!DOCTYPE html><html lang=”en”> <head><meta charset=”utf-8″><title>Login | Royce Apps</title><meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scal

  • Christian Kuetbach
    android phonegap cordova cordova-2.0.0
    I have a cordova 2.0 app for android. I use the FileTransfer Plugin, to load some Data to my server. The first time, the upload is performed, everything works fine. But then I get a EPIPE (Broken Pipe) error. If I simply push the upload-button again, it works.How can I prevent the error?09-28 17:31:12.304: W/FileTransfer(29497): Error getting HTTP status code from connection. 09-28 17:31:12.304: W/FileTransfer(29497): sendto failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe) 09-28 17:31:12.30

  • Ryan Pfeffer
    javascript ios sqlite cordova-2.0.0
    We’ve got a problem that only seems to show up on an iOS device, but seems to work fine on the simulator. Here’s the problem…Our iOS app is Hybrid (Cordova) with some views that are entirely native and others that are entirely web. we’d like use the same sqlite db from both codebases. In the web we are using the WebSQL api (not a cordova plugin), from the Native iOS side we’re using FMDB. The database is initially created from javascript and is placed in the App’s Library Directory 4.x Dir &

  • goofy
    visual-studio-2012 cordova windows-phone-8 cordova-2.0.0 cordova-plugins
    I have tried to add the LiveTile plugin (found here) to my clean Cordova 3.3 project. But I can’t seem to get it to work. It works with the instruction from the link but that uses Cordova 2.0.0. I get the following printout when I try to add a new Tile:An exception of type ‘System.InvalidCastException’ occurred in and wasn’t handled before a managed/native boundaryA first chance exception of type ‘System.InvalidCastException’ occurred in

  • Lex
    javascript phonegap cordova cordova-2.0.0 ripple
    I’m using PhoneGap 2.7.0 and am following the simple command line build/install instructions here. I’m building for Android, on Windows. My debugging and testing is mostly done in Chrome using Ripple, but also using the Android emulator and installed on my Nexus 7. First, I’ll say what works. For a simple ondeviceready javascript code of the kind shown here in the PhoneGap documentation everything works great in Chrome, in the emulator, and on the device. I use the command-line method of buildin

  • Amit
    phonegap windows-8 visual-studio-2012 cordova-2.0.0
    I have created a window store (javascript) project using phone gap 2.2 in windows 8 & visual studio 2012.I need to create a page which will send an audio file to a service(outside scope). This audio file will be picked by user at runtime.Please advice how do i pick file using javascript, if its not possible then please advice how i can create a c# module and include that in my javascript projectthanks Amit

  • josh3736
    java android phonegap zxing cordova-2.0.0
    I’m trying to use the barcode scanner plugin for PhoneGap. I’ve followed the instructions in the readme, but the PhoneGap app simply crashes when I call window.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan():E/AndroidRuntime(15842): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{mypackage/}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: suspect this has something to do with the fact that after I add a re

  • niltz
    android cordova cordova-2.0.0
    I have a cordova (2.7.0) android app that is crashing with an Application Error when it tries to load an iframe where the source has a protocol relative (network-path reference) src.For instance, if the iframe is:<iframe src=”//;wmode=opaque” width=”800″ height=”928″ style=”border:0;” frameborder=”0″></iframe>Then the app tries to load the source fromfile://;wmode=opaqueSince t

  • kondal
    android sencha-touch android-sqlite cordova-2.0.0
    Hi I have packaged android native app with sencha touchand phonegap i have used phonegap api to create sqlite database in device ,In my project i have down sync service which keeps runs and gets data through rest services and inserts/updates in local database.I am gettign below exception after couple of syncs 09-26 16:12:37.310: D/CordovaLog(25764): file:///android_asset/www/app.js: Line 1 : inside ATA code sync success 09-26 16:12:37.310: D/CordovaLog(25764): file:/

  • John Saunders
    javascript cordova childbrowser
    I have been using ChildBrowser happily on my code with no issues through the following function:var app = {ready: false,initialize: function() {this.bind();},bind: function() {document.addEventListener(‘deviceready’, this.deviceready, false);},deviceready: function() {‘deviceready’);‘Installing child browser’);app.ready = true;//ChildBorwser initcb = ChildBrowser.install();},report: function(id) { console.log(“report:” + id);} };var layout = {showUrl: function(url) {if(app.

  • dda
    iphone phonegap cordova childbrowser
    Childbrowser plugin in Phonegap 1.7 can open only for the first time. I’m using Phonegap 1.7 and Childbrowser. Only for the first time child browser is working. After I closed the Childbrowser (pressed the done button) it’s not opening again when I tried to open it.My code is this:$(“a[target=_blank]”).bind(‘click’, function(e) {e.preventDefault();var thisUrl = $(this).attr(‘href’);cb.showWebPage(thisUrl);alert(“click”); }); When I click a link, the Childbrowser pops up and shows the page. I cli

  • krtek
    ios cordova childbrowser
    My application should change page displayed in ChildBrowser plugin based on incoming notification. Everything works fine, but I can’t figure how to programmatically change location in ChildBrowser – e.g. something like window.plugins.childBrowser.setURL(newURL).Trying to call openWebPage() for the second time ends with exception:*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInvalidArgumentException’, reason: ‘Application tried to present modally an active controller <MainViewController: 0

  • Viswa
    android phonegap push-notification cordova childbrowser
    I developed android mobile application using Android 2.2 and Phonegap 2.1.0 and i tested the application using Android 2.3.4 mobile, Application worked good. In my application i am using child browser and push notification.Later my colleague tested the application using Android 4.1.2 Mobile, he said “Geolocation not working”, then he told me that after upgrading Phonegap to 2.2.0, problem, i upgraded Phonegap from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0, but now i am getting error from child browser and push n

  • dda
    phonegap cas childbrowser
    I’m making a Phonegap app for Android. The app should use CAS authentication. At the moment I have a page which is at this address: “” and that page automatically redirects to the CAS server authentication page. When I login to that page, the CAS redirects me to the page that I came from, in this case “”. After login, I can show the user’s name that just logged in with the CAS PHP library and a function that’s built-in there.Question: when I open in a C

  • Yang
    phonegap cordova-2.0.0 childbrowser
    I’m done extensive search online and followed tutorials but I still got Cannot read property ‘childBrowser’ of undefined.Here are my steps: download childbrowser.js and included after cordova-2.0.0.js in index.html download and put it in com.phonegap.plugins.childBrowser. I checked the build path and src/ is included. modify the config.xml file by adding the following line (previous examples said plugins.xml which I assume is the old version of config.xmlplugin name=”ChildBrows

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