Google Maps API V3: limit map bounds-Collection of common programming errors
You might also need to consider wrapping coordinates, curve distortion, and centerizing to the bound dimensions if the map resizes or zooms in/out. This is especially required if yr bounds takes up a large percentage of the entire map (eg. like a continent).
One of the problems with checkBounds() though, is that it doesn’t take into account that latitude values close to the north/south poles, which have non-linear distortion which make limiting the bounds in-accruate ( i use approximate magic number multipliers that won’t work in all situations). By right, you should first convert the bounds to linear 2d world coordinates to see how far off the bounds it is in terms of world coordinates, than map the actual target center point in world coordinate to the target actual latitude position. For longitude values, this doesn’t seem like much of issue and the linear clipping approach seems accruate enough, the main issue is with the wrapping of longitude coordinates which is accounted for (somewhat) in the below code.
// Persitant variables
var allowedBounds; // assign something here
var lastValidCenter; // initialize this using map.getCenter()
function checkBounds() { // when bounds changes due to resizing or zooming in/out
var currentBounds = map.getBounds();
if (currentBounds == null) return;
var allowed_ne_lng = allowedBounds.getNorthEast().lng();
var allowed_ne_lat = allowedBounds.getNorthEast().lat();
var allowed_sw_lng = allowedBounds.getSouthWest().lng();
var allowed_sw_lat = allowedBounds.getSouthWest().lat();
var wrap;
var cc = map.getCenter();
var centerH = false;
var centerV = false;
// Check horizontal wraps and offsets
if ( currentBounds.toSpan().lng() > allowedBounds.toSpan().lng() ) {
centerH = true;
else { // test positive and negative wrap respectively
wrap = currentBounds.getNorthEast().lng() < cc.lng();
var current_ne_lng = !wrap ? currentBounds.getNorthEast().lng() : allowed_ne_lng +(currentBounds.getNorthEast().lng() + 180 ) + (180 - allowed_ne_lng);
wrap = currentBounds.getSouthWest().lng() > cc.lng();
var current_sw_lng = !wrap ? currentBounds.getSouthWest().lng() : allowed_sw_lng - (180-currentBounds.getSouthWest().lng()) - (allowed_sw_lng+180);
// Check vertical wraps and offsets
if ( currentBounds.toSpan().lat() > allowedBounds.toSpan().lat() ) {
centerV = true;
else { // test positive and negative wrap respectively
wrap = currentBounds.getNorthEast().lat() <; if (wrap) { alert("WRAp detected top") } // else alert("no wrap:"+currentBounds); wrap = false;
var current_ne_lat = !wrap ? currentBounds.getNorthEast().lat() : allowed_ne_lat + (currentBounds.getNorthEast().lat() +90) + (90 - allowed_ne_lat);
wrap = currentBounds.getSouthWest().lat() >; if (wrap) { alert("WRAp detected btm") } //alert("no wrap:"+currentBounds);
var current_sw_lat = !wrap ? currentBounds.getSouthWest().lat() : allowed_sw_lat - (90-currentBounds.getSouthWest().lat()) - (allowed_sw_lat+90);
// Finalise positions
var centerX = cc.lng();
var centerY =;
if (!centerH) {
if (current_ne_lng > allowed_ne_lng) centerX -= current_ne_lng-allowed_ne_lng;
if (current_sw_lng < allowed_sw_lng) centerX += allowed_sw_lng-current_sw_lng;
else {
centerX = allowedBounds.getCenter().lng();
if (!centerV) {
if (current_ne_lat > allowed_ne_lat) {
centerY -= (current_ne_lat-allowed_ne_lat) * 3; // approximation magic numbeer. Adjust as u see fit, or use a more accruate pixel measurement.
if (current_sw_lat < allowed_sw_lat) {
centerY += (allowed_sw_lat-current_sw_lat)*2.8; // approximation magic number
else {
centerY = allowedBounds.getCenter().lat();
map.setCenter(lastValidCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(centerY,centerX));
function limitBound(bound) // Occurs during dragging, pass allowedBounds to this function in most cases. Requires persistant 'lastValidCenter=map.getCenter()' var reference.
var mapBounds = map.getBounds();
if ( mapBounds.getNorthEast().lng() >= mapBounds.getSouthWest().lng() && mapBounds.getNorthEast().lat() >= mapBounds.getSouthWest().lat() // ensure no left/right, top/bottom wrapping
&& bound.getNorthEast().lat() > mapBounds.getNorthEast().lat() // top
&& bound.getNorthEast().lng() > mapBounds.getNorthEast().lng() // right
&& bound.getSouthWest().lat() < mapBounds.getSouthWest().lat() // bottom
&& bound.getSouthWest().lng() < mapBounds.getSouthWest().lng()) // left
lastValidCenter=map.getCenter(); // valid case, set up new valid center location
// if (bound.contains(map.getCenter()))
// {
// }
// Google map listeners
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function() {
//var zoom = map.getZoom();
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "bounds_changed", function() {
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'center_changed', function() {
p.s For checkBounds(), to get proper 2d world coordinate from the map’s center, given 2 lat/lng values, use map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(). Compare the 2 points, find the linear difference between them, and map the difference in world coordinates back to lat/lng using map.getProjection().fromPointToLatLng(). This will give you accruate clip offsets in lat/lng units.