Masonry not working in IE 7. SCRIPT5009: 'Element' is undefined masonry.pkgd.min.js, line 9 character 6316-Record and share programming errors

I have a strange issue with the latest version of masonry. Got it to work before but for a new project I downloaded the latest versions of both jQuery and Masonry, and all works fine. Except IE7 won’t load the Masonry library due to an error in the plugin so it seems.

I got this error in the IE7 console:

This is the entire code of my test-file, so anybody can quickly reproduce it:



Am I missing something obvious or is Masonry no longer compatible with IE7? I didn’t find anything about this on the website.

As you can see I’m using jQuery 1.10.1 and Masonry 3.0.0

Edit: I tried with the non-minimized version, and I get

SCRIPT5009: 'Element' is undefined
masonry.pkgd.js, line 914 character 1

Strange, because there is nothing called Element on that line..

here’s a snippet of masonry.pkgd.js:

911    /*jshint browser: true, strict: true, undef: true, unused: true */
912    /*global define: false */
914    ( function( global, ElemProto ) {
916      'use strict';
918      var matchesMethod = ( function() {
919        // check un-prefixed
920        if ( ElemProto.matchesSelector ) {
921          return 'matchesSelector';
922        }

Originally posted 2013-10-18 07:44:03.