problem about self-hosting-Collection of common programming errors
John Adams
wcf visual-studio-2010 metadata self-hosting
I am new to WCF and I’ve read answers to questions with titles similar to my error but I still cannot see what is wrong. Following some other tutorials I decided to put my contract and my service in separate projects. Ultimately, I would like to host this in IIS but for now I just wanted to get the WCF Service Host to start (and WCF Test Client).Here is the app.config in my service project (would this need to be in my contract project too I wonder??…):<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″ ?&
c# wcf fault self-hosting
I’m planning to host the service in windows service, but I’m thinking about the problem described in the title. Anyone had similar issue? ThanksUpdateThe problem is that when you throw an exception in WinForms/WPF/Win Service app, the program crashes and you’ll have to restart it.
c# wcf mono self-hosting
I am currently working on a C# project which is a console app which has a WCF soap service hosted within it. Below is the code I am using to open the host.var baseAddress = new Uri(Configuration.soapServerSettings.soapServerUrl); var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(SoapServer), baseAddress); BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();var meta = new ServiceMetadataBehavior() {HttpGetEnabled = true,HttpGetUrl = new Uri(“”, UriKind.Relative) };host.Description.Behaviors.Add(meta);var
c# signalr internet-explorer-10 self-hosting owin
Using SignalR 0.53 and self-hosting with OWIN, I was able to have an HTTPS client connect successfully to a non-HTTPS localhost port.I have now upgraded to SignalR 1.1.2.I have enabled cross-domain have have non-HTTPS clients connecting successfully. However, now it seems that an HTTPS client will be blocked. Note: I also have to use IE10. This appears in the console:SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by http://localhost:9100/signalr/hubs An alert with “SignalR: Error during negotation requ
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