problem about profile-Collection of common programming errors

  • Fabio Cardoso
    ruby profile block-comments
    I have written a Ruby version of Erik Demaine’s (MIT) This is available on github as docdist-v3.rb. I faced two weird kind of situations: 1) In the function inner_product there is a block comment:Inner product between two vectors, where vectors are repeated as dictionaries of (word, freq) pairs. Example : inner_product({“and”:3, “of”:2, “the”:5},{“and”:4, “in”:1, “of”:1, “this”:2}) = 14.0If I wrap this with =begin and =end there is no problem, but if I wrap it with triple double-quo

  • wendy_fish
    bash path java bash-script profile
    I am trying to source my .profile file to easily access a directory of javatools. The bash code below seems like it should work but it does not. Any help troubleshooting this script would be very much appreciated:PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/ PATH=$PATH:~/binjavatools() {if [ $# -eq 0 ]thenecho $’\nComplete list of tools:’ls /Users/username/tools/javatools/elselocal toolToRun=/Users/username/tools/javatools/$1java -Xmx4g -jar $toolToRun ${@:2}fi }When I source

  • Nick Klauer
    bash shell-script profile
    Borrowing graciously from this StackOverflow answer, I want to find the directory a script is running in so I can load relative paths for it on login:The script is pretty small right now:SOURCE=”${BASH_SOURCE[0]}” while [ -h “$SOURCE” ] ; do SOURCE=”$(readlink “$SOURCE”)”; done DIR=$( cd -P “$( dirname “$SOURCE” )” && pwd )But when I log in or call source <>, I get:-bash: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of fileCouple questions:What is it hanging up on?

  • Carl B
    osx email imap profile
    I want to simplify e-mail account configuration on Mac OS, after a lot Googling I think this work can be done by generating a template profile file (.mobileconfig) from iPCU and deploying this profile.When I installed the .mobileconfig file, I found the email address in Mail’s account setting is not the same as I wrote in iPCU.Here is a part of .mobileconfig files generated by iPCU:<key>EmailAccountDescription</key> <string>alimailtest</string> <key>EmailAccountName

  • Artemix
    xcode ios5 profile xcode4.5
    I have a project that I refactored for iOS 5 and ARC. It builds and runs fine, Analyzer finds nothing and I’m on the brink of submitting it to the App store. Before doing that, I thought it would be a good idea to check for leaks, just in case I missed something during the arcification. However when I choose “Product -> Profile” from the XCode 4.5 menu I get a flood of warnings and errors. All of them indicate that the build for profiling is not recognizing that the project is using ARC. The sch

  • JSW189
    sql profile powerbuilder
    I have POWERBUILDER 11.1 installed on my workstation, however I dont see the SNC SQL Native client in the Database Profile window. I have reinstalled the IDE multiple times without succesfuly having the SNC SQL Native Client dipslaying. My OS is Windows XP 32 bit. How do I resolve this issue so I can connect to my SQL DB?

  • Jack Lin
    profile webdriver
    how can i start the IE with some special plugins? just like u customize a special profile for firefox in there something like that? or maybe there’s another way to accomplish that.thx.

  • Nikolay Kuznetsov
    java eclipse build jar profile
    I keep server and client code in the same project of Eclipse. Libraries for both of them are included. Images for the client are also added to the build path.Now I want to generate jars for server and client, that they include only required libraries, and server jar does not have images included.Is there a way to do this without maven, etc?

  • lxcid
    php memcached profile execution
    As all my requests goes through an index script, I tried to time the respond time of all my requests.Its simply the difference between the start time (start of the script) and end time (end of the script).As I cache my data on memcached and user are all served using memcached.I mostly get less than a second respond time but at times there’s wierd spike of more than a seconds. the worse case can go up to 200+ seconds.I was wondering if mobile users had a slow connection, does that reflect on my r

  • Blankman
    java jvm profile
    I have a servlet that recieves xml data that is posted to this endpoint.I convert the xml to a java object etc., and I want to make sure I am minimizing memory usage during this process.What is the best way for me to analyze my memory usage and measure how things flucuate as I post xml data to the servlet?

  • Chameleon
    python google-app-engine profile python-2.7
    How to profile python code under Google App Engine runtime python27?In runtime python it was done by this code – python runtime:from google.appengine.ext import webappclass PageHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):def get(self):self.response.headers[‘Content-Type’] = ‘text/plain’self.response.out.write(‘Hello, WebApp World!’)def real_main():application = webapp.WSGIApplication([(‘/’, PageHandler)], debug=True)run_wsgi_app(application)def profile_main():# This is the main function for profiling# We’ve

  • yangsuli
    sqlite profile
    I want to measure the execution time of each sql statement in sqlite. I understand in sqlite shell you could just do .timer on, but I am wondering how to do it in a pogrammerable way so that I could know how much time a sql statement takes when applications are accessing the database at real time, not just by replaying that statement in a shell afterwards?Could I just provide a plugin function for sqlite_profile?Thanks a lot

  • CJM
    ati profile amd-catalyst
    We’ve set up some hotkeys in the ATI Catalyst Control Panel on a communal machine, and we’re trying to share this among a number of users, possibly all users.The profile is stored as MyProfile.xml in the Local Settings tree; the profile can be loaded through a shortcut, but unfortunately the Profilename switch simply expects the name of the profile rather than the path to the XML file.And while we can copy the profile to appropriate folders under other users accounts, the mere presence of the XM

  • Vaccano
    delphi profile delphi-5
    My computer crashed recently. We have a Delphi app that takes a lot of work to get running.One of my co-workers has it all installed still. Is there a way to copy the stuff stored in the palette? And the library paths?I am using Delphi 5 (I know it is very very very old)

  • eaymon
    iphone ipad profile
    thanks for looking… any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.We are having issues loading an iPhone build onto the ipad for testing purposes. The build works fine in Debug mode on the simulator and on the device. When I switch to a distribution provisioning profile the app either does not accept any touches or crashes on startup.We are not aiming for a universal application… We are not optimizing for iPad but we are making sure that it runs on the iPad as if it were an iPhone app

  • TechZen
    iphone distribution profile
    I’d like to test the new version of my app as an update of my former version. So I installed the older version from Appstore.Here’s my problem : when I try to deploy the new version on my device (iphone 3G) : build is ok, install seems ok but when the app launches there’s only the default.png that shows 1 second before everything crashes. In Organizer – console I can see the following errors :<Error>: entitlement ‘keychain-access-groups’ has value not permitted by a provisioning profile &l

  • LapTop006
    exchange-2007 recovery profile ost
    We have a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and offer this solution to many customers.Recently, a customer had his personal Exchange server crash (which is what made him our customer). He called some technician to see if he could repair his server before calling us, but this said tech wasn’t able to do anything for them.Now that all his mailbox are on our server, he would like to transfer his old emails over to the new profile, but the tech deleted all profiles on the client machines while trying t

  • craig
    ruby-on-rails model profile
    I am attempting to create an enrollment process similar to SO’s:route to an OpenID provider provider returns the user’s information to the UsersController (a guess) UsersController creates user, then routes to the ProfilesController’s new or edit action.For now, I’m simply trying to create the user, then route to the ProfilesController’s new or edit action (not sure which I should be using).Here’s what I have thus far:Models:class User < ActiveRecord::Basehas_one :profile endclass Profile <

  • jdoe
    ruby-on-rails devise user profile nomethoderror
    I’m trying to make a simple profile page using a registration/login system with devise. I can register, login, and redirect to a profile page no problem, however, when I attempt to insert variables that relate to a user to their profile page, I keep running into a NoMethodError. I DO NOT want to use current_user to display the information because each profile page has to display that specific users information. I’ve searched everywhere for a solution to this and I have no idea why this won’t

  • Paul Nathan
    windows-7 powershell profile
    I just upgraded to Windows 7 and I want to get my Powershell profile up and running.I load PS and set the execution policy to unrestricted with my ‘run as admin’ powers, then put my profile in the appropriate place. I reload PS and it errors. get-execution policy returns restricted.However, the registry check returns unrestricted.After a reboot, the situation remains the same. Checking further, I observe that under Admin mode, I have Unrestricted powers, but as a regular user, I have Restricted

  • Nathan Bush
    python time cpu profile execution
    Looking around this question appears to have been done to death, but i still can’t find something suitable for my needs. I would like to time a snippet of my code, and i would like just the CPU execution time (ignoring operating system processes etc).Ive tried time.clock(), it appears too imprecise, and gives a different answer each time? (In theory surely if i run it again for the same code snippet it should return the same value??)Ive played with timeit for about an hour. Essentially what kill

  • Charan
    iphone ios xcode profile gdata
    when I run my app, the App runs fine; when I profile my app, the following errors turns out.**Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:”_OBJC_CLASS_$_GDataQueryContact”, referenced from:objc-class-ref in FetchContactFromEmailServer.o”_OBJC_CLASS_$_GDataServiceGoogleContact”, referenced from:objc-class-ref in FetchContactFromEmailServer.o”_kGDataGoogleContactThinProjection”, referenced from:-[FetchContactFromEmailServer contactFeedURL] in FetchContactFromEmailServer.o**I’m sure of project->bui

  • Arkadiy
    gcc profile gcov
    I’m trying to compile a simple app with gcov and getting the following link errors:gcc AllTests.o CuTestTest.o CuTest.o -o TestTest AllTests.o: In function `global constructors keyed to 0_RunAllTests’: /home/p7539c/cutest/AllTests.c:26: undefined reference to `__gcov_init’ AllTests.o:(.data+0x44): undefined reference to `__gcov_merge_add’ CuTestTest.o: In function `global constructors keyed to 0_TestCuStringNew’: /home/p7539c/cutest/CuTestTest.c:30: undefined reference to `__gcov_init’ CuTestTes

  • sehe
    bash script profile
    I want to be able to kick out some users from my machine, and prevent them to execute anythingFor this i considered writing a script ( on the /etc/profile.d/ to be able to execute it automatically whenever somebody connects to my machine.Do you have an idea how to do this ?N.B: I don’t have admin privileges.Thanks,Debugger

  • user1818120
    ios facebook sdk profile
    im doing the scrumptios facebook developer tutorial for the 3.1 iOS SDK. i’ve managed to display my profile name from facebook, however the FBProfilePictureView wont show the pictureheres the code for iboutlet@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet FBProfilePictureView *useProfileImage;here is what i used to display the picself.useProfileImage.profileID =;i have confirmed that the it changed the profileid variable of the image by displaying it in a label.when i first ran the project i had

  • xenep
    iphone debugging profile provisioning
    I am getting this error while i am trying to debug my app on device. I created development provisioning profile as it is mentioned at developer portal. my development device is selected in the profile and i am selecting the correct profile from Target’s code signing identity menu. I recreated provisioning profile for several times and also removed and reinstalled it and recreated the project but i am getting that whenever i try to debug on device. btw, the adhoc distribution provision profile wo

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