problem about apns-Record and share programming errors

  • phant0m
    php iphone sockets stream apns
    I am getting this error in my php script , while sending payload data.Warning: stream_socket_client() []: Unable to set private key file `/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/test/apn/apns-dev.pem’ in /Appl

  • kjeldGr
    iphone xcode notifications push apns
    A friend and I are working on an iPhone app with push notifications. We have a server wit APNS but when we follow the instructions to connect it, we get an error during the building process. We had to import a .a file (libappconnect.a) and a Class cal

  • jcolebrand
    php push apns
    Here’s the code I’m using

Originally posted 2013-10-16 10:55:31.