problem about masm32-Collection of common programming errors

  • SDD
    visual-c++ assembly x86 masm32
    I have a simple hello world C program and compile it with /FA. As a consequence, the compiler also generates the corresponding assembly listing. Now I want to use masm/link to assemble an executable from the generated .asm listing.The following command line yields 3 linker errors:\masm32\bin\ml /I”C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include” /c /coff asm_test.asm \masm32\bin\link /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /LIBPATH:”C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\lib” asm_test.ob

  • Gunner
    assembly libraries masm masm32
    I have the following code:include stdlib.a includelib stdlib.libBut on assembling, it gives me an error: “cannot open file : stdlib.a”I haven’t any file called “stdlib.lib” or “stdlib.a”.I’ve been searching for those files, but I can’t find them. The only file I can find is “stdlib.h”(look Ramhound’s answer), but WinAsm doesn’t recognise it on compiling.Is there any way to transform the “stdlib.h” to “stdlib.lib” or “stdlib.a”, or to use in assembly? ( From Ramhound’s answer : * “stdlib.h” is a

  • Cam
    assembly crash interrupt low-level masm32
    Here’s the code:.386 ;target for maximum compatibility .model small,stdcall ;model .codemain:int 20hEND mainResult:”test.exe has stopped working” – always right when it reaches the interrupt.This is the interrupt I’m trying to use. It should simply exit the program. Others I’ve tried include character input/output, etc.. Nothing works.I’m on windows 7, using masm32 with the WinAsm IDE.There are so many cool things it seems I should be able to

  • tina nyaa
    assembly masm masm32
    I have quesetion about bt assembly instruction. I have excerpted part of book to provide context. Please see last example, bt Testme, bx. Why does that copy TestMe+8? Shouldn’t it copy TestMe+65?Very much thank you for help! The Bit Test Instructions: BT, BTS, BTR, and BTCOn an 80386 or later processor, you can use the bt instruction (bittest) to test a single bit. Its second operand specifies the bit indexinto the first operand. Bt copies the addressed bit into the carryflag. For example

  • Jester
    assembly console x86 dos masm32
    I am using MASM32 (version 10), and I would like to know what is the easiest way to output a string and an integer on screen. Please provide the full source code, and not just the specific lines.Thank you.Edit:.386 .model flat, stdcall .stack .data stest db “This is a test”, 0 .code main procmov ah, 09hlea dx, stestint 21h main endp end mainIt crash without outputting anything. I tried several other things, with different problems, the only common thing is that I don’t get the string displayed o

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