openshift,htdocsRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • special0ne
    git ssh jenkins openshift
    While pushing my changes to the gear on OpenShift I got the error below. I have tried to delete my .ssh folders and do the rhc install but it didnt help. Warning: Permanently added ‘,’ (RSA)to the list of known hosts. Counting objects: 17, done. Deltacompression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (8/8),done. Writing objects: 100% (9/9), 756 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done. Total9 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Executing Jenkins build.remote: remote: You can track your bu

  • Pavel K.
    git github ssh openshift
    is it possible to install gems from github on openshift? my Gemfile contains the following:gem ‘rails3-jquery-autocomplete’, git: ‘[email protected]:/francisd/rails3-jquery-autocomplete.git’after pushing it to openshift, i received following errors:remote: Bundling RubyGems based on Gemfile/Gemfile.lock to repo/vendor/bundle with ‘bundle install –deployment’ remote: Fetching gem metadata from……… remote: Fetching gem metadata from remote: Fetching

  • Alvaro
    python python-imaging-library openshift reportlab platypus
    I have successfully installed both PIL and reportlab in my cartridge (Python 2.7) and tested both of them via ssh in the console.Somehow, reportlab can’t use PIL.I have also tried downloading PIL and fixing the 64bit issue, but I continue to get the error.This the message I get:unpack requires a string argument of length 1 Imaging Library not available, unable to import bitmaps only jpegs fileName=’/var/lib/openshift/52c1ab8de0b8cdb8a1000177/app-root/runtime/repo/wsgi/static/images/logo_colegio.

  • user5467
    php mysql hosting openshift osclass
    i try to install osclass 3.3.x on openshift. i put osclass files at directory” /var/lib/openshift/52cbd62e5973ca1b880000df/app-root/runtime/repo/php” But after filling database name and password it show there is no osclass database.i triple cross check data name, username,password but it is always show this dialog.anyone who already install osclass on openshift please tell what is missing.

  • Maxcot
    openshift htdocs
    I’ve setup an OpenShift account, and used a CodeIgniter quickstart. From the OpenShift Management console, I click through to my URL, and the default welcome_message of CodeIgniter shows up, as expected. Now I use WinSCP to connect up to my remote site, and find a folder structure that is nothing I recognise. I’ve tried searching for htdocs, and also “welcome_message.php” but am not having any luck. Can anyone point me to where I might find the htdocs folder etc on OpenShift? Thanks in advance.

  • Thang Nguyen
    openshift fuelphp
    I have an application written in PHP using Fuelphp 1.6.3 and want to deploy it on OpenshiftAs the framework required composer, when I access my app at, it showed the error Composer is not installed. Please run “php composer.phar update” inthe root to install ComposerI have Google it and found an article here: I’ve tried to follow the instruction, create th

  • Sanks
    php git openshift
    I am using openshift server to host my php application. I have added files to my server using sftp to ~/app-root/runtime/repo directory. The same files are accesible over the web. But when I git clone my repository to my local machine I don’t see my uploaded files in it. Neither when I add and push files using git are seen in my app-root folder. Any help is kindly appreciated

  • limist
    paas openshift
    Can we use OpenShift Express, which is free right now, for commercial web applications?And if not, then which PAAS services are there which are free, and have no vendor lock-in.

  • alex
    maven openshift lombok
    I started using Lombok in my project and all is working well in my local environment (maven compile is working). When I try to pusth to openshift (Jboss installation) maven compile in openshift fails with errors:[INFO] — maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ german-school — [INFO] Compiling 13 source files to /var/lib/openshift/5290ebf4500446c6e20000b8/app-root/runtime/repo/target/classes [INFO] ————————————————————- [ERROR] COMPILATI

  • swdev
    python flask openshift
    I have a flask application hosted in Opeshift here : But as you can clearly see, it didn’t have all of its required files coming from wsgi/static folder. Checking out the log using tail, I have this log :[Mon Oct 28 05:12:48 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: / var/lib/openshift/52652a99e0b8cda45f000027/app-root/runtime/repo/wsgi/static/dis t, referer:[Mon Oct 28 05:12:48 2013] [error] [client

  • Maxcot
    openshift htdocs
    I’ve setup an OpenShift account, and used a CodeIgniter quickstart. From the OpenShift Management console, I click through to my URL, and the default welcome_message of CodeIgniter shows up, as expected. Now I use WinSCP to connect up to my remote site, and find a folder structure that is nothing I recognise. I’ve tried searching for htdocs, and also “welcome_message.php” but am not having any luck. Can anyone point me to where I might find the htdocs folder etc on OpenShift? Thanks in advance.

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