jquery,forms,validation,jquery-validation-engineRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Eddie R
    javascript jquery asp.net json treeview
    I fill the treeview with an object that contains id and its value, so it looks like this:var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var rslt = serializer.Serialize(new {Id = node.Id.ToString(),impactLength = node.impactLenght.ToString()}); TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(node.Name, rslt);I”m having a problem getting its object back from href links of each node:Here are some examples of hrefs:1.Rootjavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$treeViewActions’,’s{\”Id\”:\”0\”,\”impactLengt

  • jschavey
    jquery ajax div
    I am using jQuery to trigger a few nested scripts. I had expected the jQuery script to apply to the called scripts, but I have getting unexpected behavior – no update. Here’s the code for clarity:<div id=”crnNav” class=”centered”><?foreach ($CRNs as $crn) {echo ‘[<a href=”pullCRN.php?crn=’.$crn.'”>’.$crn.’]</a> ‘; } unset($crn);?></div><div id=”result”><!– class data porn goes here –></div><!– controller logic –> <script> // func

  • Benjamin
    jquery jquery-autocomplete
    var projects2 = <?php include_once “AutoCompleteHandler.php”; ?>;var projects23= <?php include_once “AutoCompleteHandler.php”; ?>;$(“#p_name”).autocomplete({minLength: 2,source: projects2,focus: function(event, ui) {$(“#p_name”).val(ui.item.label);return false;},select: function(event, ui) {return false;}}).data(“ui-autocomplete”)._renderItem = function(ul, item) {return $(“<li>”).append(“<a>” + item.label + “/” + item.p_gender + “/” + item.p_age + “</a>”).appendTo(

  • Young-kyu Q Han
    javascript jquery html local-storage referenceerror
    I have this html code that’s supposed to retrieve a local json file and have it parse and stringify to the local storage. I wanted to test the code, but when I fill out the form and run it, it says ReferenceError: insertRecord is not defined in Firefox console.Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”> <html xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”> <head&g

  • brad
    javascript jquery settimeout
    I have an html table that I am trying to add some animation to with jQuery. I am very close to what I want but have one outstanding issue. I will try to describe what I am doing with as cut-down a version of the table and scripts as possible.The table is defined as follows;<table><tbody class=”group”><tr>First</tr><tr class=’slide’><div class=’hidden’>Surprise!</div></tr></tbody><tbody class=”group”><tr>Second</tr><tr cla

  • Krister Andersson
    javascript jquery google-maps
    I have two versions of the same map on my page: one is made smaller via CSS and is displayed in a sidebar. The other is larger, and it opens in a lightbox when an png overlaid on top of the small map is clicked. The website is built on Drupal. The small map is in a block and the large map is on its own node page. Both of these content items have the Google maps API js file referenced.When I click the sidebar map link, Chrome’s error console tells me “Warning: you have included the Google Maps A

  • zkanoca
    javascript php jquery ajax json
    I have a json array created by javascript and need to post it to a php file in order to save the data into the database.var myArray = [{“picture”:”picture1.jpg”,”picture_comment”:”some comment about picture1″, “pictureid”:16, “u0id”:80, “u1id”:82,”u2id”:78,”u3id”:79,”u4id”:81, “param0”: “60f3f”,”param1″:”48dd2″,”param2″:”4f2f7″,”param3″:”8d101″,”param4″:”5efcc”,”active”:false,”dutyid”:1256,”t”:0},{“picture”:”picture2.jpg”,”picture_comment”:”some comment about picture2″,”pictureid”:160,”u0id”:18,

  • rpsep2
    jquery ajax json
    I’m making a call via ajax to an api. whats the easiest way to display the result? if i alert the result i simply get [object object], if I try to alert the result with an item I know is in the returned json (results.title, for example) I just get an ‘undefined’ error.the code im using looks like:$.ajax({url: ‘http://API-LINK-format=json’,dataType: ‘json’,success: function(results) {alert(results.title);alert(results)} })I tried to parseJSOn but I get an error with that to, unexpected token o.an

  • tapped-out
    javascript jquery json jackson httprequest
    I would like to convert an HTTP POST request body (in JSON) to a Java object.I am using this Java code for the server-side: ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); clip = mapper.readValue(request.body(), Clip.class);while the JavaScript (jQuery) client-side code is:$.post(“/insertClip”, { “item”: item.value, “value”:value.value, “dimension”:dimension.value });When I run the application, this error appears:org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected character (‘i’ (code 105)): expected

  • Adi
    java jquery ajax json servlets
    I am using servlet to sent data as arraylist to ajax calls.Now on client side i am trying to parse that data into json type but it is giving error as..SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character var dbdata=JSON.parse(data);The values that i am getting ajax success is [INCOMING, 0, INETCALL, 0, ISD, 31.8, LOCAL, 197.92, STD, 73.2]Here is my client side ajax code..$(document).ready(function() {$.ajax({type: ‘GET’,url: ‘getdata’,async:false,dataType: “text”,success: function(data) {var dbdata=JSO

  • JGallardo
    html css forms
    I am trying to create a form that looks like this wireframe that I madeI am currently here thoughMy code is as followsHTML<div id=”accountRequest”><form><fieldset><legend>Please sign up here </legend><label>First Name</label><input type=”text” /><label>Last Name</label><input type=”text” /><label>Display Name</label><input type=”text” /><label>Password</label><input type=”text” /><label>Te

  • Gogeden
    javascript html forms video replace
    I’m trying to make it so that my site has a textbox and a submit button on a form. When a user enters the URL of a video in the textbox and clicks submit, JavaScript should replace a certain block of text with that URL. Here’s my code. I’m new to JavaScript and thanks for the help in advance!:<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta type=”utf-8″> <title> Vid_hack </title> </head> <style type=”text/css”> a:link { color: #CC0000 ; text-decoration: bold}

  • Seth Hall
    php forms action
    I have a mailing list form I’m working on that is needing to have the users email subscribed to multiple email lists based on which checkboxes they select. Now to subscribe to the mailing list it’s simply emailing – list_#@domain.comI’m curious if something like this is possible using PHP only and then send the email to different lists based on if the associated checkbox is checked?

  • FoolishSeth
    php forms html-select
    I am trying to save what state a user select after ‘POST’ the form action runs on the same page, but I keep getting unexpected T_IS_EQUAL, expecting ‘}’ error. What am I missing? I have the following code:<select style=’width:50px; float:left; position:relative; left:-160px; top:2px; border-radius:3px; ‘ project=’statelist’ class=’statelist’ name=’statelist’>$state = array( ‘AZ’,’AL’,’AK’,’AR’, ‘CA’,’CO’, ‘CT’,’DE’,’DC’,’FL’, ‘GA’, ‘HI’,’ID’,’IL’, ‘IN’,’IA’,’KS’,’KY’,’LA’,’ME’,’MT’,’NV’,’

  • Alix Axel
    javascript css forms
    For future reference here is the final result with pixel perfect precision:The CSS code:._25 {width: 21%;display: inline;float: left;margin-left: 2%;margin-right: 2%; } ._50 {width: 46%;display: inline;float: left;margin-left: 2%;margin-right: 2%; } ._75 {width: 71%;display: inline;float: left;margin-left: 2%;margin-right: 2%; } ._100 {width: 96%;display: inline;float: left;margin-left: 2%;margin-right: 2%; } label {width: 100%; } input {border: 1px solid #B3B3B3;width: 100%;-moz-border-radius:

  • cpjolicoeur
    ruby-on-rails forms serialization
    I have a data model in my Rails project that has a serialized field:class Widget < ActiveRecord::Baseserialize :options endThe options field can have variable data info. For example, here is the options field for one record from the fixtures file:options:query_id: 2 axis_y: ‘percent’axis_x: ‘text’units: ‘%’css_class: ‘occupancy’dom_hook: ‘#average-occupancy-by-day’table_scale: 1My question is what is the proper way to let a user edit this info in a standard form view?If you just use a simple

  • user2147744
    jquery html forms
    Whenever I try to run this script it say “Unexpected token ILLEGAL” <form name=”abc” id=”fform” class=”contactform”><p><label for=”name”>Name:</label><br /><input type=”text” name=”name” id=”name” value=”” class=”input” /> <br/><label for=”email”>Email:</label><br /><input type=”text” name=”email” id=”email” value=”” class=”input” /> </p><input name=”send” id=”submit_btn” class=”submit_btn” type=”submit” value=”Join” /

  • johnnyfittizio
    html forms twitter-bootstrap laravel laravel-4
    I have to define a checkbox within a Laravel 4 app. But at the same time it is a Bootstrap 2.3.1 site, and i need to pass also Input::old How can i do it?This is how it was in html:<label class=”checkbox”><input type=”checkbox” name=”extraBed” value=”extra” /><span class=”blue”><strong class=”blue”><span><i class=”icon-plus”></i></span> Extra bed</span></label>This is how i have tried to write in Laravel4:<label class=”checkbox”>

  • F21
    php ajax forms symfony2
    I am building a web application that involves forms. The framework being used is symfony2. I would like to have everything working for users without javascript, and then progressively enhance the experience for people with javascript enabled. I am planning to use JQuery as my javascript library.I would like to have forms where it submits and displays a message using the FlashMessage component if the user does not have javascript and the request is not an ajax request.For users with javascript su

  • jkkennedytv
    php forms explode delimiter nl2br
    I have created a form which utilizes a .txt file to pull the names of the EMPLOYEES from and breaks them up in the SELECT form option using the PHP explode function.<select name=”FakeName” id=”Fake-ID” aria-required=”true” required><option value=””></option><?php$options=nl2br(file_get_contents(“employees.txt”));$options=explode(“<br />”,$options);for($i=0;$i<count($options);$i++){echo “<option value='”.$options[$i].”‘>”.$options[$i].”</option>”;}?> &

  • playful
    php html security validation sanitization
    This is a back-to-basics question about data sanitization. I have a form field where there is no legitimate reason for a user to enter a < or a >, which could be used to inject html and javascript. Without getting into htmlentities and various strip functions, which I’m glad to use in their own place, I wonder whether this barebones two-step approach guarantees the script’s safety.Check if the field contains ‘<‘ or ‘>’ to avoid browser-related injections. Use the PDO quote() function befor

  • Tepken Vannkorn
    php validation mvc error-handling
    Lets say I have a basic HTML form for sending e-mail:<form action=”contactSubmit” method=”POST”><label for=”name” class=”italic”>Name:</label><input type=”text” name=”name” value=”” maxlength=”20″ required=”required” autofocus=”autofocus” /><label for=”email” class=”italic”>E-mail:</label><input type=”email” name=”reply_to” value=”” maxlength=”255″ required=”required” /><label for=”comments” class=”italic”>Comments:</label><textarea name=”

  • BadHorsie
    validation cakephp
    I’m getting Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting ‘)’ on the line commented below. Can’t for the life of me figure out why it’s throwing this error.public $validate = array(‘password1’ => array(‘rule1’ => array(‘rule’ => ‘alphaNumeric’, ‘message’ => ‘Your password should only contain alphanumeric characters.’),’rule2′ => array(‘rule’ => ‘/\d/’, ‘message’ => ‘Your password must contain at least one numeric character.’),’rule3′ => array(‘rule’ => ‘

  • Sprague
    c# html validation exception
    Edit: I think my question’s rambled on a bit, possibly detracting from the point. So, as concisely as possible: Should I be concerned with avoiding exceptions caused by users who fiddle with their HTML request?I’m using a drop-down field in HTML which is backed by an integer value. This value gets parsed in the back office. Currently, if the integer parsing fails, the site gives a generic error (due to top-level exception handling) and places an entry into the audit trail containing the integer

  • toxalot
    php regex validation
    I have a function that is used throughout my code. The function expects that the passed parameter is a positive integer. Since PHP is loosely typed, the data type is unimportant. But it is important that it contain nothing but digits. Currently, I am using a regular expression to check the value before continuing.Here is a simplified version of my code:function do_something($company_id) {if (preg_match(‘/\D/’, $company_id)) exit(‘Invalid parameter’);//do several things that expect $company_id to

  • meder
    php javascript html validation dom
    I’m looking for something like http://validator.nu/, I’ll be validating html input ( string ) and I want to notify the user if there are any missing end tags, whether a certain element can’t have a certain attribute, things of that nature ( HTML 4.01 Strict validation basically ).Sidenote: I won’t be dealing with XML/DTDs, and I don’t want to correct the user input like how http://htmlpurifier.org/ does it.

  • BalusC
    java validation jsf primefaces
    I am trying to validate an input text component based on the value of a radio button component, however it throws a NullPointerException and I don’t understand why.Here’s the view:<h:form id=”formId”><p:inputText validator=”#{searchBean.validate}” id=”name”required=”true” requiredMessage=”should contain only characters”><f:validateRegex pattern=”[a-zA-Z]*” /><f:validator validatorId=”inputValidator” /></p:inputText><p:selectOneRadio value=”#{searchBean.searchForm

  • Galen
    php validation date datetime language-agnostic
    I’m working on date validation for a validation library. A date format and a variable containing the date to validate will be supplied to the library.$validator->validate( $_POST[‘date’], ‘m/d/y’ );It’s pretty easy to do basic validation with DateTime::createFromFormat()if ( DateTime::createFromFormat( $format, $date ) !== false ) {// “valid” date }My issue is that with this method invalid dates such as 23/23/23 pass because the DateTime class will shift the date and set it to 2024-11-23. I

  • User
    c# validation parameter-passing
    Imagine you have an application which is some kind of front-end to all your business logic. This front-end has a lot of DLLs upon which it depends, and the methods in those DLLs may call each other repeatedly upon a single execution of a given method in the front-end. If the users of your application do not directly access those DLLs, should you…1) Risk a (small) performance hit and validate parameters in each of those methods, even if you can end up validating the same parameters some 5 times

  • Lee Jarvis
    validation xhtml
    Many big website (google.com, apple.com, microsoft.com) are never validated. When the big shots don’t do it, is there a reason why others should?

  • Ben McCormick
    javascript jquery jquery-validation-engine
    When I add this regex into validation engine I get a javascript error: “unexpected token”, it seems that the regex is wrong because it is underline with red, why? “time1”:{ “regex”: ^([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-3]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$,”alertText”: “* Invalid Time” }

  • j0k
    jquery ajax jquery-validation-engine
    I am currently implementing validations and we badly need ajax inline validation working with validation engine. I downloaded the newest version and demos from github. And I think there is an js error. Please have a look at the example that exactly reproduces the error I get in my own code.http://www.position-relative.net/creation/formValidator/demos/demoAjaxInlinePHP.htmlPlease run it in firefox with firebug open, enter the right name (karnius), you can clearly see that an ajax request is perfo

  • Sparky
    php jquery codeigniter jquery-validation-engine
    I want to do Existing Email Check with Validation Engine.But there is a problem showing in firebug console like below:A PHP Error was encounteredSeverity: NoticeMessage: Undefined index: reg_emFilename: controllers/user.phpLine Number: 170[“email”,true]Ajax error: 200 parsererrorHere is my jquery.validationEngine-en.js:”ajaxCheckEmail”: {“url”: base_url+”user/checkEmailExistence/”,”extraDataDynamic”: [‘#reg_em’],”alertTextOk”: “* This email is available”,”alertText”: “* This email is already t

  • j0k
    asp.net localization master-pages jquery-validation-engine
    I am using validationEngine jquery 2.6.2 for validation in ASP.NET. I want to load its language rules file according to the language selected like English or Japanese. I am using master page in the application. Give some solution for this.

  • j0k
    jquery jquery-ajax jquery-validation-engine
    my jquery validation form is not validate ..here is the code like<script type=’text/javascript’>$(document).ready(function(){$(‘#frm’).validationEngine(‘validate’);}); </script><div id=’gap’> </div><div id=’main’><div id=’login-box’><h2><span> “.HD_LOGIN.” </span></h2><table align=’center’><form id=’frm’ name=’frm’ ><tr> <td class=’name’> <span>”.LBL_USERNAME.” </span> </td><td> <span&g

  • Ben
    jquery forms validation jquery-validation-engine
    I have a custom validation function to verify that two password fields match using jQuery-Validation-Engine:<input type=”password” class=”validate[required,funcCall[checkPassordMatch],maxSize[25]]”…But if the field is not populated, and the form is submitted, I get the following exception:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘checkPassordMatch’ of undefined Is there any way I can only run this validation only if the input is populated, or if “required” passes first?For reference, my fun

  • Mike
    jquery ckeditor jquery-validation-engine
    I have searched the site (and Google) and cannot find a working solution for my problem.I’m using Posabsolute’s Validation-Engine, and it is working just fine. Except for my problem children – my CKeditor formatted textareas.I know that I need to evaluate the textarea using CKEditor.instances.textareaid.updateElement(), but can’t get it to work.Anyone have any hints/solutions on how to work this? Perhaps there is a setting in the validationEngine.js that I need to override?Any pointers will be

  • j0k

  • j0k
    jquery wordpress wordpress-plugin-dev jquery-validation-engine
    I have a rather complicated form in a file I’ve named newuser.php. I am using a WordPress plugin that allows in post/page php to include the file inside a WordPress page (I’m using the Suffusion theme). I am also trying to develop my own plugin (first time) and I am using that to enqueue all the necessary script and css files. I am loading my javascript files in the footer and jquery itself is being loaded in the header.As near as I can tell I have instantiated jquery.validationEngine correctly

Web site is in building