problem about dust.js-Collection of common programming errors
html web jade dust.js
I’ve been looking all over for something that will let me precompile static websites using Grunt. It needs to have partials, so I can include things like a common header/footer across the pages.So far, I’ve only really found Jade, which has a grunt plugin, and this plugin for Grunt that compiles Dust.js templates to static HTML. I don’t really like Jade’s syntax, and the Dust plugin for Grunt is less than ideal. Any suggestions for a good static HTML templating language with Grunt support?
javascript node.js mongodb mongoose dust.js
I have a dust.js template that should render a JSON object coming from a mongodb collection.{“author”: “Leslie Horn”,”title”: “An Awesome 132-Cube Ice Tray Exists Because People Are Assholes”,”published”: “2013-06-13T21:00:00.000Z”,”link”: “″,”feed”: {“link”: {“xml”: “feed/”,”html”: “”},”title”: “Gizmodo”},”summary”: “<p><img alt=\”An Awesome 1
node.js express dust.js
In expressjs, Dustjs Multiple templates not working getting 500 Error: Template Not Found: templatemy base dust template as below (template.dust)<div class=”page”>{+pageHeader}Hello World!{/pageHeader}<div class=”bodyContent”>{+bodyContent/}</div><div class=”footer”>{+pageFooter}<hr><a href=”/contactUs”>Contact Us</a>{/pageFooter}</div> </div>And I am trying to call this base template inside my home.dust I am getting error as belowExpress 500
php jquery dust.js
Current I did the dustjs in client javascript as below<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><script src=”lib/dust-full-0.3.0.min.js” type=”text/javascript”></script><script src=”vendor/jquery-1.7.1.min.js” type=”text/javascript”></script><script type=”text/javascript”>$(document).ready(function(){// JSON response from server var json_object = { “profile_skill”: “Profile Skill”,”skills”: [{ “name”: “JavaScript” },{ “name”: “Ruby” },{ “name”: “Java” }]}// re
html dust.js
The partials were used in the this way but I was getting output as undefined. Created two template files parent and child that inherits from<div><span><label>{+title}New{/title}</label></div>{>”parent”/}{<title}{#t}<p>NEW {title1} For the Child</p>{/t} {/title}I compiled those templates using dustr and included as .js in my HTML.<script src=””&g
I’ve just started using dust.js. And I’ve come across a problem. I need to specify a condition (json parameters existence) in template. Depending on it some inner html should be rendered or not. So according to the description I should use smth like this:{?param_name} … {:else} {/param_name}But I need to check a complex condition, so I go for logic helper – {@if..}. And it turns out that I’d like to use path in condition. So.. The result looks:{@if cond=”{myObject.property1} || {myObject.prope
Kevin Leary Boston WordPress
javascript jquery json dust.js
I’m working with jQuery 1.8.2 & Dust.js v1.1.1 for MVC-style templating within a JavaScript app. When I use the {@gt} logic helper I receive the following console error:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘gt’ of undefinedI believe the proper syntax is used in my template:<ul class=”listview”> {#seasons}<li><h3>{name}</h3><p class=”desc”>{id}</p>{@gt key=”months” value=”0″}<span class=”count”>{months}</span>{/gt}</li> {/seasons} <
javascript dust.js
I’m using the full, Linked In version 1.2.0 of dust.js and am trying to define a filter for use when rendering a JSON view with a dust template. When I include this line in the page script:_.extend(dust.filters, {foo: function(value){ return ‘foo’; }});it results in this error in Chrome’s debugger:Uncaught ReferenceError: _ is not defined If I add the filter definition to where the other filters are in the dust .js file, it works. What am I doing wrong?
javascript dust.js
I’m trying to render HTML using compiled templates with dust.js in a browser (not server-side with node.js). If I compile the template in the client-side javascript, it works fine. If I pre-compile the template and include it as a script tag as recommended, the dust.loadSource statement results in the Chrome debugger saying: “Uncaught ReferenceError: nowork is not defined”, where “nowork” is the template name. So…This HTML and script works:<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head&
Web site is in building