java,java-ee,base64Related issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • oers
    java junit

  • maenu
    java validation constraints playframework
    I’m using the Play! framework and discovered while writing tests that I can save an invalid model instance, e.g. with invalid values for some instance variables. I guess that’s expected behaviour to keep validation and persistence separated. But is there any way to reuse the validation annotations as database constraints?

  • DT7
    java hl7 hapi
    I am trying to get the value in ORC-21://————– ORC orcObj = messageObj.getCOMMON_ORDER().getORC();String result = orcObj.getOrc21_OrderingFacilityName(0).getOrganizationName().getValue();//————– But it turns out that I have to put the ORC field between PID and FT1, as a “global ORC”. Otherwise, the return is null.Does anyone know how to fix this? I use PipeParser()

  • clav
    java arrays
    I have the code below:int lines = 0; while(lines < 2) {int[] oldarr = parr;for(int i = 0; i < arrsize; i++)System.out.print(” ” + oldarr[i]);System.out.println();for(int i = 0; i < arrsize; i++){if(i == 0)parr[i] = 0;elseparr[i] = Math.abs(oldarr[i] – oldarr[i-1]);}lines++; }parr is an array of integers of size [arrsize]. Each time through this loop I want to print the value of each index in parr, then set each index to the difference between the index before it and itself. Currently it

  • danny.lesnik
    java json thrift thrift-protocol
    I created the following Thrift Object:struct Student{1: string id;2: string firstName;3: string lastName }Now I would like to read this object from JSON. According to this post this is possibleSo I wrote the following code:String json = “{\”id\”:\”aaa\”,\”firstName\”:\”Danny\”,\”lastName\”:\”Lesnik\”}”;StudentThriftObject s = new StudentThriftObject();byte[] jsonAsByte = json.getBytes(“UTF-8”);TMemoryBuffer memBuffer = new TMemoryBuffer(jsonAsByte.length);memBuffer.write(jsonAsByte);TProtocol pr

  • ernies
    java arraylist
    I am working on a complicated computer science lab. I need to create a method called countItem which returns the quantity of a specified item. If the item is not in the list, it should return 0. Cart is an arraylist of Items. Getquantity returns the quantity which is a instance field of the item file.After building I get two unexpected type errors. Can anyone help me fix this problem? I can post more code if needed. ThanksEDIt: THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED THANKS SO MUCH!public int countItem(Item purc

  • Jim
    i want to know what’s the difference between public or private class and try, and when do i have to use one of them and not the other? try { date1 = sdf.parse(duration);date2 = sdf.parse(Time2);long diff = date1.getTime() – date2.getTime();if(diff > 0){long jour = diff/(60*24*60*1000);int jor = (int)jour;String jr = Integer.toString(jor);long heur = (diff%(60*24*60*1000))/(60*60*1000);int her = (int)heur;String hr = Integer.toString(her);long minu = ((diff%(60*24*60*1000))%(60*60*1000))/(60*1

  • Behe
    java playframework playframework-1.x mongolab
    I’m using playframework -v 1.2.4, and using the morphia plugin. When I run play test, and connect with mongolab db, an exception is thrown with the following error:Oops: RuntimeException An unexpected error occured caused by exception RuntimeException: MongoDB authentication failed: mydbMy application.conf as follows..,application.mode=dev %prod.application.mode=prod morphia.db.port=33187 morphia.db.username=demo morphia.db.password=demo

  • user1888440
    java spring hibernate jpa
    I’m having a difficult time understanding Spring Transactions. First off, I am trying to use as little of Spring as possible. Basically, I want to use @Transactional and some of its injection capabilities with JPA/Hibernate. My transactional usage is in my service layer. I try to keep them out of test cases. I use CTW and am spring-configured. I have component scan on the root of my packages right now. I also am using Java configuration for my datasource, JpaTransactionManager, and EntityManager

  • David W.
    java bash shell compilation
    I need to write a bash script to compile my java program. I know it’s a bit artificial but it is homework. (although I’m not sure the bash script is even marked, just used for the automated marking system)I only have one java file and the script is to only search its own directory: I tried:#!/bin/bash javac test.javaand saved as, i tried to run this from the terminal as both sh and bash both gave me errors. Can anyone offer any help?included errors:

  • Jeremy Banks
    java java-ee
    I have been using Java SE for 2 yrs now and I am pretty ok with the fundamentals of Java. I would like to move to the Java EE API and develop something based on this. I have 2 questions:Does the EE API contain all the classes of the SE? i.e. can anything developed in the SE also be developed using the EE API? Can anybody point me in the direction or offer a suggestion for the development of a sample Java EE application such as a web service or something. Ideally, this sample app would be testabl

  • Smith
    java java-ee glassfish persistence jersey
    A simplethrow new WebApplicationException(400);or any other throw new …Gets thrown by javax.ejb.EJBException with the Caused by: being the exception you just threw. When monitoring the log, this is a pain because not every exception prints a stack trace. But EJBException does that. >:(Please understand – EJBException does not affect the application at all, only that it prints an unwanted stack trace with every thrown exception. The EJBException javadoc says:The EJBException is thrown to report

  • user1335578
    java java-ee
    I am new to java programming,I have one class,for this class i created two object(obj1,obj2).i don’t want to create other than these object,if any body wants to create one more object for this class that should refer to first,or second objects only(instead of creating one more object).how to do this?please refer below codeclass B { void mymethod(){ System.out.println(“B class method”);} } class Myclass extends B { public static void main(String s[]){ B obj1=new B();//this is obj1B obj2=n

  • Sadegh Ramezanpour
    java-ee jpa persistence metamodel
    I have a persistent object (Action) and auto generated data model (Action_). By having an object of Action class and an instance of SingularAttribute, is it possible to get the field corresponding to the given SingularAttribute?I need a function like this:public S getValue(T object,SingularAttribute<T,S> attribute);My entity class ( @Table(name=”ACTION”) public class Action implements Serializable {private long id;private String name;public Action() {}@Id@Column(unique=

  • Cheok Yan Cheng
    java java-ee
    I had seen the following code in a J2EE project.public class RequestContext {private final static ThreadLocal<RequestContext> contexts = new ThreadLocal<RequestContext>();/* Initialization */public static RequestContext begin(ServletContext ctx, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {RequestContext rc = new RequestContext();..contexts.set(rc);return rc;}public static RequestContext get(){return contexts.get();} }It seems that by having ThreadLocal and a static get, we will

  • Nick Bastin
    java java-ee servlets thread-local
    Once I have came across a pattern, where ServletRequest and response objects are put to servlet’s local ThreadLocal variables. The servlet class has also methods to get current request and response objects. So in order to get these objects you still need to operate with servlet object. What is the point of having these ThrealLocal local variables?

  • alepuzio
    java-ee properties io struts websphere
    I am deploying an EAR file to the IBM WebSpehre server 6.1 and the properties file are in a shared library.When I start the server, in the System.err I received this error[29/02/12 10.13.10:487 CET] 00002e0f ActionServlet E org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet init Unable to initialize Struts ActionServlet due to an unexpected exception or error thrown, so marking the servlet as unavailable. Most likely, this is due to an incorrect or missing library dependency. javax.servlet.ServletExceptio

  • Karna
    java spring java-ee jms spring-integration
    I would like to know if anyone has any experiences with Spring Integration framework as it’s messaging provider?I couldn’t find any benchmarks or details.Would like to know details concerned to latency,throughput,performance.Anyone has any experience?Thanks.

  • danizmax
    jpa java-ee
    I created the entity bean with netbeans wizard and am trying to get data from database. No matter what SQL query do I use,it doesn’t work. I tried using named query that was created by wizard:@NamedQuery(name = “Usr.findAll”, query = “SELECT u FROM Usr u”)It returns:Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-8025] (Eclipse Persistence Services – 2.0.1.v20100213-r6600): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JPQLException Exception Description: Syntax error parsing the query [Usr.findAll], line 1, column 0: u

  • Amlan Karmakar
    java jsf java-ee jsf-2
    When I am loading the page for the first time everything is working fine, I am having no exception.Status updates are shown with their corresponding comments but whenever I try to comment on status by clicking views(p:commandLink button) I am getting the following exception1)Home.xhtml<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”><html xmlns=””xmlns:ui=”

  • Johnny Monsarrat
    sql ajax image json base64
    We are writing a Web-based events calendar with thousands of theatre shows, festivals, and concerts in a SQL database.The user goes to the Website, performs a search, the SQL server returns JSON, and jQuery code on the client side displays the 200+ events.Our problem is that each event has an image. If I return URLs, the browser has to make 200+ HTTP GET requests for these tiny (2-4Kb) images.It is tempting to pack all the images into one CSS sprite, but since the user searches can return any co

  • eumiro
    python base64
    I have read the file stream of a zip file by the following code: file = open(source_url, “rb”) data = file.close() byte_arr = base64.b64encode(data)Now I am trying to call a webservice which accepts base64Binary format of data (byte array written in java). If I send byte_arr to the web-service I get client error: Fault env:Client: Caught exception while handling request: unexpected element type: expected={}base64Binary, actual={

  • Loadeed
    android streaming base64
    I have to get zip file from server to Android phone, encoded to Base64. Because the file is large (~20MB) I am using below code for getting the String by bufferSize=1024*1024, encoding it and writing it to file. I get bad-base64 error by the method android.util.Base64.encode(). Why?The code:int bufferSize = 1024 * 1024; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null; InputStream inputStream = null; try {fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(this.path + “/” + thi

  • blunderboy
    java base64 sha1
    I have written a util class in Java for webservice call. My util class creates the password digest required for a web service call. This digest password is made up of: A digest password generated with the following algorithm: base64Encode(sha1Hash(<Nonce><TimeStamp><Secret>))My generated password does not equal to the generated password from the vendor’s tool which uses the same algorithm (I don’t have access to their code so I am not sure how that is implemented). I am not

  • Jed I
    json image-processing base64 blob jax-rs
    Retrieving blob field saved image as byte[] getting malformed base64.My post method takes a json string parses it and inserts it into database(oracle 11g). The json string contains an image in base64, I decode this and insert into to database. I have sent back the decode data and it is in format [10,-64,72].. so on. So how can my get method give me malformed base64here is set and get for imagepublic byte[] getImage() {return image; }public void setImage(byte[] image) {this.image = image; }}here

  • VukBG
    php html facebook base64
    I have image that is being generated in runtime on my website and I display it in html using <img src=”data:image/jpeg;base64,<!– base64 data –>” />Now, I want for Facebook to fetch this image, but if I do the same for og:image meta tag, facebook debugger gives me an error. Any solution?<meta property=’og:image’ content=’data:image/jpeg;base64,<!– base64 data –>’/>Of course, I would like to avoid permanent saving of files since they are always different and it would g

  • Asryael
    javascript php mysql image base64
    I am trying to display an image that I fetch from a MySQL database (Image file read as Base64 and stored directly as a blob – I know there is debate as to how to store images on servers, however, this is how I am doing it). The JSFiddle is: src is set dynamically at runtime, and the data retrieved via the web request is the whole text inside the quotation marks (Including the data: part).Does anyone know why the image is failing to display?

  • BalusC
    java base64 apache-commons codec
    How can I install the commons codec? I’ve downloaded but I’ve searched online and couldn’t find an answer to this. I want to use the Base64 encoder and decoder. Also 1 more question, if my code uses this codec, will other users that try to use my program require it too? or is it just compiling?Thanks

  • Lawrence Wagerfield
    java scala base64 apache-commons
    I’m using the Base64 encoder from the Apache Commons library. Now either something funny is going on with my runtime/IDE, or their implementation of Base64 encoding (or Base64 as a specification) is non-deterministic:val test = Base64.encodeBase64(“hello”.getBytes).toString val test2 = Base64.encodeBase64(“hello”.getBytes).toString val test3 = Base64.encodeBase64(“hello”.getBytes).toStringEach of the above produce different results. Is this expected? I’m writing this in Scala…

  • zarthross
    android eclipse base64 apache-commons-codec
    I added the commons codec from (commons-codec-1.4.jar) in eclipse for my Android application following the instruction here. There is no error in the code. But when I run the application and call the function that use the codec the application stop and need a fore close. In the logCat says:Android Runtime: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64Stringthe codeline is: String tmpStr = Base64.encodeBase64String(msg); //msg is a byte[]The applicat

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