Unable to logon to the server using Secure Password Authentication. Account: 'pop.mail.yahoo.com (1)', Server:?-Collection of common programming errors

  • MsDestiny

    this is the error I keep getting when I try too send my scan mail through outlook – Unable to logon to the server using Secure Password Authentication. Account: ‘pop.mail.yahoo.com (1)’, Server: ‘pop.mail.yahoo.com’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR popgate unknown command’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

  • Secret SandBox Society I know you’re using pop 3 but try this… If you’re using the “New Improved” Y mail switch back to Classic for the time being until Yahoo can get this mess fixed with the “New” mail. The New “Improved” (sic) Mail is Unstable & There’s Several Solutions To go back to Y Classic Mail. There are literally 1000’s & 1000’s of users complaining that can’t use their mail properly. At Least One of These Solutions will work either Permanently or Temporally to get You in Your Mail so you can Manage it for now. I know it’s a lot of words but some folks are PC illiterate & I don’t Know What Group You’re in. Note: As of May 31st, you can no longer switch back. Yahoo’s removed the link to return to the Classic version. If your previous version was the “New Mail”, then you MAY be stuck with it & you can’t get it back Permanently. BUT, If you have stalled from “upgrading” (like me) then the trick below will work. Here are some of the Solutions for You: **PERMANENT SOLUTION**: IF you have NOT “upgraded” Yet To get back to the Classic version you’ll have to lower the resolution on your PC to the point where it won’t support the Beta version. To do this Right click on a blank space on your desktop & choose “Properties”. Select the “Settings” tab. Move the slider that says “Screen resolution” all the way to the left (or Below 1024 by 768 pixels) Click OK. You may have to restart your PC (depending on your settings) Note: I’m still running XP & am not sure if this works in Windows 7 – Some say it doesn’t After rebooting or logging into your Y mail account like normal while in this new low screen resolution you’ll be asked to switch to the new mail. Do so & click OK or upgrade (don’t worry). When you’re in the new mail you’ll brought to a page that tells you the resolution is to low. It’ll give you a few choices. Choose the “last one” which will say something like ‘go back to the previous version you were using’. Click that & you’ll be brought to your old classic mail. Log out of Y mail. Now you can change your screen resolution like it was before. This should be permanent – not just a one time fix (or until Y mail fixes/forces this too upon us & hopefully that’s many months away) **TEMP SOLUTIONS**: You can use these two links though it’s only a temp fix & you’ll have to use them every time to access the Classic version so put them in your bookmarks or favorites for easy access.




    If the links don’t work & open up Y Classic Mail then copy/paste the address in a new window or tab & press enter. **************************************.

    Hope this helps and be Sure to come back & give SOMEONE a best answer (if one of them works for you) because some of these answers take a lot of time & work & research on our part. You can choose a best answer after 1 hour