problem about circular-dependency-Collection of common programming errors

  • qehgt
    .net f# abstract-class circular-dependency circular-reference
    Consider the two abstract classes alpha and beta:[<AbstractClass>] type alpha () =abstract member foo: beta->beta[<AbstractClass>] and beta () = //***abstract member bar: alphaIf I try to compile that I get an error, on the line indicated with * * *:error FS0010: Unexpected keyword ‘and’ in interactionAnd if I write:[<AbstractClass>] type alpha () =abstract member foo: beta->betaand beta () =abstract member bar: alphathen I get:error FS0365: No implementation was giv

  • meh
    c++ circular-dependency
    what i want to do is when A object enters a new class K it has to exit(deleted from the lists) all of the K(child B and D)s it is in but i get this error just cant figure it out. there is actually a bigger list that lists class K s but i cant reach it by reference(well i can but lots of work not the point)and project has to be circularly dependent //class A.h #include some_other_header_circularly_dependent_on_class_B class B class A{ public:string getname(){return name;};void setWhere(K *a){wher

  • M.ES

  • wrongusername
    python import python-3.x circular-dependency
    Say I have three files like this:testimports module:#import moduleTwo import moduleOnehiString = “Hi!”moduleOne.sayHi()moduleOne:import moduleTwoclass sayHi():moduleTwo.printHi()moduleTwo:import testimportsdef printHi():print(testimports.hiString)If I run testimports, I get the following:Traceback (most recent call last):File “..file path snipped../testimports/src/”, line 2, in <module>import moduleOneFile “..file path snipped../testimports/src/”, line 1, in <m

  • mikera
    clojure source-code circular-dependency
    I’m working on some Clojure code that has some circular dependencies between different namespaces and I’m trying to work out the best way of resolving them.Basic issue is that I get a “No such var: namepace/functionname” error in one of the files I tried to “declare” the function but then it complains with: “Can’t refer to a qualified var that doesn’t exist” I could of course refactor the entire codebase but that seems impractical to do every time you have a dependency to resolve….. and might

  • micahtan
    c# dependency-injection assemblies circular-dependency
    Project#1 has some interfaces and classes that project#2 references.Now I want to use the implementation of Project#2 in Project#1 but complains about a circular dependency.If I was to use dependancy injection in Project#1 and bind to the implementation in Project#2 (since it adheres to the interface contract), will this work or I will still get the circular dependency error message at runtime?

  • suat
    maven circular-dependency cyclic
    This gives me headache…I have a project called ‘talktome’, with no runtime dependencies.Also I have project ‘talktome-tools’, which depends on ‘talktome’.No problems, until I realize that the unit-tests in ‘talktome’ depends on ‘talktome-tools’.What solutions are there?

  • Dukeling
    c++ static include circular-dependency
    In a project I have 2 classes:// mainw.h#include “IFr.h” … class mainw { public: static IFr ifr; static CSize=100; … };// IFr.h#include “mainw.h” … class IFr { public float[mainw::CSize]; };But I cannot compile this code, getting an error at the static IFr ifr; line. Is this kind of cross-inclusion prohibited?

  • gimpf
    c# circular-dependency
    I have the following situation:1) A project MyCompany.MyProject.Domain which contains my domain model, and partial classes (such as Contact).2) I want to ‘extend’ (by partial class, not extension method) my Contact class with a property “Slug” which will give me a simple URL friendly text representation of first and last name.3) I have a string extension method ToSlug() in my ‘Utility’ project MyCompany.MyProject.Utilities which does exactly what I want in 2).4) The problem: My Utility project i

  • Oliver Salzburg
    c# circular-dependency
    In my project I have two libraries that would currently result in a circular dependency which I am unable to resolve.One library provides common data structures for the whole solution. This library contains a construct similar to this:namespace Common {public class Foo {//[Editor( typeof( UserEditor ), typeof( UITypeEditor ) )]public UInt32 OwnerId { get; set; }}public class User {public UInt32 Id { get; set; }} }Now in one of the projects in our solution, we would like to edit Foo instances thr

  • Nick
    dependency-injection cdi circular-dependency jboss-weld
    I’m running into a issue with CDI Injection into a Weld container in JBoss 7.1.1I’ve got the following object model :@Stateless class ServiceEjb { @Inject A a; }class A { @Inject B b; }class B { @Inject A a; }When trying to inject A or B in my stateless class, injection loop and crash with a javax.enterprise.inject.CreationException.I try many thing (scoping, @Singleton on A or B but without success). I don’t want to break the code, and those injections makes senses.Any clues will be greatly app

  • F.C.
    python oop class variables circular-dependency
    Python won’t allow me to import classes into eachother. I know there is no “package” solution in Python, so I’m not sure how this could be done. Take a look at my files’ codes:file Tile import tile tile.assign() class main:x = 0@staticmethoddef assign():tile.x = 20file Main import main main.assign() class tile:x = 0@staticmethoddef assign():main.x = 20I get the error “class tile can not be imported”.

  • pedrosanta
    c++ class architecture circular-dependency
    I’m gonna go C++ über n00b on this one and ask how is the best way to deal with a circular dependency when you have inheritance.The set is simple: Scene class extends Actor; Scene has a pointer to a vector of Actors; Actor has a pointer for (parent) Scene.As for include files I got:Scene.h:#include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std;#ifndef __Scene_h__ #define __Scene_h__#include “Actor.h”namespace myns {// class Actor;class Scene; }namespace myns {class Scene: public myn

  • icedwater
    javascript coffeescript requirejs circular-dependency
    I believe all four methods below will work, but it’s unclear to me why anyone would ever use the first three simply because it’s more code. However, the first (and most verbose) one is the one given in the RequireJS docs.define “circular1”, [“example1”], -> “circular1” define “circular2”, [“example2”], -> “circular2” define “circular3”, [“example3”], -> “circular3” define “circular4”, [“example4”], -> “circular4″#1 define “example1”, [“require”, “circular1”], (require, circular) ->

  • piokuc
    c++ circular-dependency
    I’m having a problem with circular dependencies, I suppose this is a design flaw from introducing the Game class in the wrong way.Game.h:#pragma once #include <SFML\Graphics.hpp>#include “GameScreen.h” #include “TitleScreen.h”class Game { protected:sf::RenderWindow window;GameScreen* CurrentGameScreen;TitleScreen Title;public:Game(void);~Game(void);sf::RenderWindow getWindow(void);void Run();void Close(); };GameScreen.h:#pragma once#include “Game.h”class GameScreen { public:GameScreen(void

  • Anthony
    c++ compiler-errors circular-dependency
    I have three classes: a TopClass which contains an instance of a BottomClass pointer. The BottomClass contains a pointer to a HelperClass. The HelperClass keeps a pointer to the TopClass. Circular dependency pops up and a forward declaration is needed in the HelperClass.All of this is illustrated with the following code snippets:#include “BottomLevel.h”namespace foo {class TopLevel{private:BottomLevel* item;}; }-#include “HelperClass.h”namespace foo {class BottomLevel{private:HelperClass* item;}

  • Gili
    c++ templates circular-dependency
    Background: I am working on a framework that generates C++ code based on an existing Java class model. For this reason I cannot change the circular dependency mentioned below.Given:A Parent-Child class relationship Parent contains a list of Children Users must be able to look up the list element type at run-timeI’ve modeled this in the following testcase:Main.cpp#include “Parent.h”#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl;int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {Parent parent;cout <

  • Ria
    c++ pointers struct circular-dependency
    I have many interdependent array of structures. Im struggling hard with member variable pointers to a record in array of another struct. Putting 3 structs for your referencestruct struct1 { int node_id; struct2* ptr; };struct struct2 { int node_id; int type; struct1* owner; struct2* next; struct2* previous; struct3* block1; struct3* block2; };struct struct3 { int node_id; int n_entries; struct3* next_block; };now my question is how can I fetch records for struct1. I knew that it can be asstruct

  • OmarOthman
    c++ compiler-errors circular-dependency
    I often find myself in a situation where I am facing multiple compilation/linker errors in a C++ project due to some bad design decisions (made by someone else 🙂 ) which lead to circular dependencies between C++ classes in different header files (can happen also in the same file). But fortunately(?) this doesn’t happen often enough for me to remember the solution to this problem for the next time it happens again. So for the purposes of easy recall in the future I am going to post a representat

  • opensas
    javascript inheritance prototypejs requirejs circular-dependency
    I’d like to get something like thisvar isChild = isInstanceOf( var1, ‘Constructor’)that should be equivalent tovar isChild = (var1 instanceof Constructor)The thing is I do not have the function Constructor available in scope, so I’d like to just pass a string.I guess I should traverse up the prototype chain in order to get the constructor.toString() and then compare it, but I don’t quite know how to achieve it.– I will complete a little bit the context, mainly because I found a better solutionI

  • Johannes Schaub – litb
    c++ templates inheritance circular-dependency incomplete-type
    in this code, compiler complain about undefined MyClassB, which is understandable :class MyClassA; class MyClassB;template <class T> class BaseClass : public T { };class MyClassA : public BaseClass<MyClassB> { };class MyClassB : public BaseClass<MyClassA> { };but in this code, compile is successful and no complain about MyClassB :class MyClassA; class MyClassB;template <class T> class BaseClass : public T { };class MyClassA : public BaseClass<std::vector<MyClassB>

  • bughi
    c++ circular-dependency
    I came across the following code in an articlestruct entire_program {struct B;struct A{B *bbb;void Aa() { B bb; bb.Bb(); };};struct B{A aaa;void Bb() { A aa; aa.Aa(); };}; };Why am I allowed to call method Bb() in this case, but if I change struct entire_program to namespace entire_program it generates a compiler error?I already read this question, what I am asking is: if it is possible to call methods that are undefined yet within classes/structs/unions why don’t namespaces work the same way

  • Patrick M
    javascript scope variable-scope circular-dependency
    I have a javascript app that I’m developing where I’m building an action tree on the fly and I’ve found myself in the curious situation of wanting to purposefully introduce a circular dependency. After an initial very hacky attempt, I discovered that JavaScript variable scoping actually introduces a a pretty reasonable way to solve this. I’m still no expert at JavaScript, so I wanted to get some input on best practices. Here is a snippet of working code:var Step = function(title, instructions, a

  • fencliff
    javascript jquery backbone.js requirejs circular-dependency
    I’m setting up a nested categories structure in Backbone with RequireJS.In this structure, a categories collection contains category models, and a single category model can contain a categories collection. Unfortunately this seems to cause the dreaded circular dependencies problem in RequireJS. I have read the docs on RequireJS ( however I am finding the explanation with ‘a’ and ‘b’ confusing.Here is my code, which is causing the problem:define([“jqu

  • MatrixFrog
    javascript json firefox-addon circular-dependency
    I have an object that contains circular references, and I would like to look at the JSON representation of it. For example, if I build this object:var myObject = {member:{}}; myObject.member.child = {}; myObject.member.child.parent = myObject.member;and try to callJSON.stringify(myObject);I get the error “too much recursion”, not surprisingly. The “child” object has a reference to its “parent” and the parent has a reference to its child. The JSON representation does not have to be perfectly accu

  • Regexident
    c++ shared-ptr circular-dependency
    I had faced a circular dependency in my program and solved it with using pointers and forward declarations. I had made a file dn.hpp for this purpose. Everything was OK until I moved to shared pointers instead of generic. I created typedefs for shared pointers in dn.hpp. Everything works with generic pointers (commented out), bun not with shared.It returns an error: field ‘parentGraph’ has incomplete type node.h line 21(I am using mingw with boost 1.47)Please help me to resolve this issue.Here

  • John Gietzen
    f# circular-dependency
    I’m working on IronJS, and one of our source files is getting very long.Right now, I’m trying to get .NET interop working. I’m adding the TryBinaryOperation method to the Undefined so that C# can use the JavaScript semantics of the Undefined value.However, this introduces a dependency on the Operators type, which causes a circular dependency.Runtime.fs:type BoxedValue() =struct// Contains IsUndefined and get_Undefined, referencing the Undefined class, below….and type Undefined() =inherit Dyna

  • justin
    ios xcode class forward-declaration circular-dependency
    I have a question about the following error “Unknown type name VistaDereIzq”I have a view called VistaDereIzq. And I do the following to add that view in this view#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <MessageUI/MessageUI.h> #import “VistaDereIzq.h” #import “ViewController.h”@interface VistaNavegador : UIViewController <UIWebViewDelegate> {VistaDereIzq *VistaIzq2; <—– “Unknown type name VistaDereIzq”}@end

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