problem about fileoutputstream-Collection of common programming errors
Ford Perfect
java pdf itext outputstream fileoutputstream
I earlier used flying-saucer to generate my PDF but after a while it started throwing an unexpected exception. So having some constraints I have decided to fall back on the latest version of iText with XMLWorker.In this code which is part of my doPost() method of the servlet I am supplying the cleaned HTML to XMLWorker instance. But this results in an empty PDF of 1 Kb to be stored in the directory.What could be the reason it is not writing to the file? As always I would be very grateful for any
java file fileoutputstream
when i try to get the text from a document, if it is followed by some special characters such as TM or C (for copyright) and so on, after writing it into a text file it will makes some unexpected added to it. as an example, we can consider the following:if we have ApacheT HadoopT! and then if we try to write in into a text using FileOutputStream then result would be like Apacheâ Hadoopâ which the â is nonsense for me and generally i want a way to detect such characters in the text and just skipp
Juzz Coding
java inputstream fileoutputstream
I just made my first I/O based stuff in Java. I want to check if the content written to a file is properly saved in, or not. For which i wrote the following code..import*;public class check implements Serializable {//Make two variables and methods to initialise themprivate int height;private int width;public void setWidth(int w){width = w;}public void setHeight(int h){height = h;}public static void main(String[] args) {check obj = new check();obj.setHeight(20);obj.setWidth(30);try{FileO
Neil Gambin
java serialization fileoutputstream objectoutputstream
I am trying to serialize an object with ObjectOutputStream and FileOutputStream, however an error with the class name is being shown.JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();NewClientClass AddClient = new NewClientClass(IDNumber.getText(), FirstName.getText(), LastName.getText(), Address.getText(), DateOfBirth.getText(), Profession.getText());try { int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(null);if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputSt
java file locking fileoutputstream filelock
I am currently writing a program that outputs to a excel file. (the same open it reads) I have a feeling that the users will open the file in excel before modifying in my application. While I do realize I could save a new file that is not as neat.I am looking for a way to unlock the file from Excel or force the write of the file, can you please help?I need to end up with a way of the file to be open in Excel and still be able to write to the file from java.Thank you!Edit:To answer the question
bash outputstream fileoutputstream
I have a script which ensures that the process keeps on running and the output of the process are being redirected to corresponding process_name.out files.Mysteriously (for me atleast), the output doesn’t get redirected to the file unless I close down the script though the error does.Any clues in this regard would be really helpful.#!/bin/bashuntil $1 >> “/root/$1.out” 2>>”/root/$1.log” ; doecho “Server $1 crashed with exit code $?. Respawning..” >> “/root/procees.log”sleep 1
android caching bitmap fileinputstream fileoutputstream
Here is my code when I am writing to the fileBitmap bitmap; InputStream is;try {is = (InputStream) new URL(myUrl).getContent();bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);is.close();//program crashing hereFile f = File.createTempFile(myUrl,null,MyApplication.getAppContext().getCacheDir());FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, fos);fos.flush();fos.close(); } catch(Exception e) {bitmap = null; }And here is my code reading from the same fileBitm
java fileoutputstream
I’m trying to download an iamge from the internet, Here is the code:try {String imgURL = c.imgURL;String imgPATH = c.imgPATH;URL url = new URL(imgURL);URLConnection conexion = url.openConnection();conexion.connect();int lenghtOfFile = conexion.getContentLength();try {File f = new File(imgPATH);f.mkdirs();BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(imgPATH), 8192); // CRASH HEREbyte data[] = new
android camera nullpointerexception freeze fileoutputstream
This is my first Android Application, I’m using a Camera Preview and a FileOutputStream to save the Picture on my SD-Card. In the App, i want to make a single Picture or a serial Row of Pictures by pressing a Button once. When I call the Method “manuel Tracking” the Preview freezes and i only can go back in the previous Screen. When I call the Method “serial Tracking” Application ends with an NPE. (It happens that i cannot use my Camera in other Applications neither after Crashing once; have to
java android crash fileoutputstream
So, my app reads Data from the text view and then saves it to a file. Anyway, when I press the submit button it crashes. I have no idea, why, I tried deleting sketchy code, but that didn’t work either.Anyway, if you could take a look at my code and see what I did wrong, that would be great; also if anyone knows how to copy the LogCat, that would be super cool.My Code: @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubsuper.onCreate(savedInstanceState
Adria Ciurana
java android fileinputstream fileoutputstream
The scenario is as follows:If the image file is found at local path then it will be used, Otherwise the image file will be downloaded first. The image is marked by its id and name.Thanks in advance, and sorry my sentences as short as it is very little English.FileOutputStream fos; FileInputStream fis; try {fis = openFileInput(Integer.toString(id)+”_”+getName());} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}// existif(fis!=null){this.setImage(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis));try {fis.
java android sdk fileoutputstream
For my app, I’m copying files from a Source to a Destination folder for further image processing. I’m Trying to copy a jpg file from the src to the dst folder. The function seems to work, but I’m still getting this IOException error. Could anyone shed some light on why close() would be failing? public static void copyPicture(String src, String dst) {File pic = null;File newPic = null;pic = new File(src); newPic = new File(dst);FileChannel srcChannel = null; FileChannel dstChannel = null;try { s
java android android-asynctask fileoutputstream
i have a error in my AsyncTask. I tried to save Data with FileOutputStream to a File, cause i need this Data permanent.So iam reading this tutorial: TutorialBut if iam adding the Code to my AsyncTask i get this error:”The method openFileOutputStream(String, int) is undefined for the type MainActivity.DownloadSpielplan”DownloadSpielplan is my AsyncTaskprivate class DownloadSpielplan extends AsyncTask <Void, Void, String>{@Overrideprotected void onPreExecute() {// TODO Auto-generated method
android surfaceview fileoutputstream
I would like to write a highscore out to a file from a SurfaceView. Is this possible? I have this piece of code:OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(openFileOutput(“highscore.txt”,0));But it tells me that the method openFileOutput(string, int) is undefined for the type “BoardView” (boardview is my surfaceview)Any suggestions?
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